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Outgunned and Outmanned by Armed Military Cartel Video Footage

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

Actually, a rancher in Southern Arizona tried that very tactic about two months ago (you might have heard of it, it started the whole AZ 1070 debacle and every one of the immigration threads you see here by association). You know what happened?

He got shot twice in the chest by the very illegals he approached. His dog only got shot once.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by The Theorist

Still, there is absolutely no reason why we can't control our border. That is the BASIC JOB of the Federal Government. They can't even do it.

Is this really the case or are they not doing to the satisfaction of what one desires?

There are lots of resources that says they are involved. Many testimonies point to what they are doing to combat this issue.

Since the violence is due to drugs and gangs, do you think our military should be used within our cities to put an end to the gangs that are peddling the drugs?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by jam321

I think 90% of America would agree that the Feds are not doing everything they can, and that our border with Mexico is pretty much a joke. What border? Did you know that part of the US (that's US SOIL) is now off limits to AMERICAN'S because of drug running and human trafficking?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Legion2112

He got shot twice in the chest by the very illegals he approached. His dog only got shot once.

Of course, this is what we were told. As to this date, it has not been proven.

Even you can't deny the possibility that this was set up to bring more attention to the issue.

Have you ever thought that the American people who have nothing to do with the war on drugs don't give a damn and just want their friggin' border shored up?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Americans don't care. I don't do is scream and moan while at the same time reelecting the same fools who promised to fix the problem in the first place.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Legion2112

That is a huge generalization that serves no purpose except to muddy the waters.

I do not live near the border, I am not involved in the drug trade and believe me, I care. I live in a state that is overwhelmingly affected by this, up and down the Interstate cooridor.

People care! It is the resposibility of the Federal arm of the govenment to provide greater protection to the states than if they were on thier own. That is what they collect taxes from The States for! Not that they care, because the Feds have a far bigger plan and that is to take the sovereignty away from The States!

I am all for The Feds getting OUT of The States business, let The States keep thier money, and defend themselves.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by The Theorist

I think 90% of America would agree that the Feds are not doing everything they can, and that our border with Mexico is pretty much a joke. What border? Did you know that part of the US (that's US SOIL) is now off limits to AMERICAN'S because of drug running and human trafficking?

90% of Americans don't even understand the issues. They go by what they are fed.

Ask yourself why is this the case? America wants its war on drugs. America is involved in this war in Mexico.

Congressional testimony- Cartel Violence

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Umm, don't think you understood what I was saying buddy. I was saying that your typical American, especially those who live in border states don't care about the war-on-drugs blame game that they didn't start. They just want the border more secure.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Legion2112

No worries, and that would be misses.

Not to argue, but even if that is the case, there is nothing wrong with wanting a secure border. Even if the people do not care, and dont fully understand, that is no excuse for the cop out job The Feds put on. They either need to stop collecting money from The States for protection, or do a better job.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by burntheships]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by jam321


Yeah, you're right. Nothing to indicate he was shot by an illegal here

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 03:37 PM
People, look at the big picture: The rulers who really matter in this world WANT things this way. They WANT drugs to cause violence and vast corruption and death, they WANT our borders porous and undefended, they WANT citizens in these areas fearful and hating the ' Mexicans'.

Why? Because they have long term plans, and they include a North American Union, which would mean the BORDERS are dissolved! That, in their scheme, would solve one issue. If you can move freely from north Canada to southern Mexico without any hassle, then the issue is moot.

Of course it causes all kinds ot OTHER issues, but they have plans for that to. don't you get it? They do NOT want a cohesive, racially predominant middle class, as it is too hard to control with the kind of brutality and force that is coming. No, they want a mixed race majority that has no memory or any roots that relate to the 'old guard' meaning European based Caucasian upper classes and minority classes taking up the lower classes.

Remember, back in the recent past, white middle class people were the majority. Immigrants (different from aliens) were there, but mainly isolated and living in grouped areas and communities, often keeping their own languages until a geration or two has passed. But with the breaking down of racial barriers, iterracial mating is totally common now and contributes to the fact the next year whites will be a minoity for the first time in our history.

