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How do aliens screen memories?

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:11 PM
How do aliens screen memories? How do they block them? Can they brainwash people to become thier PR agents?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:20 PM
The same way you sreen your own mind.. You know for example, when ppl explaining to you very boring stuff, but that person is your boss explaining what you have to do today but at the same time, you think of 3 or 4 thing you rather be doing at the moment but screening them to remain focus.. The process is exactly the same.

See your brain, mind, as a book for you to read as the author and have right to wrote in it, but it remind a book for any other who can read (if enough skilled to do it).. While you still are writting page 674, others can turn page you already wrote and read it.. That's how it's done per say.. simply.

My point of view on your 2nd question is short, no. But, they can help you choose to stop using bold caracter for you to remind something 'in your book, and influencing you to lower your font size so what you want is less important, when what they want, is written in bold. You are sitll writting it but they have help you (help...) changing the manner you wrote it.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by korats]

[edit on 7-5-2010 by korats]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:22 PM
Here is a better question...

Assuming aliens exist, and can travel here from vast distances, and are advanced beyond our comprehension.

Why would they be in any way interested in such an unevolved and primitive human brain?

Do you think they would really care about what is in your head?

I'm sure they would find our brain activity about as interesting as we find slime mold.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Out of topic question above. Stick to OP subject.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
Here is a better question...

Assuming aliens exist, and can travel here from vast distances, and are advanced beyond our comprehension.

Why would they be in any way interested in such an unevolved and primitive human brain?

Do you think they would really care about what is in your head?

I'm sure they would find our brain activity about as interesting as we find slime mold.

The same reason us (Humans) dissect frogs and other lesser life forms. Maybe they are curious about us the same way we are curious when we study some things that seem so inferior and irrelevant otherwise.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:55 PM
The human brain is an easily altered neural interface. It is protected only by the bodies resonant em field. Any fluctuation in that field causes a soft power down, what you would call fainting or in some cases extremely dizzy/disoriented. The interface is capable of receiving commands on many levels, and can be manipulated to varying degrees. Signals within the neural pathway need only specific modulation in order to have a desired result.
You don't think you store your memories in your head do you, really?
When you think, are you within you, or are you without, looking back at the machine which you operate?
If musculo-skeletal memory is in fact the residing place of personal knowledge and experience, then it can be easily altered through outside influence.
Here is proof, if a man is attacking you, run your crossed index and middle finger down his chest quickly from collarbone to zyphoid process, the result will be an overwhelming 50% decrease in his primary attack sequence!
Why is this?
Because it releases the musculo-skeletal memory of love and dampens response to aggression, giving you an opening of 3.42 seconds before the primary attack sequence can return to its full potential, during which time it is expended, and only the secondary defense responses can be called up.

In response to your question, the answer is, put simply: by manipulating the bio-rhythms.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Actually it involves their being from a more advanced channel frequency, so to them, its simply a "matter" in a hologram universe where matter is an illusion, for them to simply recode the energy signals going into the centers in our minds where the information is translated. There is no proof that anything exists outside of our consciousness, everything is translated into images, constructs in our minds.

I touch on some of the questions and understandings I have in this thread:
Space/Time/Infinity & The Holographic Universe!

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Really great question OP. In my research, I have not read anything (as yet) that can approach an answer to your incredibly important question, Sir. Some say eye-contact. dunno..


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

i have a diff way of looking at this, i would believe that curiosity would play a role in this bc u have to think of the things that us humans get into such as nature and discovering new species of bugs, animals, etc. so to say that they would have no concern for a simple being such as humans just bc there super smart or super evolved may not be entirely true. i beileve that they would be curious of what we do also everyday human life could be a tv show to them in some way... actually i think i saw that in a movie once... anyway ya jus my own opinion.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:28 AM
Barny Hill, suggested they looked at him. Alaghash abductees said almost the same except they referred to the translucent orange/yellow ball. Kelly Cahill, said it was low frequency waves.

So take your pic OP, or perhaps another way... but kinda suggests there's more than one EBE race involved mayhaps?


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:49 AM
The memories are not just stored in the brain, from a more esoteric position the brain is merely an inerfacing mechanism for our consciousness to interact with a physical body in 3d space time. If you've very had an obe or such you'd know you can be there on the ceiling looking down at your body and still have the memory of who you are and what you've done in this life.

So the et's may not need to have any access to our physical brain to still read our memories. They simply need to be either spiritually, or very highly technalogically advanced to be able to access the memories "interdimensionally", it may not require any physical travel to our planet at all.

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