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2012 Poll: What will make us change?

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:34 PM
I do not believe that we will all magically become psychic or light beings or any such thing and magically ascend, that should not be the point, there is no higher purpose in life than helping others and nobody should magically make us super beings.

I do not believe that we are gonna ascend like that, but that it is a New Age lie created by the Illuminati people.

But the thing that I have heard is like the day after 9/11, that day there was more love on the planet than ever before, because something so awful brought out the warmth in the peoples hearts.

Did anyone ever see WATCHMEN? Were the Illuminati type controllers detonate a good deal of the population and then the world becomes a peaceful place?

Right now the planet is bleeding it's life blood OIL and some say this is the lubricant between the Earth's core and the tectonic plates above, but without it it's gonna sort of atrophy and lots of death will ensue. If anybody survives it will be a very few.

So do you think a mass death is gonna make the surviving humans incredibly evolved people?

Also, I've heard others say that they were shown visions of the world in the future, after the create cataclysms happen, and they saw people resorting to cannibalism.

So what do yout hink will really happen in 2012?

A. We will magically evolve telepathic or more psychic people?

B. A mass death of the population will be brought on by a cataclysmic event?

C. A staged alien invasion will take place?

D. The benevolent humans, the Alhoo or Elohim will come down to help the surviving humans rebuild.

E. Jesus or a new Messiah will lead the people against the Satanic worshipping Illuminati?

D. Ever baby born after December 21, 2012 will be born with a paranormal ability?

I want to gauge what the ATS collective thinks is going to happen in 2012.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Pocky]

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Pocky]

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Pocky]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:05 PM
Lol ... What? I would HOPE that (A) comes true. But I'm not really seeing a definite for any of these. Maybe (B), but I don't care for that resolve. Unfortunately, I believe that (B) is more likely than any other choice here.

So ...


Though ... I'm wonder why (D) seems to imply that we would have gone through some horrible event in the first place. Helping the survivors rebuild? Ominous pretense much?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:16 PM
A_B_ D Half and Half on E and F

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:25 PM
How about none of the above.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Pocky

So what do yout hink will really happen in 2012?

The overall year? I believe life will happen, as it has it has from the start.

A. We will magically evolve telepathic or more psychic people?

Magically evolve? Evolve from magic, no. Maybe evlove from being spiritual, could happen, but not from magic.

B. A mass death of the population will be brought on by a cataclysmic event?

In 2012? In my opinion, no.

C. A staged alien invasion will take place?

Staged, as in setup by someone other than ET`s? No.

D. The benevolent humans, the Alhoo or Elohim will come down to help the surviving humans rebuild.

Come down to this level of reality? Or, come down from another planet? Which one are you talking about?

E. Jesus or a new Messiah will lead the people against the Satanic worshipping Illuminati?

Jesus, no. New messiah, no.

D. Ever baby born after December 21, 2012 will be born with a paranormal ability?

As compared to those who were born over the last 10-20 years? In this reality, sure, a few will be, but not all of them will be that way. In another reality, yes.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Terence McKenna: "We are on the brink of making the quantum leap to the conquest of another dimension by obliterating our fixity in time. And then we will migrate into the future. Each into our own future. And then human history is looked back on as a nightmare awakened from, a brutal but necessary interval to being happily kissed goodbye."

The near future is personal and limitless...

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Armagedon! will make us change, if you ask me, people are greedy, dishonist and power humgry, this must change for any positive change in the human evolution, at this point wipe most people uout and start over learn from or past, because if we fail to remember we are doomed to repeat

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Interesting post, will be curious to see where it goes. I'm sure it will have many mountains and valleys!

Anyhow, I can't really answer the a,b,c,d, thing because I think time lines are always changing, not to mention there are so many "ripple effects" going on.

Do I think for example aliens will show up and help? Hmm not sure about the help part, but seems they are here. To many videos and photos and they can't ALL be bs. All it takes is for one to be real and there ya have it.

Mass destruction? Seems some folks in TPTB are hell bound and bent on it, so I'm guessing someone is gonna get hurt somewhere along the line. "Live by the sword die by the sword" I guess.

Mother Earth has always seemed to have her own devastation's all through history so no real change there.

Before I get long winded on all that my real point here was to this,
"But the thing that I have heard is like the day after 9/11, that day there was more love on the planet than ever before, because something so awful brought out the warmth in the peoples hearts".

