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If the U.S. goes to war with Iran, how long until the draft is reinstated?

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 04:49 PM
i dont think i would be able to go if i go drafted. i have one leg shorter then the other by 1-1/2 inches. broke my femer wakeboarding.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

I highly doubt the draft would be reinstated. It is political suicide for politicians to support it. Why? Americans, in general, do not care what happens in the world as long as they can remain soft and lazy. "What me go fight a war? Please. There are people for that."

I am in the military and can tell you we are already way past what we can handle. Not that the enemy is all that accomplished but we need a lot of contracted support.

That contracted support is OK short term but we have been at it almost a decade. Thus, we are long past any economic advantage to a smaller military. Congress should have increased the size of the military years ago. But again, it is political suicide and our leaders in Washington are only brave when it comes to possible harm to someone else's life or well being.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:55 AM
I honestly hope that they reinstate the draft.
Let see if then, people will wake up and demand the government to end wars.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

An invasion of Iran is very unlikely at present, as is a draft. That does not bar strikes on Iran however. If missile/aerial bombardment were to commence, I would expect a draft to be underway soon after, if in fact an invasion were planned.

Without an invasion there will be no draft. And without first securing Pakistan as a staging area there will be no invasion. We need naval/shipping support on that front to mount an invasion of that magnitude. Our landlocked troops in Afghanistan cannot be supported by air alone to maintain an eastern flank against Iran, much less drive an invasion force to Tehran.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by camaro68ss
i dont think i would be able to go if i go drafted. i have one leg shorter then the other by 1-1/2 inches. broke my femer wakeboarding.

When I first read your post, I thought you broke your femer "Waterboarding"!!

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:19 PM
Yeah! Draft! LOL. I'd shave my own teeth down with a belt sander before I'd ever go to war for the fascist scum bags in power in this country. I'd defend my home against an intruder trying to invade it physically. As for the world at war again, these bums are on their own this time as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:21 PM
If you go in on the ground to stay I reckon you'll get the draft, I'd love to see all those young right wing chicken hawks get pulled out of their armchairs and made to fight for the causes they espouse, see how shook up they are when the propellant from 5 150mm shells is detonated under their vehicle.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
If the U.S. goes to war with Iran, they will be fighting wars on three fronts. The questions for you guys are:

If there is war on three main fronts (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran) how long will it be before the draft is reinstated?

What would you do if you were drafted?

Do you think that reinstating the draft would be a wise choice by TPTB?

Here is a brief history of the "Selective Service"

Oh GOD!!! This ios my worst fear, it truly is as I have three sons and the oldest two (14 & 12) are very close to draft age. You know our scrupulous (sp) gubment will go as young as possible with the draft, which during the Civil War (which wasn't a draft, you simply went to fight for north or south) they had boys as young as 13 fighting!!

I know they wouldn't go that young now, but seriously, 16 maybe?! If you can drive a car, you can drive a tank. If you're shooting BB guns, you can learn how to fire a semi automatic!! I'm really not stupid and I am far from nieve`!! These fu$%#$s will take our young men away from us and force them to do unspeakable things to other human beings, then we've lost them forever! They will be so far down the rabbit hole we can never retrieve them!

I'm not sure about actual numbers, but I'm willing to bet at least 1/2 the U.S. homeless population is comprised of forgotten war vets who have no one to turn to! Besides, a full on (in other words media released admission of war with Iran) 3rd war, well.... wouldn't that just be World War III?!

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by robbinsj
first will be a massive resession and that will fill the army but if its WWIII the draft will start once the poor and jobless are dead.

Oh no, no, no sweetie-pie, that is EXACTLY who they want, who they have always gotten to volunteer to fight, the poor and jobless! They offer all kinds of "perks" like a $5,000 sign on bonus and 100% college tuition paid!! "Don't worry son, you're in the ARMY now and your Momma will be well taken care of" *wink-wink*!!!!!

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
Yeah! Draft! LOL. I'd shave my own teeth down with a belt sander before I'd ever go to war for the fascist scum bags in power in this country.

I'd love to see something like that.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Thepreye
.... I'd love to see all those young right wing chicken hawks get pulled out of their armchairs and made to fight for the causes they espouse....

And I'd love to see all the left wing hippie peaceniks get rolled up in a draft and actually have to do some fighting.

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