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Should the ban on foxhunting be reviewed?

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Whenever I heard on my local news radio station about 2 children being attacked by a fox, the first thing that came to mind was: "This story is going to be completely emphasized in order to make fox hunting LEGAL again".

I can see right through all the crap, and this thread was laughable when I seen it. So predictable and the toffs will probably get what they want too! Murdering foxes or any animal for sport is wrong, just plain wrong.

I take it you have never watched that movie of Star Trek and the Humpback Whale no?

The Human mind is twisted, beyond repair.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 05:05 PM
I knew next to nothing about all of this until a couple of weeks ago when I saw the doc embedded below.


The banning has made things screwy, and the laws against farmers, well, it's just a sad system in place over there. Watch the movie, you'll see. The questions asked of the farmer in the flick are amazing.

Google Video Link

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Your op sounds like you are looking for a scape goat to get the fox hunting law abolished I hope that is not the case.

The urban fox is a relatively new phenomenon I think I read the 30's was when they first started to venture into towns and cities, what surprises me is that this did not happen earlier as the railway network had been in existence much longer with it's deserted grass embankments that not only provided a ready source of food ie rabbits but also some quite desirable des res denning areas.

These railways run all the way into towns and cities so the conduit for the opportunistic fox has been around for a long time.

So what has changed, well our eating habits for one thing a more affluent society was a little more wasteful with food and the way we disposed of it, refuse containers were not exactly fox proof and in commercial districts it was often spilled or left outside in cardboard boxes waiting for the next collection.

Of course since we had a little more disposable income we often had the odd takeaway which was made more convenient by the upsurge in fast food establishments with handy throw away containers which did not escape the consumers attention so they quite obligingly threw them away quite often in the street or out the car window with the remains of their meal although the more litter concious used the open waste bins that were in the street.

There is another element here aswell there are those amongst us who delight in seeing natural wildlife right on their very own doorstep heck I gotta say I like it too but these people approach it slightly differently to myself because they actively encourage foxes by feeding them at regular times in fact I have known people who spend more money on feeding the foxes then they do on their own pets by buying cat or dog food every week with their groceries for this very purpose and I have to say these foxes are very sleek and healthy.

So what's to do, bring back fox hunting, you have got to be kidding me what the hell has fox hunting to do with the urban fox I mean how many hunts are there or ever been in towns and cities not surprisingly zero.

Frankly other methods of pest control are mute aswell because they only address the symptoms not the cause, the only way to reduce fox numbers if they are a problem is to be scrupulous about waste food and stop feeding them this of course is easier said then done but there again the people must decide, will the people worried about protecting their babies outweigh the people who love the urban fox.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 07:14 AM
Well im glad people see things like i do, as i said in my earlier posts i do NOT condone the hunting of foxes for sport. Having said that i do agree that a humane way of controlling them(especially around urban areas) must be sought. A relocation 'program' might be the best solution, not sure if its the best solution for the fox but at least they'd have a chance. Thanks for all your opinions and posts.


posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:03 AM
I live in the countryside, and I'm one of those people that has to deal with foxes on a daily basis, unlike city dwellers who see them perhaps once every blue moon.

Foxes are NOT cuddly and cute little creatures, any fox would maul you and your children to death if it could.

Have you ever heard a fox's cry?

That's the crap I have to put up with night after night. To me, it almost sounds like human screaming when heard from a distance.

Foxes are vermin and must be more widely controlled, they breed like rabbits and quickly overrun local areas if not kept in check. Along with the livestock they kill on farms, they're also a bloody nuisance in general, going through bins, attacking people's pets, and keeping people awake all night with their loud callings.

Whether the traditional hunting ban is reviewed or not, there needs to be much better pest control.

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