If we are not Americans or Canadians or Mexicans...but ' Pan-Americans' or whatever label is in vouge at the moment, then we have no national identity to any real degree. Why be a loyal American with allegiance to the Constitution if you are from another nation and just here physically on this territory? Lets face it: How many aliens, legal or illegal, really give a damn about our most basic rights? not many, and not unless it impacted them personally.

Many of you remember many years ago when a military march would be played and the flag was presented in a public gathering, there was tremendous enthusiasm and pride, with hardly a dry eye to be seen.

That feeling of patriotism and believing to be on the side of goodness and justice was common and expected. Now, most people cannot be bothered to remove a hat or stand up at such timers, and for DAMNED sure there are few if any illegals that it means anything to at all. Most would mock it and demand another flag.

So the bigshots manipulate things, like with NAFTA, which they knew would destroy our manufacturing forever, and weak borders, and insisting that gangsters handle all aspects of the drug all adds up to them making sure that we FALL so far that we WELCOME the ' changes' that they will announce to cure the ' emergencies' associated with the crisis we see every day.

It is all designed. Do you really think that the big boys, the real players, would sit around hoping that history is kind to them and that they can relax and not worry? They worry a lot, and pay billions to make sure that we soon find ourselves facing crisis so bad that anything they do will be accepted or ignored. Then it will be too late.

The people who make history do not wing it; they plot and plan. Kill Kennedy..then another...then MLK...stage wars based on lies...create terror by doing terror..allow borders to be overun...take weapons from all but the oppresors, as much as possible...eliminate national and racial all means.

Multi-culturalism is a fancy word for changing the entire gene pool to a hybrid that is neither white nor black nor yellow nor red, one that hs no loyalty to anything but the STATE!! If you eliminate all of the hereditary and common links to your own kind, you are more readily changed into what they want...a populace that has no loyalties to anything but the rule of law...and they will control that, as they do now, and make sure that no one can rise above from below and stop the juggernaut.

Brotherhood may seem like a good thing, and it can be. But when all nations and races and such are melded into a mixed pool, they can never agin be brought back to their original state, no matter how badly one may wish it would.

Only an act of God can do anything to reverse the awful things coming. 9-11 was just the start....they have many plans even worse to get us where they want us...under their thumbs, quiet and complacent,. laboring and paying them and dying...things are really bad...if people knew how much so, they could not they ignore.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by richierich]

[edit on 15-6-2010 by richierich]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:22 PM
the way we used to handle this was by deputizing posses with a badge, BUT ONLY POWERS, when related to objective.. ie. cant enforce speeding tickets, arrest shop lifters, etc,, only can interdict mexican smuggling operations, bounties on heads of those caught. list of high value DOA targets with $50k rewards... out of work americans employed, and a jolt of morale to the demoralized country that YES, WE ARE STILL AMERICA DARN IT. WE DO HAVE RESOLVE, WE WILL NOT BE INVADED BY A FOREIGN PEOPLE!!!!

Yet many ponder, how come things are not as they once were? the way people were who founded this great land did what needed to be done, regardless of what that may be. WE MUST ACT AS OUR ANCESTORS DID IF WE EXPECT TO HAVE THE TYPE OF NATION THEY HAD/BUILT.. LOOK WITHIN YOURSELF MY BROTHER AND SISTER AMERICANS!!

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Legion2112
It' almost to the point where stories such as the above make me want to shed any sense of human decency and just turn the first 15 miles of the American side of the border into one, massive kill zone. Bring in the national guard, fine... but they bring their AH-1's with 'em. Air patrols with FLIR imaging... you see someone crossing the border with a gun, you turn that three barrel 20mm loose on 'em and don't stop until there's nothing but red mist where they stood. There's your damn border security.

God this issue gets worse every day...

