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Could use some help...

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posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:54 AM
So I am bored at work, once again, and it occurs to me that I bet someone on ATS can help me out. First a quick backstory.

So I move into this old schoolhouse on the west side of town and its just amazing, beautiful view, great local, good deal in all. About a month or so into the new pad I'd come home and all the cabinets' doors would be open. First reaction was effin roomie how can yu possibly need something out of every cabinet. This would happen from time and time again. One night my ol lady was over and we were getting ready to go out and as i was getting out the shower i noticed written in the steamed mirror "he owes me" or " he owns me" couldnt tell. So I ask present company wtf is this and why is it there. Both my roommie and my girl didn't have an answer. So the next morning my girl takes a shower and its there again so she gets out the windex and goes to town. It lasted for about 3 months till one day it just wasn't there anymore. Everyday my girl would scrub that mirror. So we all also noticed in the corner area by the bedrooms shadows of various heights and sometimes you would have a feeling like there is a dog sitting next to you, thats the only way I can describe it. Ok so flashforward to this past christmas eve. I am home laid up from knee surgery, the ol lady is at her folks and the roommate does not live there anymore. I am watchin an all day marathon of Ghost Hunters on SyFy. Plain as day I see a shadow walk into the room against the wall. I, being more prepared then ever, being 4 episodes deep into Ghost Hunters bust out my trusty iPhone, it has a digital voice recorder. I flip to that app, i turn it on and i ask a question....I got an answer. I nearly shat myself when i saw the meter ping twice. Was wicked disappointed tho when I couldnt make out what was said.

Now here's my dilemma, when i listen to it on my iPhone and or putr as a file i can not make out what is being said. There is a surge to you can identify right before the whisper.

Help me out folks. I am sure one of you has the equipment that can lift this to see what was said. u2u me and i will be more then happy to send it to ya.

[edit on 2-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:23 AM
Wow, straight up haunted house!!! Great post BlastedCaddy.
Believe you me, you will get many U2U's about this one! I wish i could help with the audio, but would be as talented as yourself I am afraid.

You have had several amazing experiences in this place, wow. I would look into the property and it's history. Maybe set up a video camera. Do you have any pets? If so, how do they react?

This is a great post my friend, I will be sure to follow it and help you in any way I can. As I said, I am sure people will hit you up for that EVP. I would love to hear it, just post what you have on here for all to check out.

Thank you for sharing,


posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:42 AM
That sounds very interesting, I have started another thread here - in an effort to collate EVP's and offer assistance in interpreting what is said etc.

But if you are wanting to personally have a go at it, I suggest a free program Audacity, you can use a heap of filters to block out background noise and determine what is said. If you need any help, feel free to upload so we can all can assist you, as this sounds really interesting

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Thanks for the kind words. Yes we have a dog and a newborn and since the baby has arrived there has been more activty especialy with the shadows. The area in between the babies room and our room is the most active. We would sit on the couch and ask each other "did you just see that/something" now its one of us going yup anf the other replying yup. We used to sit in the living room and look at the dog and wonder what the hell she was lookin at, now we know. She has never growled at anything for its not in her nature a couple times tho she has come running into our bed or running from the kitchen panting heavily with her tail between her legs and one time she jumped up onto the bed and as quick as anything slinked under the covers and stayed there till we awoke.

Maythen I am far from skilled at using anything like that is it "user freindly"

[edit on 2-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

[edit on 2-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:49 AM
hmm the program is pretty user friendly and there is alot of user guides out there on the net, especially on ghost hunting sites.

Alternatively, if you can find a way to upload it, I (and many other people I'm sure) would love to help with it.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:52 AM
I am at work atm. So i can not upload anything onto our pcs here... I have it on my phone where if u want i can email it to you or whoever.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 03:48 AM
I'm happy to have a listen to it, and can post it on ATS aswell if you like. I will U2U my email..

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Awsome ill send it over.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:25 AM
I know dogs, you can believe me or not.
If your dog is not actively barking, growling or attempting to get your attention I would not worry.
All dogs get mischievous even mine. (Yeah, I know hard to believe)
May I suggest the dog started something mischievous and said ghost scalded them with a supernatural “Bad Doggie”?
It could be something as simple as chewing on a sock or getting into the trash.
But, if a ghost presented itself to you and said Rawwwrr, you may get spooked too.
Bottom line if my doggies don’t mind neither do I.
However, if that changed for any reason you better believe “Ima go all Venkman up in this joint”.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:33 AM
g14 its funny you say uless it goes rwwwr... So once we figured out that the joint mite be a bit spooked we started doing more research. So while im refreshing myself on years of inactivity in the ghost area (always beleived in them) so im at the foot of the bed lookin at random youtubes on hauntings and selfmade ghost hunter type vids over my left shoulder and as clear as day I hear a (dont laugh) Boo! I turn around and expected to see my girl but there was nobody there. I remember the amount of doubt I had and just sitting there looking out into the living room going wtf, someone (real person) is here. I looked everywhere no one was there not even the pooch.

[edit on 2-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:50 AM
Thanks BlastedCaddy, very interesting EVP, I have uploaded to ATS and posted in the Best Of EVP thread

Will give a listen and give my thoughts

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:50 AM
If you can afford it you may look into a medium,look hard as I think most would be frauds. but if it was a playful boo, put out milk and cookies for em. if not remember "DO NOT CROSS THE STREAMS".

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 07:58 PM
BlastedCaddy, very interesting post. Please keep us up to date on your situation.

Happy Fourth of July!!

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