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Is "LOVE" a mild form of insanity?

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:38 AM
love is merely a word to describe an addiction/dependence of/to a person/thing, think about it

[edit on 30-6-2010 by Freedom_is_Slavery]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Freedom_is_Slavery
love is merely a word to describe an addiction/dependence of/to a person/thing, think about it

[edit on 30-6-2010 by Freedom_is_Slavery]

Absolutely, and the emphasis is often on "loyalty" as well as on "property" - which is slave conditioning!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by gem_man
There are so many different kinds of love. Love of: inanimate objects like art, books, a certain tie , a spectacular piece of jewelry, etc. Love of: siblings, children, pets........ Then there is that blinding love one feels for what is percieved to be their soulmate. Thats the love that SEEMS to me to be a form of mild (or wild) insanity!

This is a problem with the English language, using one word for so many different meanings. Other languages don't necessarily lump as many meanings into the same word. Take ancient Greek for example:


Greek distinguishes several different senses in which the word "love" is used. For example, Ancient Greek has the words philia, eros, agape, storge, and xenia. However, with Greek (as with many other languages), it has been historically difficult to separate the meanings of these words totally. At the same time, the Ancient Greek text of the Bible has examples of the verb agapo having the same meaning as phileo.

Agape (ἀγάπη agápē) means love in modern-day Greek. The term s'agapo means I love you in Greek. The word agapo is the verb I love. It generally refers to a "pure," ideal type of love, rather than the physical attraction suggested by eros. However, there are some examples of agape used to mean the same as eros. It has also been translated as "love of the soul."

Eros (ἔρως érōs) (from the Greek deity Eros) is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. The Greek word erota means in love. Plato refined his own definition. Although eros is initially felt for a person, with contemplation it becomes an appreciation of the beauty within that person, or even becomes appreciation of beauty itself. Eros helps the soul recall knowledge of beauty and contributes to an understanding of spiritual truth. Lovers and philosophers are all inspired to seek truth by eros. Some translations list it as "love of the body."

Philia (φιλία philía), a dispassionate virtuous love, was a concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality, and familiarity. Philia is motivated by practical reasons; one or both of the parties benefit from the relationship. It can also mean "love of the mind."

Storge (στοργή storgē) is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring.

Xenia (ξενία xenía), hospitality, was an extremely important practice in Ancient Greece. It was an almost ritualized friendship formed between a host and his guest, who could previously have been strangers. The host fed and provided quarters for the guest, who was expected to repay only with gratitude. The importance of this can be seen throughout Greek mythology—in particular, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

Of those definitions, eros is the most likely form to involve what we might consider a little "craziness", which is activity driven more by hormones than by logic.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by gem_man
Stop and think how many you love and in entirely different ways. Seems love has many facets. What do you think?

Love, Tao, all those new age stuff, religion, ideology, fanboyism/fanaticism, they are all forms of synchronicity. And the term love itself is a very broad term, you could even say that love is synchronicity itself. Well sort of, at least for humans, I mean since you could also say that gravity is synchronicity.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:03 AM
I'm starting to suspect that all aspects of sentience are mild forms of insanity. They are all alterations in a basic-and-true perception of the world; what else is insanity but that?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:27 AM
Scientifically speaking, the feeling of "Love" is the result of the chemical OXYTOCIN, part of our biological reward system.

Spiritually speaking, the more things we "Love", the more clinging and attachment we are subject to, which is inevitably the root of human suffering. (Buddhism)

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Hello gem_man-

I think it has more to do with people being out of balance. Everything we do in our lives should be balanced. If not, it has some strange outcomes, like people killing their loved ones because they can't be without them. Also, everyone has a different idea of what "love" is in there mind. Some might think love is the warmth you feel from the touch of a "loved" one. Others might think love is when someone buys you stuff and gives you money to make you happy. Maybe others feel love is when someone fights for your love by attacking someone.

But its not just "love," its every emotion we have. We also need to consider that everyone thinks differently. If you look at "good" and "evil" what does that really mean? Some might consider people who smoke as "evil," or people who have a perfect body as being "good." For some its religion that tells them what is good, evil, and even love. Why? Anyhow, I think any emotion we have can have a mild form of insanity or major form, we just need to learn balance.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:57 AM
It isn't insanity, it's a product of the human condition, among the most beautiful and terrifying aspects of life.

What one needs to remember is that life, even to strong people, is overwhelming in scope. Our emotions help us control the influx in experience by interpreting the world around us. Love is no different.

Of course, if we start to treat emotions like some sort of insanity, there will come a time where feeling things will be illegal.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 10:33 AM
True deep and abiding love is not so much a feeling as it is a set of actions though. In a long term romantic relationship the feelings you feel for the other person can go through drastic changes, you go from the passion in the beginning to a much more settled deep friendship and partnership. Hopefully though the passion stays intact.

Love is not how you feel but you what you do for the people you love.

Edited to add, my current definition of parental love is being nice to your kids even when they drive you absolutely batty by just being kids.

Obession can look and feel a whole lot like love. But love focuses on making yourself a positive entity in the other persons life, whereas obsession seems more about the other person's effect on your own life.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by gluetrap]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 01:57 PM
Real love, and by that I don't mean some notion of the ONE, is not possible without respect and trust.
Obssesion is lacking both trust and respect and that is when so many people do things that seem crazy or out of balance.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Love....that is a loaded word to be sure.

I have a form of love for everyone, and everything. When i catch a spider in my house and release it outside, that is love. When i take a moment to hug someone who is in emotional pain, that is love. When my little dog Sasha jumps up in my lap and i kiss her soft furry neck, that is love, too.

Note, none of these things include my genitalia. There is no lust associated.

Then there is that "other" love, the one that ties into your sexuality. I have been married for 15+ years. When i first met my wife, i got butterflies in my stomach. To this day, when i see her after being apart for a day, i still get butterflies in my stomach. There is obviously the former kind of love there, as i will ignore my own needs and wants to tend to hers (and she does it for me). But there is also that other form of love. The one with lust attached. And no other woman has done that for me in 15 years.

100%, absolutely devoted to her. You would be too, if you knew her.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy

Scientifically speaking, the feeling of "Love" is the result of the chemical OXYTOCIN, part of our biological reward system.

Spiritually speaking, the more things we "Love", the more clinging and attachment we are subject to, which is inevitably the root of human suffering. (Buddhism)

Well you know a love potion is in the could be a spray or I just need to find megan foxx as a test subject

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