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Will a truly substainable society ever exist?

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
reply to post by Arcane Demesne

Why should a one bedroom apartment cost $600 per month.

Why shouldn't it? people have jobs to build them. People have jobs to make the materials to build them. People have jobs to create plans to build them. So on and so on.

Now if they all make your 'livable' wage, only work 30 hours a week....Then apartments would be much more scarce (as a normal construction crew can work anywhere from 40-80 hours a week), thus driving the cost even higher. And now that people make 'higher wages' more people can afford to buy the houses, making them even scarcer, diving the prices yet higher.

I think you lack the basic fundamentals o math, let alone economics.

When all I have is $800 -$1,000 per month. I don't think it is fair. I want to get a 2 bedroom apartment but is too expensive.

Then get a different job, work more hours, accept an older, smaller apartment, accept a crappier neighborhood, etc. Like you "don't want to be a slave." Then you go on about not even wanting to work for things. You're obviously not a slave, you're lazy.

Part time jobs are for teenagers in school. Get over your sentimentality, and realize that if OTHER people are willig to work harder, longer, and for less pay, then you'll never get a job, because they will be filled with harder working people. Simple as that.

What I really want is for things to cost less. Why is that a bad thing?

Then pray for a nuclear winter (so there are less people to consume and drive prices higher, and take jobs that you could take), and pray for everyone to have lobotomy's so they're no smarter than each ocher (so that way no one is any more qualified than the next person). Your imaginary world is slavery.

By the way I have 2 part time jobs and working on a master's in pscyhology. I still work hard but not to the point having no life.

What is "A life". Is it being able to relax? Is it being able to have hobbies? Or is it being able to BE ALIVE? I'm fairly certain relaxing and hobbies are NOT tenants of basic freedoms. If you want to relax and not work, go be a minister. They don't do crap, they aren't taxed, and they get free housing.

What is a normal job by the way. With my disablity I probably could not do a "normal" job. Besides I am sick of all of the 9 to 5 BS! I am going to be free and work jobs at my own pace not some 18 year old managers pace.

Then enjoy letting all the "18 year old managers" sweep past you, working longer hours for less pay, thus creating no job opportunities for you.

Supply and demand my friend. If more people have jobs, and more people want things...then the less people are paid and the more things will cost. If you want to put a stop to that, you need to depopulate the world of the lower 2/5 of the populace. You may or may not be a part of that. I may or may not be a part of that. But if you truly want sustainability "for the greater good', then you must accept that fact. It's not a pretty sight, nor is the future, but that's all we have.

I suggest an economics course while 'studying for your masters.' While you're doing that, I'll keep working 60 hours a week, and keep gaining skills and getting raises, and make something of myself.

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