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Suing Arizona Won't Fix Immigration

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:01 AM
An unsecure border and a broken immigration system will still remain.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Proposed New Arizona State Flag


[edit on 6-7-2010 by burntheships]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 05:57 PM
What Arizona is doing is Unconstitutional , end of story

They HAVE to be stopped!!

[edit on 6-7-2010 by WXBackdoor]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:09 PM
with the Feds not backing Arizona. The message is loud and clear, and Arizona has every constitutional right to uphold the laws on immigration. Below is what happens when the Fed bows to the Cartels. Makes one wonder what is the goal, to break the border states?

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, a strong supporter of Arizona’s new immigration law, is receiving threats against his life.

He’s been very outspoken about the need to secure the borders, and the topic is a controversial one.

He's been very outspoken about the need to secure the borders, and the topic is a controversial one.

Outside law enforcements have been brought in to investigate the threats and have found them credible.

Chief Deputy Steve Henry said some of the threats come from the Mexican mafia and drug cartel members.

Sheriff Babeu declined personal security detail. He decided not to request funding for security detail at this time, because the county resources are already stretched.

"I understand this threat, yet I will not run in fear or change my support for SB1070 and my demands for President Obama to secure our border with 3,000 armed soldiers in Arizona and start building the fence again. I'm always armed and as every law enforcement member knows, we always have to be aware of our surroundings and possible threats," he said.

Pinal County is nearly 5,400 square miles and much of the desert is known as a drug and human trafficking corridor.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:30 PM
With 5 other court cases already filed, the Government's case is just another fight. It's actually a waste of tax dollars but that is for a different thread.

This may actually be fast tracked to the Supreme Court when AZ wins the first decisions. Then it becomes interesting as this is a State's right issue even though many have differing opinions.

AZ has really done something not too many people have considered. Even if AZ loses, they still win. The courts will order the Federal Government to do it's lawful job of protecting it's borders IF IT IS FOUND not to be a State's right.

It's a win/win for AZ regardless of outcome. The Justice Department didn't think this one out...

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by WXBackdoor

Please show me one place in the US Constitution that uses the word immigration.
US Constitution

It has been through SCOTUS rulings that the Legislative Branch was implied to have this power. (Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 [1976]) is an example FindLaw. Incidentally, the Executive branch was NOT included in this. So I'm curious why someone has not challenged Reagan's amnesty order. If you can legally challenge an executive order. I'm not sure.

I don't have time at the moment to dig up why AZ has a strong case. But it shouldn't be hard to find if you want to look for it. I can give you a hint that it ties into an invasion. Read Article IV Section 4 sometime. Congress has an obligation stated in the US Constitution to protect the States from invasion. Watch this Administration attempt to redefine invasion to suit their purpose.

And by the way, the US Constitution does not give us the right to privacy as so many would contend either. That's another SCOTUS ruling. There are many misconceptions. This makes for some good reading.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:37 PM
isn't the Arizona law following the framework of federal immigration law that is already on the books? So in other words the federal government is suing itself.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Suing AZ will only set precedence. From here on out, if AZ doesn't win this lawsuit, you can kiss state sovereignty goodbye!

Donate to the AZ SB1070 Defense Fund at

This is the official site setup by Gov. Jan Brewer. Go Jan!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
isn't the Arizona law following the framework of federal immigration law that is already on the books? So in other words the federal government is suing itself.

Yes, that is what most people don't get.

This isn't an immigration law, it's an enforcement law! It simply requires law enforcement to check immigration status as a secondary offense if there is reason the believe the subject is in the country illegally.

In the same way many state will only enforce a seatbelt law as a secondary offense, AZ will only check immigration status as a secondary offense! The Washington regime is trying to frame this as an AZ law. The law is already written, but the feds are told to NOT enforce it!

Donate to the AZ SB1070 Defense Fund at

This is the official site setup by Gov. Jan Brewer. Go Jan!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Neither will 'papers please' laws. Requiring certain looking americans to carry birth certificates or passports just to walk down to the grocery store will not solve the issue, all this does is to satisfy the bigots who assume all illegal immigrants look and act the same, and in turn you lump in americans and legal immigrants. Not at the expense of one group.

Do you know what will fix this issue? To allow greater Federal and state oversight over who businesses hire. The only reason why illegal immigrants come over the border is based on the many companies willing to take them in, its for jobs. The 'papers please' law will not stop somebody from illegally crossing the border from Mexico because as far as they can see it, they need the money and they will make every effort to get through. While putting troops on the border will strengthen presence, it will not fix the problem.

But then again with rightwingers insisting businesses be allowed free movement without oversight, such oversight has never been allowed to go through. Sure you will have that small law in the AZ law stating it is illegal to hire illegal immigrants, but it does nothing more than talk. The politicians would just love to distract you and the rest here towards the borders or what illegals stereotypically look like, but they will not put pressure on their corporate counterparts. Heck I would not be surprised if many of these same politicians backing the AZ law are well aware of the companies hiring these illegals.

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