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Have we all become delusional???

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 12:37 PM
First off I'd just like to say that I love ATS, I'm new here with this avatar but I've been on this site over the years with various other avatars.......

I think back to some of the major events that have happened on the world stage over my time here on ATS...

The Bush election, we all know he stole it, its an undeniable fact, ATSers had it figured not long after how and why it was done. The truth has been displayed on these boards for years after.
I remember all the Americans saying that there would be a revolution once the word gets out, it seemed on ATS at least people were not going to take the lies anymore. Sadly nothing ever came from it, the guilty like Katherine Harris, Jeb and the rest never got punished. Bush got another term in office and people moved on to the next big conspiracy.....

I remember the rage and passion for getting the truth out about 9/11 after it happened. We all spent so much time deciding what the real truth was that nothing ever really came from it. We may have affected a few people around us but in reality we haven't changed a thing. The 9/11 board now is just in stasis with no new information coming out of any worth and the same amount of newbies falling for the same dis-info (No planes lol! I know personally people who where there and there were planes I'm afraid) Again nothing has ever came from all the man hours pumped into ATS over the years. I still care of course I do but personally I think the time for getting justice has long past.......

The "War for Oil" happened and sure enough ATS diligently worked away producing thread after thread on the secret weaponary used, the injections and meds given to the troops and the possible after effects. The lies the media portrayed to the public were always well documented. We had returning troops showing up to add their much needed imput, we were getting inside info from people on the front line. The mass-media coverage pailed in comparison to the vibrancy of debates on this board. At this point for me, Ats became my first source of news, I felt that with the quality of the ATS truth machine in full operation they would never be able to fool the public again.....Then came Obama lol!

All our eyes were wide open to the TPTB and all the other big hitters on the world stage. Within mintues of a fresh smokescreen (Finacial crisis, mumbai, Pakistan, Iran etc) being projected by the media and TPTB, the real motivation behind the story would be exposed in a credible manner, right here....

Since those key events and all the other smaller things that have happened, I've come back time and time again looking for the inside scoop. The difference this year is after few weeks in, I'm struck by how much it feels like I'm just going through the motions. Any other long term ATSers feel like this?

So back to questioned posed in the title, other than putting the news out on what's really happening in the world. What have we as a collective achieved with all this behind the scenes knowledge. Are we just kidding ourselves that we are anything more than slightly ahead of the curve of the masses. With all the "call to arms" and "lets start a revolution" threads I've seen in my time here, I've yet to see TPTB be stopped or even slowed down by anything produced on this site. In the end have we all become delusional, that we can stop "them" from doing whatever fresh hell they wish to in-act upon us in the future....

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1
Are we just kidding ourselves that we are anything more than slightly ahead of the curve of the masses. With all the "call to arms" and "lets start a revolution" threads I've seen in my time here, I've yet to see TPTB be stopped or even slowed down by anything produced on this site. In the end have we all become delusional, that we can stop "them" from doing whatever fresh hell they wish to in-act upon us in the future....

I think the real issue is that people rarely take their 'revolution' beyond the bedroom. I see a lot of crying and whining about TPTB but that's it. The biggest criers are busy waiting for someone else to do the hard yards in the real world.

Governments know this and give people the illusion of freedom by allowing them to cry revolution from their bedrooms knowing full well that the smallest percentage of them (a manageable figure) will actually go so far as to stick their own heads on the chopping block.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

To put it another way. Have TPTB gotten so powerful that we really have no power other than to protest from the comfort of our bedrooms? Has it become impossible to fight back in any real sense?

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by strangleholder1

My answer is no and I will simply point to the old Elephant & Chain story

This is much like the story of the "Chained Elephant", where a huge elephant can be held in one place by a chain around one leg attached to a stake in the ground. Why doesn't this giant animal simply tear the stake out of the ground or break the chain? The reason is that the elephant has been chained this way since it was young, when it actually couldn't break free.

The baby elephant tries and tries to break free initially, but soon learns that it's futile and so gives up. From that point on he knows that when he is chained to a peg, there is no point trying to break free. Although the full-grown elephant could easily break free, he doesn't, because he doesn't believe that he can. His mind has been trained that when he is chained, he can't get away.


I won't even begin to talk about the logistics of coordinating millions of people toward a single goal.


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:25 PM
Just sit back and watch them unravel.

Sure, they've still got a few tricks up their sleeves, but their days are numbered and they know it.

I watch the follies and I revel in the fact that the entire system is falling. It has to. The new can never be birthed until the old dies away.

And they are dying a slow, albeit annoying and destructive, death.

Try not to judge them, without them, we never would have learned the lessons we've learned.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I always say nobody should do anything the ptb have won before i was alive and you too. But we should all know about these things, whats wrong with that?

There is too much mind control in uk and usa for you people to do anything.