Or you could implement serious and comprehensive public policies aimed at reducing to a nil America's appetite for drugs. If drug trafficking is such a big issue now, it is because there are over 60 million Americans who are addicted to drugs (those who use drugs at least once a week). 1 in every 3 americans older than 15, have tried Marihuana.

Don't forget that as long as there is a demand, there will ALWAYS be a supply. That's simple economics and the basis of capitalism. Chicago mobsters proved this time and again during the Prohibition. Every time a Mafia head fell, a stronger one rose to deliver the booze Americans craved for.

You can see this being repeated today. First came the Colombians. Now are the Mexicans. Tomorrow will be the Canadians. Drug dealing is a 30 billion dollar a year market, there will always be someone wanting to get his filthy hands on some of that money.

If you reduce or eliminate the demand, then there would not be much trafficking to do, now would it?

Calling for bloodbaths is not the answer.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Troops are not the answer. I spent 6 years in the national guard, spent most of it active, 2 tours in Iraq as well as Louisiana for the Katrina aftermath. Trust me when I say you don't want the National Guard used for domestic policing operations. Trust me on this one.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by SyphonX]

As a retired gendarme, I agree 99%.. every-day guard troops aren't trained or qualified to make arrests, write reports or properly process evidence. At best they'd be observing & reporting and represent little more than an easily circumvented roadblock.

Unless the govt decides to get tough and authorize the guard to go loud and do whats necessary regardless, which will invite cross border gun fights and turn swaths of Texas into apocalyptic "Mad Max" no mans land.

If officials cared, which they don't, they could muster enough sworn law enforcement military reservists to assist the local cops. One reserve Marine unit I know of, 5/14 HQ I think it was, had enough police officers they were re-trained from artillery to "security".. a unit like that could be a huge asset because the cops have the training & experience to go "hands on", rather than observe & report.

..meh, it's all a moot point though, the DNC & GOP party leaders allow the gaping maw to fester so their corporate string pulling cronies can exploit cheap labor.. while allowing the failed "war on drugs" to continue, sucking BILLIONS down various rat holes... an open border is all part of the elites engineered society, vote independent or accept it as part of the show.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by RadioKnecht

You see, this is what I don't understand about people like you. Your utopian visions of a world where people don't want to get high are grand in scope, but seriously lacking in any sort of practical application or even means by which to accomplish this. Much like the "pro drug" crowd who say the same end could be achieved by legalizing all drugs. Both are noble in concept, but seriously flawed in execution.

Out of curiosity, if you were given a budget of say, a billion dollars a year, how long to you think your 21st century temperance movement would take to achieve its ultimate goal? Ten years? 20? Half a century? In the meantime, you would what? Have us do nothing to secure our borders because our attentions should solely be focused on your agenda?

Addressing the root causes of both drug addiction and related cartel violence is part of the solution... again, it is part of the solution... as is helping Mexico's government pull its collective head out of its collective ass to deal with the all-pervasive corruption and degredation of basic social services that plague its populace... again, these are part of the solution... I could go on for pages about what all needs doing; dealing with employers of illegals, dealing with politicians who turn a blind eye, etc.

Whether you like it or not, shoring up border security is part of that solution too. My rather exaggerated example not withstanding, we need more border patrol agents, not less... and they need to have better communications, better training and yes, better weapons... and if it takes the state national guard of Arizona to give an assist until that comes about, so be it. These are things that we can do now. Not things that involve a 10-year plan - taken in tandem they're a comprehensive solution.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:42 PM
I can see it now, FOX news reporting on why we should nuke the border to stop the leakage.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by RadioKnecht

Originally posted by Legion2112

Or you could implement serious and comprehensive public policies aimed at reducing to a nil America's appetite for drugs. If drug trafficking is such a big issue now, it is because there are over 60 million Americans who are addicted to drugs (those who use drugs at least once a week). 1 in every 3 americans older than 15, have tried Marihuana.

