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The mark of Lucifer (Venus)

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:29 PM
I have a 5 pointed star (pentacle/pentagram) in the palm of my right hand, it is a natural formation of the palm lines and as far back as I can remember it has been there so I'm now looking for others that also have this symbol. Now there is a difference according to palmistry as to what a star means according to what lines it is connected to which determines wether it is a star or pentagram.

"Stars - The presence of a star indicates good luck and success in the area it appears in (for example, appearing on the Heart Line it indicates success in love). This is true everywhere except the Life Line, where it indicates a crisis at the point in life indicated by the stars position on the line."

"Pentagram - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. This is a sign of great spiritual power and advancement, and indicates one who is highly adept. The Pythagoreans used to mark the Pentagram on their palm, as a sign to recognize one another by; thus the presence of the Pentagram marking may indicate a soul who was one of this ancient and highly advanced mystical school in lives gone by, and still bears the mark to this day"

The star that I have is connected to all the lines mentioned for a pentagram.

Venus and Earth as they evolve around the sun with their superior and inferior conjunctions make a pattern of a Pentagram.

Now just because I have a pentagram in my hand and the fact that Venus makes a pentagram does not mean much, however I found it interesting when I looked into the Zodiac. My birth date this time was in May of 1976 which makes me a Taurus born in the year of the Dragon, the governing planet for Taurus is Venus and the next year of the Dragon is 2012 which will make me 36 (666) years old.

I have reveald this information on many sites ranging from Occult, Christian, Catholic to Conspiracy though the best reaction I ever recieved was from a Jewish Lawyer in which he said " Do you know what that is?" and I replied "Of course I do, it means your kind are in trouble" the look of his face was hillarious, you know the old jaw dropping and hitting the floor look, unfortunatly he decided to stop being my laywer though he did not say why and I had to defend myself in court, I guess he didn't want to be around me for some reason. (muahahaha)

It really is sad that religion has purposly made us forget the truth.

If any of you have any questions feel free to ask as I'm more than willing to share, I just work better when asked something specific to answer (as long as it's something reasonable and not stupid).

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:40 PM
That's a really weak pentagram man.
Satan must have really sloppy handwriting..

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by jobujack

I always thought the hand markings where genetic mutations of a hand that has been used for say some type of longterm MANUAL LABOR, intentional or nonintentional manual labor. Due to the long term labor over massive amounts of time these markings become part of the evolved genetic code makeup. When we are babies we are born with these markings that may be traced to certain deeds ancestors were participating in causing various hand markings genetically within all. So friend I wouldnt worry about Lucifer incarnating himself within you it may be just hand markings...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:04 PM
The pentagram has nothing to do with Satan and the word Lucifer does not mean the Devil (Satan) it means "morning star" or "light bringer (or bearer)".

The palm lines are your souls identity and they are not caused by manual labour. Here is some info on palmistry (chiromancy).

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo
That's a really weak pentagram man.
Satan must have really sloppy handwriting..

SIGH, another fairy tale believer, poking ignorance into topics you know nothing of. Stick with the Baloney that your pastors feeds you, and leave alone what you know nothing about.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:42 PM
It really is pathetic that people will believe in what they can't see as compared to what they can see and proove. Get it through your human pea brain that all religous books were written by MAN not GOD so they could control the masses through fear of an all knowing and seeing supernatural being. Seriously if your gonna worship anything to be your God it should be Earth the Sun the Moon or all 3 (the Trinity) fore without any 1 of those we would not be here.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by jobujack

just realized i have one in the center of my left hand.....don't recall ever noticing it before reading this thread. my right hand does not have one.

What would be the signiicance? I don't know hand lines at all .

It's like 1 degree southeast of being dead center....

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Baloney

***PLEASE DISREGARD MY REPLY above. I meant to reply to a totally different thread, and to a totally different member!

The edit button isnt available for some reason so I cant edit the post or delete it.