Thats just a fact now.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Take a look at the situation in Thailand...The people are attacking banks and kills bank employees...The banks are getting unwanted attention...This will spread around the world like wildfire soon.

People are waking up and when the big masses are waking up you will see more people/groups take action.

I have hope for the future that enough people have waken to one day take a stand.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 02:07 PM
I think the problem is mobilization, and being verified as a target. The hardest part of a revolution is to accept what comes with it and the type of struggles one will endure.

Right now those who are aware are largely delusional (Peaceful revolution or write to your rep.), scared, and of course no hierarchy.

Exposing them is not enough, it never was and even now it's especially mute now that they are as exposed as they will ever be.

If you want revolution, start creating and supporting hierarchy, and of course mobilizing

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:23 PM
That's the crux of the problem, most people who come here (including me) aren't interested in charging down the guns of our oppressors. I just want to look at the world differently, refuse the mass-media spoon fed drivel. The elephant and chain analogy is a good one but in reality it doesn't apply to humanity. The logistics of fighting back coherently against TPTB to organise would be beyond most govts let alone a collective of keyboard warriors.....

Another point raised was the Thailand rebellion, IMO this will most likely be crushed brutally and without a positive outcome for the Thai people. Look at Greece, the riots changed nothing, in fact! when was the last time the people rose up in this modern world and achieved something? It never seems to happen anymore.....The elites always get the outcome they require regardless of how much fury is displayed by the public.....

Its of little wonder why I'm diving deep into the spiritual side of ATS these days lol!

Thanks for the replies guys

[edit on 15-5-2010 by strangleholder1]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:45 PM
I think there are powers that be out there for the benefit of mankind too, or else we would have far worse infringements than we do. Some science is functioning properly for us all, much is not. It's still a collection of agendas, from different angles we see the same direction of blameless corporate faces, which is just a barrier to keep out our complaints.

The understanding here is great, I'd hate to be blaming one government party or another for projects, or think the evening news was something worth following. Way more prepared ...

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by strangleholder1

It is so easy to get bogged down in the day to day hum drum. And many get so caught up in doom and gloom of things that when nothing major happens, they/we crawl right back into the world of being comfortable. ATS makes those who live in a box uncomfortable. Have nothing to do with this site at all. But, there are those, the longtimers who do stick around because they/we believe there is more to this world than what we are allowed to see. ATS bring those people together who want something more and want to make a difference.

That is what I see and what has kept me coming back for two years now. We can't always change what goes on around us but, we do have control of how we change our lives and ATS gives us the venue to make that change. May ATS always remain along with our freedom of speech! Selah.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1
reply to post by InfaRedMan

To put it another way. Have TPTB gotten so powerful that we really have no power other than to protest from the comfort of our bedrooms? Has it become impossible to fight back in any real sense?

We have not had the power for a long time because still not enough people know and understand except those who search for the answers.

I will tell you this much. i have been at this for over 20 years and let me tell you if you brought up any of this even 10 years ago you were considered crazier then Charles Manson. Not so today more people will at least listen then I ever dreamed would.

You ask what good was getting all this information out. Well while it hasn't given us power to change things as of yet, it has expanded our numbers exponentially. After 20 years I had pretty much given up. A small group of patriots myself included had been putting information out for years on the internet and even by hand back in the day and we thought the people would never wake up.

Until 2007 with the Ron Paul campaign. It was then I realized all that hard worked paid off and more people then I aver dreamed of were waking up questioning everything and actually listening to what we had to say, this re-energized me.

So it almost 20 years for a very small group of people to put out information for it to permeate a large group of people, I'd say maybe a couple million now know enough about what is going on. Still not enough but moving in the right direction.

We don't have another 20 years. However we now have a much larger group of people telling others and spreading the word. I don't know if it is enough to effect change in time but it is the one benefit of continuing to do this on boards like ATS and others and with emails etc.

I have my doubts as to if there will ever be enough people to ever effect change. However with the number of people now that are informed when the real pain starts hitting the masses there may be enough to resist and take back out country.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by strangleholder1
reply to post by InfaRedMan

We don't have another 20 years. However we now have a much larger group of people telling others and spreading the word. I don't know if it is enough to effect change in time but it is the one benefit of continuing to do this on boards like ATS and others and with emails etc.

I have my doubts as to if there will ever be enough people to ever effect change. However with the number of people now that are informed when the real pain starts hitting the masses there may be enough to resist and take back out country.

This is still our country. I believe that with all my heart. Unfortuneatly, most people are too occupied with there own lives and problems to worry about any of this. Yes, the desire comes to our hearts, but, when it comes down to it, how many are really willing to stand up and fight when it counts?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:14 AM
If you question your own sanity - then you met the qualification for insanity. otherwise - your normally weird like the rest of us.

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