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Strange Anomaly?

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:26 PM
Okay, I decided to do a little meditation session today. After I finished, I went to go look at the sky as I sometimes randomly do. My left eye was still sensitive at receiving the bright blue sky, so i closed it for a little bit and noticed something weird. When looking with one eye at the sky, focusing at one part, in no more then 5 seconds, I start seeing what I can best describe as white dots. These "white dots" move around in a random fashion and very quickly. This happens anywhere I look at the sky, and it happens with either eye closed. But with both eyes open this does not occur. Try to see for yourself if this also happens to you. Is this just the mind playing games or something else?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:39 PM
Sounds like light-headedness, I would get that effect after coughing a lot or standing up too fast, sorry it's not an invasion force.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:52 PM
your not alone, i see them too, i have done research on this my self, still no hard evidence to prove what it is or what it could be. It just might be one of them "you will never know the answer to", it could be serial things all combined at once or you and i see things others can not. Have you tried to film them? have you had some others try the same thing? just a thought.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by bekod

Later on today, I will ask my friends to try and see if they see anything too. Another question though. When you close your eyes, do you see little dots or a pair a dots connected by a arcing line and you can control where they move, and if you just let your eyes stay still, they start dropping down.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by YouCanCallMeKM]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 01:33 PM
They are actually blood cells zipping around in the capillaries of your retinas. They zoom through and stimulate the nerve cells, which then send your brain a little signal of light. You can see them if you stare at something that doesn't have an overriding pattern, like the clear blue sky. If you concentrate, and keep your eyes still, you may see that the motions aren't random, and some of the little flashes follow the same course, which would be one of your capillaries.

Pretty cool, but nothing supernatural or anything.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by YouCanCallMeKM
Later on today, I will ask my friends to try and see if they see anything too. Another question though. When you close your eyes, do you see little dots or a pair a dots connected by a arcing line and you can control where they move, and if you just let your eyes stay still, they start dropping down.

Those are called "floaters," and are little chunks of cells that have sloughed off your retinas and are floating in the vitreous fluid in your eyeball. They've bugged me for pretty much my whole life. Most of the time, I can just ignore them, but sometimes they're really annoying.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Blue Shift]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I know what your talking about with the blood cells, I have noticed that too, but that might not necessarily be what the OP is seeing. From my own and others experiences, in highly meditative or drug induced states, you sometimes start seeing what appears to be thousands of points of light, in psychedelic states they sometimes expand and engulf your vision like fat pixels, I think that is a separate phenomenon and probably has to do with your optical nerves or something.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Interesting reads so far. Ill look a little more into the whole floaters and blood cells, they seem interesting.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:08 PM
well, i been debating talking about this here..

ive always done manual labor jobs, and physically abused my body,5 major car accidents and indoor goalkeeping, plus farm work and lumping furniture for a moving company

a few years ago i had an incident , i was letting my dog out and he saw something that peaked his interest and started to bolt, so i lunged forward trying to contain him.. while i was lurching forward trying to hold him back everything below my neck went numb and i crashed into the ground. arns bent under me at odd angles i could not move, and struggled to breathe..

i lay there for about 2 hours face down in the snow unable to move.
eventually my mother came down stairs for a cup of tea and found me outside, she brought me a blanket outside and covered me, she wasnt strong enough to drag me into the house and i was starting to get real cold.shock or hypothermia setting in, i dont really know.

after another hour or so i started to get feeling back. as excited i was to feel something, anything again, it also was the most excruciating sensation.. like being jabbed with a trillion hypodermic needles all over my body.

eventually i ended up at yale hospital.. and had surgery where they fused 3 discs in my neck with titanium screws..

they told me i had a lieson on my spinal cord right at the base of my neck..the surgeon told me i had the spinal column of a 70 year old man..i was 31

its been a few years and im still in pain but happy to be able to walk on my own and wipe my own behind...

recently i have been getting weird visual problems, iit starts out as a little dot like you would get if u glanced at an unshielded lightbulb..but slowly spreads itself into a jagged line, that i can see regardless if i have both eye open or closed or one closed and one open it spreads across my field of vision.. it sparkles like a prism and lasts for an hour or two as it moves off to the periphial of my vision and eventually disappears off the edge. NOTE* this happens randomly and even when im in a dark room at night.
this is not a floater as i have been unfortunate enough to be plagued by those as well and know the differance

atm i do not have health insurance or i would go for a checkup..

