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Hooray, look at me, I'm an upstanding citizen!

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posted on May, 17 2010 @ 08:53 AM
I felt like a little rant, and ATS is always ready to hear me out, so please don't read any further if you can't take scrutiny, because this will put into question most peoples entire lives. Have you ever wondered why...humans are such materialistic, greedy, deceptive beings...always focused on success, power and's the propaganda the elite force feed us...and what that commercialism and propaganda does to people is brainwash them...and as a causes everyone to work against each other and try to achieve more, or be more famous, or the most popular and cool kid in achieve something so that we have more power and wealth than others, making us feel better and like we are worth more than them...those in lower positions are almost treated like a lesser form of them anyone without power, influence and respect is is nothing but a meaningless war to achieve more than the next person and say you're better than them...

The elite, TPTB, Illuminati, call them what you will, they are the richest, wealthiest, most powerful and influential people on the planet...they are the ones that stay hidden in the shadows, whilst they get their puppets and pawns to deceive us and draw our attention away from those pulling the strings...the most powerful companies and organizations are all owned by one entity at the core, or have at least been infiltrated, with people in high positions...for a very long time, these people have been crafting the collective consciousness of mankind to their will...they forced our attention on all thing materialistic and, power and sex are emphasized in their plan embed systems of hierarchy within our culture, and create societies where the minority have the best lives possible, and the majority are slaves struggling in depressingly poor living conditions...the system might sound good at first, because you can be the ultra rich CEO or celebrity...and greed takes control of us...but we soon learn otherwise...

All of this crap is constantly pushed into out heads through different forms of media...we are engulfed in brainwashing content, which kids are very susceptible to...they think they all need to look cool, and a certain way, so that others find them acceptable...they need to act and think a certain way, wear certain things, have a certain amount of wealth in order not to be teased...they are also pressured into having sex at earlier and earlier ages, because it's portrayed as the normal thing, and their favorite pop stars do have so much $#!7 going through their heads these days, it's no wonder so many commit is nothing but an institution forcing you to believe success and wealth is the ultimate meaning of life...they don't teach critical and creative thinking and life skills...the entire schooling system is malfunctional, and is practically paving the ground for your future of's not about learning new things and expanding your possibilities, it's about matching expectations and being top of the class...they perpetuate the idea that if you don't do well enough, you'll be nothing in life, worthless scum...

There are so many ridiculous things embedded within our culture, that people consider to be the "norm", whilst it's actually brutally detrimental to our collective growth...from the day you are born, you are fed lies, told what to believe, why to believe it, and so on...and you can't question 99% of it, you just have to accept it as ultimate truth...the end result is most people are so mind numbingly boring and "generic"'s almost repulsive...all trying to look good for each other, each as fragile as a mirror, so worried about how others see them, each secretly thinking they are better than the rest to remain confident...always talking about sports and the latest gossip...never anything technical, deep or meaningful...I would hardly even call them human, but rather a carefully crafted robot that meets the standards of society and fits in with the rest of the robots to ultimately play right into the elites hands...the entire system is corrupt, you're all working for criminals...

People work their whole lives as slaves, never questioning anything, not even aware they are a slave, they let the system string them along until the day they die...did you know that the richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of global household wealth? Or that the richest one per cent of the world's population owns 40 per cent of the total household wealth, while the bottom half of the world makes do with barely one per cent? Do you feel a little cheated yet, because you should! A huge amount of people struggle day in, day out, just to provide a dinner for themselves each night, whilst others could earn enough for a life time of dinners in the time it takes them to eat dinner. And check out these poverty facts and stats. These ones blew me away:

Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

Number of children in the world
2.2 billion
Number in poverty
1 billion (every second child)

Was your entire life of hard work worth it in the end? Just so others don't call you a lousy leech on society? I have no full time job, but do casual online work involving website development, but I probably only work about 1-5 hours a day, 1-3 days a week. Call me a leech on society if you will, but I laugh at you slave...because I enjoy my job, and I do it whenever I feel like isn't even work for me...whilst you work your entire life away, still probably worrying about's the the same routine day in day out, except you get those two precious days you call the weekend...but then you get old, and retire..and suddenly you have the time and money to to do all the things you've always wanted, but they wont be half as good, because, ooops, you've got a bad knee and hip, not that you've got much energy to travel around a lot at your age...instead you'll probably just waste away the rest of your mundane life with as little adventure and excitement as the first 3/4 of it.

Hooray, look at me, I'm an upstanding citizen!

[edit on 17/5/10 by CHA0S]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:07 AM
What people fail to realize is it is those very "slaves" as you call them that allow you to work such minimal hours.