Oddly enough I think there is really only one other time that I think may have actually outdone that day as far as the love and warmth factor globally.
and had almost a far greater impact. It was short lived and didn't really linger in peoples minds as 9-11 did, but I think it may have "touched more."

That was the day Micheal Jackson died. I know some folks will think I'm sort of crank or whatever, but really, all over the tv for a few days you saw known enemies hugging crying, dancing and singing in the streets. It was sad, but there was a weird peace for a few days. I know for myself, I felt some sort of "Shift" that day. Not sure how to explain it really, but a shift all the same.

Sadly as I said it was short lived and life went on, but to me it did show man can come together.
It is a shame it takes a SHOCK for the people to do it and what SHOCKS we may have in store for us is anybody's guess.

Personally, Id like to see the people strike. Just all stay home a couple days and not feed into the system. No war, no fighting, just a simple demonstration of we really do have the power and we aren't moving until some changes are made real quick.

Would be nice if all the soldiers on all sides just laid down their guns like they did that one Christmas eve in WW2 ,but I guess that's another topic.

I don't believe we wILL destroy ourselves though, because that would negate such things as time travel and different dimensions. You couldn't travel to the future if it wasn't there and I am a firm believer that sometimes what we may see in the skies are ourselves making sure we don't destroy ourselves because that would destroy ourselves in the future, and to me that's just not likely. it wouldn't make sense in the realm of things. SO,I guess the good news is there is HOPE

[edit on 1-6-2010 by yigsstarhouse]

[edit on 1-6-2010 by yigsstarhouse]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Pocky

I think our ability to communicate directly with each other, using the internet for example, will have a very profound effect. Until now, communication has been filtered through media sites such as broadcast TV/Radio, newspapers, etc. The traditional gatekeepers are losing control, and they don't like it. Populations can be controlled when information is one way. The internet also is used for "promoting" one view or another. As a population, people are becoming aware of ideas outside their traditions and culture. China is trying to desperately control the internet. I'm in contact with people there, and the government is pulling it's hair out. It wants the technological benefits, with out all that pesky free thinking. I think this type of communication will be a factor, if some major disaster man made or otherwise, doesn't interrupt it, in our evolution.

Do I think the aliens will introduce themselves at a planet wide block party on 21/12/12? My hunch is no, but between now and then we could be positioned to better accept the idea, at least. If anyone I know in the bowels of the system know's, their not telling me. I do see more advanced "keyboards", and input devices making internet chatter more fluid, better able to convey emotions for example. Knowing what someone means and not just say's will be a big development. Speaking of evolution, communications technology could be a factor in moving us from a stage where evolution happens to us, to where we determine where it goes. Think of the power of several billion people determining what they are capable of understanding.

I hope the industrialized and "third" world create's a more decentralized energy system. Solar and other alternative power can help do this. The current system is way to vulnerable, not to mention inefficient. I'd also like to see smaller agricultural systems located closer to markets. Maybe it's just me, but flying a watermelon from California to the mid west on a 747 just doesn't seem like a smart use of resources. But in the end, I think we have far more control over our lives then most people know. And some people in power don't want you to know. But at least for me, and anyone else who choses to the future need not be somethings that happens to us. It's an old line but I believe it when I say the future is unwritten, and all of us are the author. What ever happens, it won't be boring.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 07:54 PM
Thanks for the interesting thread - it's cause for thought. I've read a lot of 2012 threads and information and have come to conclusions based upon my own experiences.

I read through your possible responses and I just can't pick any of them to be honest. I really, honestly just do not believe that anything will be noticeably different come 2012. I'm generally a very positive person and people around me will usually say that I'm almost always cheerful and even a joker at times so I don't want to come off as a negative, doom & gloom type.

I truly believe that when December 2012 arrives, the world will continue on pretty much business as usual. We'll still have to report to work on time, pay our bills, eat and do everything else that we routinely do now.

Just think of what might happen if everyone really believed that the world would end due to some disaster, or that human beings would be elevated to some new utopian dimension? They would drop out of school, stop paying bills, stop saving for the future .......... oh wait

Seriously though - I have to vote 'none of the above'. I hope for something wonderful to happen of course. I just expect that nothing will.

Peace everyone!

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 08:29 PM
Well,i don't see any of the list happening,but i would hope if any of us survive 2012,i hope it would teach us to live in harmony and peace,and quit taking things for granted,there is to much hate in this world today,we need to get back to love thy neighbor teachings,all this war between nations,and we ae fighting for what?are we going to do the same if the world has a gobal mishap.if we do it won't teach us anything still,we will be the same after there is nothing left

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