i have no idea what its from or even if it has anything to do with the liesion on my spinal cord..i have doubts because i would think my optic nerves would not be affected by a bruise that low in my cord.

i am not trying to derail this thread but reading this i figured wtf i might as well ask the ats community if they have any idea what is going on here..

thankfully i am able to get around on my own now and am rebuilding my strength, if you think gardening is therapuetic mentally, you would be shocked at the physical benifits.

thanks in advance for any insight that is offered,and thank you for the thread OP


posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:45 PM
I have had both the "floaters" and the "white dots" my whole life. The floaters are always present. The white dots seem to hit me at random times. Usually right after I stand up, but not always.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic

Go see an ophthalmologist. Insist on a field study and a MRI.

I suddenly developed a visual anomaly that involved me seeing things in a negative perspective. I would not see the actual object but the space around the object.

At first I thought I was losing my mind and after several visits to my MD I was finally sent for an extensive work-up by an ophthalmologist, he found a lesion on my right optic nerve.

I still have episodes of a weird visual nature but at least I know what causes it and with some concentration I can shift my visual perspective back to the positive.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:59 PM
Thank you for sharing your experiance, that sounds like it could fit for me, may i ask was it completely random there were no real triggers?

i would love to take you up on the dr advice, but alas my insurance has lapsed, it was a nightmare to get it temporarily to actually have my neck surgery done. and i honestly really have no desire to deal with the state again. or have any more MRI's for that matter, i have had ALOT of those, so many that i can put earplugs in get slid into the tube and sleep soundly through the noise..and i was starting to convince myself they were to blame for my vision

too be honest the more i think about your reply the more i am hoping you are right..that is alot easier to deal with the alternatives i was concocting...a lieson on the retina sure as heck beats one on my brain...

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:09 PM
I have seen these "floaters" for so long and no one has ever known what I was talking about. Reading this has put me at much ease in this respect. I'm not crazy! Yay! Yeah, when I look at they sky a lot of the times, I can see them swimming around, super weird. I don't think I noticed them until a couple of years ago. One thing I also see time to time and usually but not only when I look at the sky, I see what I can only describe as transparent black waves or cloud like masses moving into one point, in the focal area of what I'm looking at. It looks like I'm seeing some kind of energy or something being sucked into my focal point. Really weird, right? Has anyone ever seen some thing like that?? If so, I would feel a lot better about the whole thing. Great thread by the way. I was thinking I would never get an explanation about the "floaters".

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:13 PM

I think this may explain what you see.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

i read your link and these are not seperate dots moving in random directions, this is a crooked line that shines like a prizm and grows out of a small spot then slowly fades off deliberately to the peripherary, it takes about an hour to two hours to fully "wander off".

if you are not directing that towards me please disregard my response


posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic

Yes it was sudden and extremely puzzling.

The first time I noticed it I was at the kitchen sink drinking a glass of water. I looked out the window and I saw something that I could not identify. It seemed the longer I looked at it the more foreign it appeared. I gave up on trying to figure it out and went outside to see what it was. When I opened the door to the porch and approached the object I could see that is was nothing but a stump.

I thought to myself at the time that I was just tired and had trouble focusing. It would have been the last of it had it not occurred again. Every time it occurred it was sudden and unexpected. I did learn that if I was patient and shifted my perspective the way you do when looking at an optical illusion (like the pretty lady and the old hag), my vision would return to normal.

I have learned to live with it and actually find it humorous at times. It is funny what you can learn to live with.

The eye is a very complex organ. It not only processes light, images and detail, it also processes our mental perception. So what you see is not always what it is.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

ok this is not whats going on with me.

but i do relate to what yer saying, while i am waiting for it to fade it seems like my brain is already working on compensating for the broken image..hrmm thinking about it maybe the damage is always there and sometimes my brain has a hard time resorting the constant instream of the broken images fooling me into thinking it is randomly reoccuring..

or my brain is processing perfect data and corrupting it occasionaly in the process..

interesting indeed..

almost makes me wish i went to med school lol

thanks for letting me bounce ideas around



posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:36 PM
well that does explain it, were not nuts after all, nor see thing that are not there just a better view of it, would new class take care of it? or is it just life.

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