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Why do men want to kill?

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
This is a post that is about men wanting to kill everything that moves.

Women do not want to kill, they want to nurture. Or most of them do.

I am asking this question - Why do men want to kill?

Men cause wars because they want to kill.

I am sick and tired of it.

Women want to kill, too. It may be more often a thought-process with men due to testosterone, possibly, but I've witnessed more murderous things coming from women - no offense.

That being said partially in jest, people want to kill because it is a form of control.

Their greed is so great... they cannot control it... so they must kill whatt stands in the way between their relief.

Their vanity is so great... they cannot control it... so they must kill what stands in the way between their relief.

Their pain is so great... they cannot control it... so they must kill what stands in the way between their relief.

I could go on. But this is how it appears in one's own perception when one feels murderous.

Not that -I- would know -ANYTHING- about feeling murderous.

One who is unable to control their self must attempt to control everyone else.

-I- would know -NOTHING- about control! (Or the lack thereof)

But what do I know?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:12 AM
Check out my thread on Chimpanzee vs bonobos

I get into the topic of why the bonobos are so peaceful and why the chimpanzees are masters of war. The bonobos are heavily influenced by the females of their community and the women form a close bond, unlike the common chimpanzee. The chimpanzee females do not socialize as much and this may have an effect on the male offspring somehow.

Also the bonobos use sex multiple times a day to relieve stress, solve problems and fights, or just for fun! It's a fun read and has plenty of videos.

Since we are related to chimpanzees you can see ourselves as them and learn how to act based on their behavior.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:25 PM


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by catwhoknows

We don't "want to kill everything".
Just things that need killin'.
Like murderous fascists and tyrants of all stripes.
And the occasional duck.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows
I agree. No woman has never killed. Here's a list to prove that:

But hey, don't take what it says as fact, it could be propaganda from the evil murderous men to make it seem like not all women are innocent creatures who have done no harm to anyone, because we as all know that's entirely true.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Sometimes someone does something so stupid in traffic that endangers the life of myself and loved ones that I get so angry and want to take them out of this world before their selfish behavior takes out someone else.

Sometimes, people just persist at taking advantage or crossing the lines of decency that the urge is overwhelming to prevent them from existing long enough to impart one second more influence on the world, lest they create another them.

Sometimes, the voices just tell you who is bad and needs to be taken out before they take you out. They want to you, you know? They will too. First chance they get. You turn your head and they will not hesitate so you better not. Just quiet your thoughts and let the voices guide you. Go to the mall and try it out. They point out people left and right and explain to me why they should be cut down. They do not bother anyone anymore.

I hope that helps answer your question.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:43 PM
i served in the british army infantry,in combat in both iraq and afghan.the only people who want to kill are nutters,9 times out of 10 to be in a position to kill someone,you yourself are in danger.killing is not something done lightly,and i know nobody who took pleasure in it.women are every bit as capable of killing as men,in stalingrad,some of the highest scoring snipers were in fact women

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

Why do you love killing deer?

I agree the post has become confused (OK, my points have become confused).

What I am trying to say is I cannot stand warmongers, and I cannot stand murderers in any shape or form, and that includes mass murderers, and by that I mean the people who cause wars to happen, amongst others. And the people who kill animals for 'fun'.

No-one has a right to take anyone's life - but I make an exception for people who have taken another's life.

And if there is a last judgement, how will soldiers be judged?

I believe a lot of soldiers are brave and hate what they have to do - but if they have killed people, will they be judged on that fact?

It all seems wrong.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

What I am trying to say is I cannot stand warmongers, and I cannot stand murderers in any shape or form, and that includes mass murderers, and by that I mean the people who cause wars to happen, amongst others. And the people who kill animals for 'fun'.

No-one has a right to take anyone's life - but I make an exception for people who have taken another's life.

And if there is a last judgement, how will soldiers be judged?

I believe a lot of soldiers are brave and hate what they have to do - but if they have killed people, will they be judged on that fact?

It all seems wrong.

Now this I can stand behind. It isn't biased at all and of course I am with you on this one. Pacifism is my approach.


posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by catwhoknows
if there is some sort of judgement at the end,all ican say is that my conscience is clear.i was lucky in my army career, i never had to shoot at someone first,i only ever returned fire.i think soldiers should be judged on what they believed was the right thing to i think murder is wrong?of i believe killing is wrong?no,there are many things worth killing,and dying for.jsut my view as an ex soldier,thanks.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

Why do you love killing deer?

I agree the post has become confused (OK, my points have become confused).