People criticize billionaires as greedy, rich, elitists. However, nobody ever factors in how many people those billionaires employ.

If nobody made enough money to contribute to social security, where do you think the money would come from?

Is it reasonable to assume that because I can feed my family with one paycheck for a month, that I should not be allowed to do this? That rather, I should have to take my income and feed everyone else before I am allowed to plan ahead and provide for my family in the long run?

Do I personally think that having billions of dollars is unnecessary? Theoretically, yes. However, I can acknowledge the amount of work, talent, and ingenuity that went into making those billions and still respect that people are entitled to make the choices that works for them.

Why is it that people never hold the government, which collects billions in taxes from all of these "slaves", responsible? Why shouldn't the government feed every needy person in this country before buying new office furniture and a new $50K toilet?

The more money you make, the more you pay in taxes. I probably paid more in taxes this year than you made. (based on the information in your OP)

Why does this not count? Why don't you ever say to yourself:

"Hey, so and so paid $60K in taxes this year, and I only paid $2000. Maybe I should do more to contribute as well....."

Taxes go to education, welfare, food stamps, etc. As well as other programs and such. If everybody only paid the little amount in taxes you had to, based on your income, there would be no food stamps or welfare programs available.

However, I recognize your choice to live life as you see fit. What I fail to see is how you exercise this right, but feel others shouldn't have the same choice.

Think about that.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:20 AM
I am just glad to be a nobody who found out stuff about the scum in society, and how they want to destroy and kill people for no reason. If you analyse society today you have to take into account the police and government officials who just want to destroy anyone and anything they can. Its a vaiable you fogot to mention.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:22 AM
You've hit so many nails on the head with this rant. I like it! Snf

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

People criticize billionaires as greedy, rich, elitists. However, nobody ever factors in how many people those billionaires employ.
Oh...yes, that truly justifies the slave rates they receive and the pathetic living conditions, and absolute misery and dread that results throughout the world...

If nobody made enough money to contribute to social security, where do you think the money would come from?
All I'm saying is, there needs to be more balance and equality. The level of inequality is just off the charts IMO.

However, I can acknowledge the amount of work, talent, and ingenuity that went into making those billions and still respect that people are entitled to make the choices that works for them.
And I respect that this universe may be created by a God. But that doesn't mean I enslave myself to said God and mindlessly succumb to all the humans that try to tell me what God wants, claiming "respect him, he created everything, you'll even be punished if you don't". I admit, they may deserve slightly more than the normal employees, but the current system benefits only the elite to a staggering degree.

Why is it that people never hold the government, which collects billions in taxes from all of these "slaves", responsible? Why shouldn't the government feed every needy person in this country before buying new office furniture and a new $50K toilet?
I am blaming the Government. I'm blaming every person, organization, and entity that backs this "system"...and the Government does a real nice job at advocating that system, ciphering wealth from you, whilst stripping you of your freedoms and rights at the same time.

However, I recognize your choice to live life as you see fit. What I fail to see is how you exercise this right, but feel others shouldn't have the same choice.
But people aren't making this choice, that's what I'm saying. We are carefully crafted from birth to accept this system as the norm...and even to refute those who seek to challenge to system...because once again, they don't fit in with everyone else...

[edit on 17/5/10 by CHA0S]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by lpowell0627

Oh...yes, that truly justifies the slave rates they recieve...

Give me a break.

There are plenty of people working for billionaires well on their way to becoming millionaires. That's how it works. I started in the mail room of a company working the grave yard shift. Six years later I was a manager making more than 5x my original. I'm nothing special. I had no "in". I didn't trample anyone on the way "up". It was a goal I set for myself. Period.

To make the argument that the thousands of people employed by Bill Gates all make slave wages is ridiculous and grasping at straws. Can everyone that works for him make $500K per year no matter their position? No. Does this really need explaining?

All I'm saying is, there needs to be more balance and equality. The level of inequality is just off the charts IMO.

What you fail to realize is that what is enough money is subjective. Is $50K too much? What about $500K? Should people with a $200K mortgage be able to make more than those with only an $80K mortgage? Should the amount of their down payments also be considered? Maybe nobody should be able to live in a house worth more than $200K and no more than 4 bedrooms? See where this is going....?

And I respect that this universe may be created by a God. But that doesn't mean I enslave myself to said God and mindlessly succumb to all the humans that try to tell me what God wants. I admit, they may deserve slightly more than the normal employees, but the current system benefits only the elite.

Interesting. I never mentioned God and don't think he has much to do with income.

