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Why Would NWO Cause BP spill?

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posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:44 PM
I am in agreement with CaptainCaveMan. The purposes for this disaster are twofold: Profit and Transition. I posted something along these lines in another thread last night, but here's my take on it. Also, I still have not concluded whether or not the explosion and subsequent oil leak were intentional, but it does not matter. The elites or whatever you wish to call them will find ways to use the situation to their advantage. I'm sure that, over time, the methods by which they do so will become apparent.

I believe it's safe to say the elites have been peering forward in anticipation of future technologies, cultural trends, and potential needs that may be demanded by the normal folks like you and I. The whole "global warming" and "green energy" trend has been important to them. So they've likely been setting themselves up as shareholders, owners, and executive management with companies who are leading the way in these new industries. The pieces may now be in place, or close to it. Whatever the case may be, this oil leak disaster has presented a beautiful opportunity.

As people observe how the millions of gallons of oil affect the environment, wildlife, and welfare of men and women in the affected areas, a new surge of demand for "green energy", environmentally friendly products and lifestyles, and the like will become the next big thing. And guess who is going to be giving it to them? That's right, the elites. They've been preparing for this. So, to be honest, I don't think it matters if it was intentional or an accident. The elites will profit from it. They profit from anything, regardless of how detrimental it is on people. It's sickening, but so are they.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Cap and Trade. If it was on purpose... they can Tax us into total dependence of the government. They can strip our few remaining freedoms in the name of the environment.
It seems pretty obvious that, they couldn't wait for something like this to happen. If they waited for this to happen?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

in my opinion, it was done for a few reasons

I'll start with the fact that BP was the 5th wealthiest comapny in the world prior to this event

billions of dollars were invested in the company as part of people retirement pensions


this event was just one more thing used to reduce the middle class to being poor, and forcing them to rely more and more on the government/elites.

it's also going to be used to create more government rules and laws.

laws that will be worded in a way that further strips humanity of it's natural rights.

my worst fear is that this isn't the big story of the year and that in the coming months many things are going to happen that completely change how the world is run.

be prepared

edit: spelling and links

[edit on 17-6-2010 by kalisdad]

[edit on 17-6-2010 by kalisdad]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Thanks guys, some interesting ideas however without any proof I am not convinced this is anything other than an accident.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
Thanks guys, some interesting ideas however without any proof I am not convinced this is anything other than an accident.

they knew 11 months ago there was a problem odo%2Ffull+%28Gizmodo%29


they ignore it


and made it worse

just google it.

don't come here saying you don't believe it without actually doing any research

edit: personal note.... they wanted this to happen

[edit on 17-6-2010 by kalisdad]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by kalisdad

Well some people can be really rather unfriendly on here cant they?
The idea that there could be any sort of conspiracy is secondary to my main point, why would the NWO be involved and I just don’t understand how they could gain anything they stand to lose more money than anyone through this. It seems to me that you guys are just looking for a conspiracy in just about anything and then connect it to the new world order.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

What are you doing trying to conjure up more disinfo with this thread?? There is no damn conspiracy for this oil spill. The NWO is ruled out as you stated because the NWO simply doesn't exist. Please don't encourage people to come up with fictionally conspiracies in their head trying to link BP to some kind of fraternal order nonsense. Why would you post something so negative and disgusting??

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Y2Zgt

It’s not disgusting or has any disinformation, on my side at least. I am just trying to establish what the current theory is and if people can accept that this one has nothing to do with the NWO. And it’s not that i don’t believe there isn’t a NWO it’s just that I am not yet convinced I am very open to the idea. All i am doing is drawing on the knowledge of other users of ATS who know allot about the NWO and the conspiracies surrounding the BP oil leak (but I do think it was an accident) really there is nothing more sinister than that.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

They are following the script in Revelations to prepare the path for the ETs to come along 1st in the role of the deceivers of mankind then 2nd the role as true saviours. The best way to reinforce programming is to make the propechied events occur, then everyone who has managed to survive starts to believe what they learned at Sunday school must have been right all along . It's a war for submission of our souls to an external force . Who is going to argue with them once their script of global environmental catastrophe , mass death and worldwide war culminates in Armageddon? Survivors of the hell on earth will be trembling at a celluar level , psychologically and emotionally smashed to pieces.

Easy prey then........few will realize one species was playing two roles of a script they channelled into one man's troubled mind many years ago.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:45 PM
If the N.W.O. wants to vastly decrease the population of our planet, and with many countries depending on the oceans for food, starvation and any assocciated diseases would be one of the ways it could be accomplished.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:49 PM
It is a fiendishly clever ploy to throw people off the NWO scent.

Too many people are starting to believe in the NWO [like that guy yelling at Bush senior].

So by destroying the gulf with the oil blowup they are counting on the idea that you won't figure out that it was that big bad NWO all over, once again, because it doesn't fit in with the rest of their planning.

Veiled in ambiguity.

Just like Israel's nuclear weapons, "Do they have them?" "or don't they?"
"Gosh Virginia, i am so confused."

(please ignore the tongue in my cheek. thx)

[edit on 18-6-2010 by slank]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 10:00 PM
i say NWO...
plus, there is a thread "can someone help me decode this" on ats...
it is related to blackjack? supposedly...BUT***there is a document dated April 13, 2010 that has NA/Adr (national address?) and the first numerical code has 4 double-digit numbers. and those numbers coincide with the statistics concerning the BP oil spill...
in fact, the first 30 seconds of barack's national address concerning the bp oil spill he literally rattles off all four of those numbers...its eerie.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 02:23 PM
Thanks guys some very interesting ideas, i am not yet convinced that the NWO had any hand in any conspiracy, if there is one, however you have gave me some food for thought.

On another note, this thread has been moved from the NWO forum to the oil spill forum. I think it could qualify for both as I am newish on here could someone tell me if this happens allot? Am not annoyed about it just wondering

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