What I am trying to say is I cannot stand warmongers, and I cannot stand murderers in any shape or form, and that includes mass murderers, and by that I mean the people who cause wars to happen, amongst others. And the people who kill animals for 'fun'.

No-one has a right to take anyone's life - but I make an exception for people who have taken another's life.

And if there is a last judgement, how will soldiers be judged?

I believe a lot of soldiers are brave and hate what they have to do - but if they have killed people, will they be judged on that fact?

It all seems wrong.

You hate killing and you hate people that kill.

Yet you think you're enabled to pass judgment on other people to end their life.

Make up your mind!

The world can only have so many hypocrites!

I thought "no one had the right to take an-others life"

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 12:01 AM
What kind of ignorant topic is this?

Topic poster a lowly internet troll, or just a few donuts short of a dozen?

As if this topic actually deserves a response, perhaps the topic poster could explain female serial killers such as Aileen Wournos then...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 01:05 AM
You know catwhoknows if you had started your thread with the last post i just read from you then i probobly wouldnt think you were so completely ignorant and a lowly troll. You have some serious issues with your feelings and emotions.
Oh i agree that murdering is bad and i dont have love for a murderer. I also am a man and the only thing i really want to kill is this thread. It seems like ATS is becoming full of this kind of garbage lately.

you originally went off for well over 3 pages about how you hate men and men are all killers and all kinds of ignorant tripe about the nature of men not mankind. I was going to respond by pointing out all the women rulers in history because of you comment about it being in our DNA but then you seem to have reverted your stance on DNA when you claimed you were talking about rulers today not from history. So that takes care of it being a DNA issue because it doesnt apply to people from long ago just modern day. Unless you insist man has had some sort of drastic DNA shift or something. Anyways to follow along the obviously absurd lines this thread is going i will say this. Man kills for many reasons. Death is apart of life. killing is also apart of the reality life is. Things must die. I dont know what religion your are or if you are but if your christian as i suspect you are then you need to reconcile the fact that the christian god has ordained killing to be perectly legal and just. Just not the killing of a human without reason. Murder isnt justified in his eyes. OOPS did i say HIS eyes. Must be a he since he approves of death but being the creator of life i gues thats his perogative.
Anyways the truth is most wars are started because of power and territory and the need to hang on to said territories to keep your power. The only people i know of that kill for fun are people who are either mass murderers or murderers period. People who have some siciopathic problems. They dont kill for power but for enjoyment at watching the life leave a body. That is of anything alive including animals.
Warmongerers as you call them use people as pawns for power. They are so emotionally distant from the actual death of the people doing the fighting that they have no enjoyment or disgust of the people doing the dying. ts just a means to an ends. They kill with words. They send people to their deaths not for pleasure but for purpose. Try reading some books about war to educate yourself. Start with Men Against Fire by S.L.A. Marshall. It deals with men who had a problem with killing their fellow man. The US government does all it can to nurture a killer instinct in men. If given enough motivation anyone can and will kill and even enjoy it if they have been given enough propaganda regarding their enemy.

I have taken the life of an animal. I didnt want to. I killed 3 puppies who were dying in my neighbors back yard. I did what was hard to do. They all had been born with holes in their heads and worms were eating into them. They were all wining and crying. I took a shovel and dug a hole. Out of three of us "men" i was the only one who was able to do the deed. It was my love for animals and the need to stop the suffering that helped me overcome my disgust at what needed to be done. I killed them as fast as i could. I took the shovel and cut their heads off clean and fast. To this day i have that memory in my head. I will never forget it. Its not like what it would be like to kill a man but i can do that if ever i "had to". I do not want to. Its not something i want to live with but i do not for one second think that it wont ever be thrust upon me to do so. Things may come to that and my reasons will be my own and only god can judge me then if there be a god. I can only pray that it never comes to that.
I think your big problem is with the stereotype of men doing all the killing because it has been so for recorded history. Yes women have played their role also but for the most part men do the deeds because when killing needs to be done we do not want our women to be risking their lives to do it. Its our nature to protect our women. Its about basic nature of man. So yes we men get the title of killers because we for the most part havent allowed you women to have that title.Remember killing also grants power. Men also do not wish to share power with women for the most part.
Women on the other hand get to hold the title of givers of life because the are the vessels of life. You guys forget that we helped in that process also.

How about all those women who kill their kids after so call nurturing them for years. Murdering is the process of a sick mind. Killing isnt necessarily so and people die. To die without reason is a crime against humanity. To die for a cause is to fulfill a destiny. How honored i would be if my death benefited mankind in some profound way that carried on into the future.

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