How nice of you to say "they deserve slightly more". That's your opinion. Frankly, I think you should work "slightly more". But then that's just MY opinion. In the end, I respect your freedom of choice and wonder why you don't respect others right to choose for themselves.

Did it ever occur to you that some people actually like to work?

I don't really think it's "right" or "fair" that what we used to be able to do with only one paycheck now takes two or three. But I think a lot of that is due to the people NOT working and the creation of entitlement programs. Is that the only cause? Of course not -- but it certainly isn't helping.

If everybody had to contribute equal amounts to what they pulled out of the system, there would always be balance. Ready for that to go into effect?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

Interesting. I never mentioned God and don't think he has much to do with income.
"He" doesn't, it was an analogy.

How nice of you to say "they deserve slightly more". That's your opinion. Frankly, I think you should work "slightly more". But then that's just MY opinion.
And my opinion is, you should work slightly less, or a lot less actually (assuming you have full time work)...either that, or get paid a lot more...but as we can see by the below quote, you would have no part in such an absurd notion...

Did it ever occur to you that some people actually like to work?
Haha...yes, some people might do...but a vast majority would leap at an opportunity to work less for equal pay...especially in a job they don't enjoy which consumes a large portion of their life, with the work being hardly worth the reward...

In the end, I respect your freedom of choice and wonder why you don't respect others right to choose for themselves.
I explained to you exactly why I don't think people are freely making this choice, I couldn't have made it any clearer to be honest. If anything, I am trying to defend our rights and freedoms - open up peoples eyes.

[edit on 17/5/10 by CHA0S]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
I have no full time job, but do casual online work involving website development, but I probably only work about 1-5 hours a day, 1-3 days a week. . . I enjoy my job, and I do it whenever I feel like isn't even work for me...

I'm assuming you're able to support yourself doing this.

You've got it together big time! Good for you!

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

I do think greed stems from a psychological basis to be better but as for the rest of your rant, I am down with it 100%. I’ve been trying to grapple with the concept of Joe Working-Man getting paid 12.50 an hour while sitting at home trying to figure out how to shift money from accounts and the paltry savings he DOES have in order to pay for his wife’s medication AND fill the fridge at the same time.

Sad…extraordinarily sad


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
Have you ever wondered why...humans are such materialistic, greedy, deceptive beings...always focused on success, power and's the propaganda the elite force feed us...and what that commercialism and propaganda does to people is brainwash them...and as a causes everyone to work against each other and try to achieve more, or be more famous, or the most popular and cool kid in achieve something so that we have more power and wealth than others, making us feel better and like we are worth more than them...those in lower positions are almost treated like a lesser form of them anyone without power, influence and respect is is nothing but a meaningless war to achieve more than the next person and say you're better than them...

Best thing I've read in years.
Good rant. Whole-heartedly agree.

Greed will be the destruction of us.

I agree with alot of your views and encourage you to try and tell people about them.

But then again it's like telling the masses that their entire existence is based on a lie.

And it is...

Great read!

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by KyoZero

I do think greed stems from a psychological basis to be better
You do or you don't? Because that's pretty much what I said wasn't it?

Sad…extraordinarily sad

reply to post by havok

Best thing I've read in years.
Good rant. Whole-heartedly agree.
Thank you.

I agree with alot of your views and encourage you to try and tell people about them.

But then again it's like telling the masses that their entire existence is based on a lie.

And it is...'s possibly the hardest thing anyone could try to do...but I do find it very interesting to discuss, and hear other peoples opinions on this topic in any case.

[edit on 17/5/10 by CHA0S]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by CHA0S
i agree with most of what you got to say. you like comedy? you should check out "Doug Stanhope No Refunds" on youtube he hits on many of your points in this thread. it will cheer you up abit heres the start
i`ll not embed it

[edit on 17/5/10 by Aceofclubs]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:45 PM
I don't think commercialism is bad by itself. It keeps our money in circulation, it creates jobs, it inspires people to invent things. I think it's when all you care about is money and consuming is when it becomes a problem and I think there are a lot of people that fall into that category.

However I think the majority of people are pretty happy working their 40 hour/no overtime week and making enough to get by with just a little extra to afford a little leisure.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Aceofclubs

i agree with most of what you got to say. you like comedy? you should check out "Doug Stanhope No Refunds" on youtube he hits on many of your points in this thread.
Haha...that was great man. Thanks for sharing, I love stand up comedy, and I hadn't seen that guy before. He definitely makes some great points in very humorous ways.

[edit on 18/5/10 by CHA0S]

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