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Aliens has faked our history

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posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I just wanted to purpose a radical theory; what if our entire history has been faked since year X, faked by aliens for some unknown purpose. X since I dont know the year, it could be any year. Im not saying that I personally believe this, just that it may be a theory left un-researched, and perhaps it should be looked into.

Why do I purpose this? Well, people have all kinds of theories why ancient man built mega-structures all over the world, sometimes with impossible huge stones for the age. But lets just say, if just for the joy of thought, that these structures built by aliens to fake our past, and that these huge structures were mistakes made by them, that they built structures too huge for humans to build by mistake, and only now scientists are realizing that something is just not right. There are also lots of other crazy things that one can read about in books like Forbidden Archeology and more, stuff that just dont fit in with the timeline.

It could be that Earth is an experiment, and they placed us humans here only after year X, for whatever reason.

Start your flaming below here

[edit on 22-5-2010 by Acharya]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Acharya

I'm CERTAIN our history is being kep from us. Like hell we've only been civilized for 10 thousand years.

By aliens however? Perhaps.

I'm mroe of the line of thought which thinks that those in power at the time (Religious Folk, Conquerors) would be responsible. As a way to keep everybody under control.

It's plausible though, I wonder what kind of benefit they would get out of keeping us weighed down. I would think an Alien race would want us to flourish and make contact so that we can share resources.


posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Ever heard of the Terra Papers?

Written by a Hopi Native American, apparently the story was passed down from his grandfather who encountered an injured alien, and in return for nursing him back to health, the alien bestowed the 'real' story of our, and Earth's past.

ATS Thread

Its a loooong thread, but I'm sure there'll be a link to download them for free somewhere.
The writer charges, but its there for the taking if you look hard enough.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I think the OP's idea here actually is that history has been FAKED from a certain point in time backwards... say all of our history before the year 1900 never really happened... all our history books and knowledge about everything that has happened before that said year is a construct with no truth.

On that note... I don't really think it is that plausible... I am more along the lines, as keeper said, that our real history has been suppressed from us... as in the powers that be only reveal what they want us to know, and warp history into their own twisted version.

Whoever wins the war writes the history books...

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:27 PM
If Aliens would fake our history, i think that it would be much much better detailed then it is now. I mean - if one makes fake something ,especially if this one is high tech alien capable of traveling between stars, he should make it perfect. Making lousy fake money for example would be pretty stupid if done by someone with lots of resources.
And our history has lots of problems, we know very little and what we do know sometimes contradicts itself. So seeing how little of real 100 percent proven history there is, i think that those aliens were very very sloppy.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by Acharya

I'm CERTAIN our history is being kep from us. Like hell we've only been civilized for 10 thousand years.

By aliens however? Perhaps.

I'm mroe of the line of thought which thinks that those in power at the time (Religious Folk, Conquerors) would be responsible. As a way to keep everybody under control.

It's plausible though, I wonder what kind of benefit they would get out of keeping us weighed down. I would think an Alien race would want us to flourish and make contact so that we can share resources.


You know it could actually be a combination of both. Go do an ATS search for DOMA. There was a thread on it only yesterday flowing through the recent posts list. It gives you some new insight into the creation of man, which ties it pretty well with what I believe to have caused the creation of the universe and life. (A single particle exploding itself to create the whole universe). Life would start in the "center" and ripple out among whatever planets the explosion had created. (Keep in mind this happening over millions of years) Since life started in the center, it would have developed intelligence before anything on Earth had. It is quite possible something caused these "intelligences" to come here and conduct some sort of mining operation.
When they landed here they found this lush lush world, containing thousands of plants, animals, ect. But there was no intelligent life living here at the time. These "intelligences" wished to have workers to aid them in the physical labor side of the work. They spliced parts of their own DNA into the bi-pedal primate that was already living here, thus creating humans.

The Adamu (or man) were originally created to work in various projects around the world. Some of these were mining, food production, construction, etc. By giving man the ability to reproduce on his own, the population began to multiply quite rapidly. The Anunnaki began to clamor for more of the workers. Human females were further altered so that conception was possible not just once per year, but every 28 days. ...It began to be a status symbol among the Anunnaki to have as many Adamu as possible. ...At this point in time, a change in the garrisoning of the Anunnaki soldiers took place. ... They were now able to live on the surface, and to set up their communities there. ... The Anunnaki soldiers started to reproduce with Earth humans (E-hums).

Now I think we find a source that provides this information to us BESIDES just the Sumerians. The Bible itself mentions the Angels coming down and getting with the "daughter of man". My viewpoint on this is very logical....IF an angel did exist, A) It would have to have the ability to have sex ((Wouldn't make sense as that's a passion of the FLESH)) and B) They would have had to disobey God in order to do this, yet we hear no mention of SECOND Fall of the Angels.

Now to address the bit about religions that you mentioned. Tell me if you think this seems like a fairly logical endeavor if E.T. creation was the case.

... It became a status symbol among the ANK to own as many E-hums (Us) as they could. This led to a very serious problem among the ANK, resulting in many skirmishes among them. Slaves would leave their masters and run off to other ANK territories.... The leaders of the ANK asked their scientists to come up with a solution to this growing problem. It was determined that physical means of containment were both impractical and non-effective. A way had to be found to make the E-hums (Earth humans) want to stay with their respective masters. Somehow, an emotional bond must be formed between the ANK and their slaves - one so strong it would overcome any desire to leave or stray. The result was what we call today, Religion - the most powerful enslavement tool ever created.

Thus, religion would have been created to keep Humanity's.....VIEW of himself, in check and never allow him to realize why he was REALLY created, and what he was REALLY working towards. Even now this is a common way for me to view my society around me. What is it we are ACTUALLY working towards? It is in my opinion that we are actually working backwards, unless only watching science and technology. Our morals have all but disappeared from the populace at large.

[edit on 5/22/10 by ElijahWan]

[edit on 5/22/10 by ElijahWan]

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