Mods feel free to just delete it, thanks.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Is the pentagram, not actualy used to protect against evil.
Eather way, if you realy so intrested, id try one of those palm-people, that appearntly believe our whole future is written in our palms.
Personaly, call me skeptic, but dont think you should pay to much attention to it.
Perhaps im wrong, so let the community speak..

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Impro]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
reply to post by jobujack

just realized i have one in the center of my left hand.....don't recall ever noticing it before reading this thread. my right hand does not have one.

What would be the signiicance? I don't know hand lines at all .

It's like 1 degree southeast of being dead center....

First of all LucidDreamer85 you need to know what you dominant hand is, your dominant hand is the hand you write with. Then you need to determine wether it is a star or a pentagram, to do this you need to know what lines are what. With this site you should be able to figure it out if not look back at previos posts for more info on palmistry.

"Stars - The presence of a star indicates good luck and success in the area it appears in (for example, appearing on the Heart Line it indicates success in love). This is true everywhere except the Life Line, where it indicates a crisis at the point in life indicated by the stars position on the line."

"Pentagram - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. This is a sign of great spiritual power and advancement, and indicates one who is highly adept. The Pythagoreans used to mark the Pentagram on their palm, as a sign to recognize one another by; thus the presence of the Pentagram marking may indicate a soul who was one of this ancient and highly advanced mystical school in lives gone by, and still bears the mark to this day"

If you get a chance LucidDreamer85 highlight the intersecting lines with a dot of blue ink and take a picture then upload it here.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I have spent much time looking both outside an in for an answer and I have found that the religions of the world are all variations of the same story, that were altered to suit the needs of those who seek to control the masses of people that don't know why we are here.

Christianity is most entertaining with its belief that in the begining after God created heaven and earth he then proceeded to create man then woman and named them Adam and Eve and from just those two people they managed to populate the entire world with all the different races (cacasian, negro, asian and so on).

I was raised in a Christian family but as I grew up I found too many loop holes in the Christian religion so I started to look into other religions however none of them could answer my questions as to why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand. So I then started looking into the Pagan faith then the zodiac and astrology, I then started to find some answers though I still could not find why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand so this led me to look into chiromancy and numerology.

After lots of compairing I was then able to find connections between religion, astrology and the zodiac and to my surprise I found that the most commen denominator was "the morning star" Venus or Lucifer (which means "light bearer") since Venus is the last star you can see with the naked eye before the sun rises. Also there is a celestial pattern that Venus makes with Earth with their superior and inferior conjunctions as they evolve around the Sun which happens to be a pentagram.

So this led me to the conclusion that the pentagram is the symbol which represents Venus though I still did not have the answer to why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand, perhaps it is to write that which I just have.

Don't misunderstand me though, I'm not saying that I'm special or some sort of messiah, I'm just someone who wanted an answer to a question that no one could answer for me.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 09:17 PM
I have one too was looking for more ppl with it doesn't seem to be many its in my right palm can u give me insight i read above me a bit mine is pretty vivid and large scale links to photos

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 11:15 AM
They tried a couple of times in my life to read my palm, they said I have no fate, I defy my own... My left hand lines edges unite and creating a star (4 corners). Not an asterisk lines cross each other and creating a kind of star... but the whole palm is a star with all the line edges.

I know that Daimona are equal to fate, the word was manipulated by judaism and presented it as a bad thing... but its a divine title.

Each time you name abominations as demons, you actually honoring them. It comes the word DA'IMONA ancient Hellenic word, its like the whole knowledge of the universe (star beings).

so if thats true, I am a demigod or something? lol

So I dont believe in these craps with palms, it is another manipulation abominations gave to humans after Atlantis, along with many others..
edit on 4-1-2016 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 07:32 PM
I like my nostradamus by the bedside over reading palms. No offense.
edit on 21-4-2016 by RbotMurgolas because: (no reason given)

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