posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Know your opponent. Understand his motivation, his tactics, and methods. Know his strengths and weaknesses and just as important understand your own.
Knowing your limitations while you know your opponent’s is key to wining in any conflict. If you have not read Sun Tzu, The Art of War then you are
not likely the person to attempt these efforts at citizen border control.
The Zetas, are the primary opponent of border defenders. Know them well or rue the day you attempted
this effort. The Zetas are no joke. They are composed mostly of highly trained special ops forces of Mexico and Guatemala. They are well financed with
drug money and from border town prostitution. They are the primary force exploiting the United States porous Southern border region.
Their strengths are many as you can gather by reading the wiki article linked above. These include not only training as professional military combat
arms experts, and financing from many years of running drugs in the region but also they have purchased influence in the region and bought off police
on this side of the border.
The reason for their success is that officials on the USA side are in their pocket, not just that they are vicious thugs who will do what ever it
takes to achieve their goals. They are directly involved with Mexican American political groups in the US such as La Rasa. With the corrupt law
enforcement in their pocket and groups on the ground in the US watching out for them they operate with impunity along the border region.
Weaknesses. Their training is mostly in close combat, fast attack operations that terrorize and demoralize. Their personnel who manage the border
crossing operations for drug couriers and undocumented workers are armed mostly with the AR-15 and AK-47 variants. These weapons have an effective
range of only about 400 meters. In the desert regions a clear line of fire can be established out to 600-800 meters and so defenders can set up out of
range of their light carbines.
The Zetas also believe with their arms, and with their bought and paid for police agents in the US that they are untouchable. This sounds like a
strength but it is also a weakness. Police officials that take bribes are vulnerable to discovery. Armed men are easy to spot next to unarmed migrant
Next post I will detail some of the equipment and tactics that I feel will be most successful in this fight.
[edit on 19-6-2010 by wayouttheredude]