Don't forget that as long as there is a demand, there will ALWAYS be a supply. That's simple economics and the basis of capitalism. Chicago mobsters proved this time and again during the Prohibition. Every time a Mafia head fell, a stronger one rose to deliver the booze Americans craved for.

You can see this being repeated today. First came the Colombians. Now are the Mexicans. Tomorrow will be the Canadians. Drug dealing is a 30 billion dollar a year market, there will always be someone wanting to get his filthy hands on some of that money.

If you reduce or eliminate the demand, then there would not be much trafficking to do, now would it?

Calling for bloodbaths is not the answer.

People who use "drugs" once a week are not all "addicts".. that's ridiculous. Marijuana is NOT physically addictive. Opiates and stimulants can be... and usually are in uncontrolled street dosages. BTW according to coc aine was "abused" by an estimated 2 million Americans in 07... meanwhile 16.2% of Americans admitted to using coc aine (stimulant) once, 42.4% marijuana.. meaning most people can hit a bong or ride a rail like others drink alcohol / smoke cigarettes.. all things in moderation.

One reason millions use so called "illegal" drugs?.. after trying them people are quick to figure out all the "anti drug" govt propaganda is either patently false, or insanely inflated.

We also know some people are predisposed to addictive behavior, like those mentally addicted to chocolate, sex, shopping, the internet.. my x-gf was told her psycho destructive behavior was a result of "relationship addiction" AKA "Love addiction" which is actually a real thing..lsome girls really are just F'n

"Love addiction is often perceived to be "less serious" than other process addictions i.e. compulsive sexual addictions, eating disorders or self-harm / mutilation addictions. Perhaps because it sounds "softer." In reality it is extremely painful and can be very dangerous to both the addict and their partners. Many suicides, murders, stalkings, rapes and other crimes of passion have their roots in this addiction"

"A new study shows that brain circuitry makes some people more susceptible to becoming addicts. Researchers found that a pocket near the top of the brain stem may be key in determining whether someone is likely to engage in compulsive behavior or become hooked on drugs like coc aine, which is currently abused by an estimated two million Americans. The finding could help prevent addiction by predicting those predisposed to such behavior and could also lead to new ways to treat it."

The US govt simply ignores "new" studies and information about the drug culture and hasn't evolved one iota regardless of how many times they are told we will never ever arrest & prosecute an end to drug use... all this violence stops the day prohibition ends... and gives the govt a lot fewer reasons to erode all of our rights and waste $$ on military bases 1000s of miles away to fight "drugs"..

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 08:07 PM
You do know that if you were ever invaded by a foreign country that the local police have no duty to fight the invaders? they would flee and leave you to die?

I think its ur best bet to protect your borders. At least define them with some sort of enforcement.

You could drive an army over that border in passenger vans filled with foot soldiers with aks and you would not get a whisper from the federal gov. Hey come on over and take anything you want guys!

You can almost taste the coming pain the clueless are going to be in... Why do these people want to hurt us. Oh tuck your head under the table and wait to get gunned down. Oh don't ever fight back that would be racist of you.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 06:05 PM
with the Feds not backing Arizona, see what destruction they wreak.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, a strong supporter of Arizona’s new immigration law, is receiving threats against his life.

He’s been very outspoken about the need to secure the borders, and the topic is a controversial one.

He's been very outspoken about the need to secure the borders, and the topic is a controversial one.

Outside law enforcements have been brought in to investigate the threats and have found them credible.

Chief Deputy Steve Henry said some of the threats come from the Mexican mafia and drug cartel members.

Sheriff Babeu declined personal security detail. He decided not to request funding for security detail at this time, because the county resources are already stretched.

"I understand this threat, yet I will not run in fear or change my support for SB1070 and my demands for President Obama to secure our border with 3,000 armed soldiers in Arizona and start building the fence again. I'm always armed and as every law enforcement member knows, we always have to be aware of our surroundings and possible threats," he said.

Pinal County is nearly 5,400 square miles and much of the desert is known as a drug and human trafficking corridor.

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