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Earth: An Extraterrestrial Military Project

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:51 PM
I've been studying various statistics as they relate to world events and ETs, particulary ancient world events, and how those ancient events may paint a picture of what is happening today and what may happen in the future.

Of particular interest to me, as a result of a waking vision experience I had, are the ancient texts, and how they suggest a future in which women are completely absent. Not just some women, but all women. And not just away on a vacation, but simply not there anymore, at all, period. Extinct.

At first, I considered the possiblity that what I was discovering was more related to just natural tendencies of the human species, but as time went on and the evidence began to mount, the idea that it was naturally inspired, began to fade and was replaced by the echoes of comments people have made to me over the years or things i have read or seen.

For example, my sister pointed out that there were no female angels in the bible. A black hebrew israelite, informed me that God does not care about women at all. The ladies are an afterthought. If you were to hear a muslim tell it, women are an inferior species. Why would God want an inferior species in his heavenly army?

Have you ever just stepped outside your paradigm for a moment, be it religious, darwinist or somewhere inbetween, and just looked at the history of women on the planet, objectively? I mean truly objectively? Their plight in sacred texts. Their plight in places like China and the belief that female chlidren are undesirable. Their plight in India for the same reason. Their plight in Ancient Greece, same reason. The teachings in almost every ancient sacred text, addressing women as evil or necessary evils, avoidance of women or even cloistering of men away from women entirely. Armies composed of only men. Professions of only men.

After much contemplation it dawned on me: what I was witnessing was some kind of global farm environment, in which women acted as little more than servants and incubators of future generations of genetically manipulated male soldiers. When the population tended to an undesireable genetic strain, the herd was thinned *in some cases, dramatically so. Notice this in action today, as the population on planet earth reaches its crescendo, more and more men are being born homosexual, reducing even the desire or need for women. In addition, technology is providing more and more outlets for heterosexual males to take care of "personal" business without ever having to encounter a real female, to do so.

Perhaps you might be thinking, this is just the natural tendency of large communities of people and an example of nature correcting itself. And you might be right, but my question is: What if it's been manipulated to be that way for a reason. What if this tendency is in fact, artifically manufactured, a trend of advanced societies produce, wherein the natural population reaches maturity and has a nice genetic spread, that technology invariably replaces even the need for reproduction?

And all this, not because we are animal livestock, but rather, the males of our populations are future genetic stock for a massive ET army, in which living human women have no purpose. And that our planet is not the only planet undergoing this process. The universe is a big place.

The ET question has always raised the specter of what their motivation for visiting earth may be. why the experiments on living humans. the genetic manipulation. the hybridization. But when you look at the entire thing as one big event from ancient times till today, the end of which is outlined in places like the book of revelation, the koran, and etc, you will begin to notice some really big discrepancies and some startling anomalies.

I'd like to think it was as easy as chalking it up to male chauvisnism but frankly, most men i know are just nice people who have no desire to eradicate their female children and would cringe at the idea of a planet or life without the "Fairer sex". Yet entire countries, from ancient times till today, have genocided their female children for no other reason than it has been literally BRED into their society to do so, via religion, tradition, government writ and some bizaare brainwashing that defies rationality.

There's only 2 possibilities to explain it, from what I can tell:

1) it's artifically induced via manipulation of natural instinct and ego
2) it's supernaturally induced

The religious texts are not the only place this phenomenon of "no women allowed" is seen. Fraternal orders, in which the really important secrets of the ages are kept only for men. Priesthoods, be they catholic or israelite or egyptian or buddhist, only for men.

Seriously, I just don't think this is the result of chauvinism. I think the few men that do know the fate of women, don't want us to know, because, afterall, how could you get a woman to literally give of herself freely, her entire life, suffer the anguish of child birth, wait on you, worry over you and cry over you, knowing that in the big scheme of things, she's nothing more than an incubator, and that in reality, you will go on to be a glorious galactic soldier, and she'll go on to be dinner for the worms.

Religious texts would have no meaning as they wouldn't apply to the ladies, only as a means to get them to comply with their fate. if the ladies in severly patriarchal communities knew that their future was only that of biological incubators, they'd suicide in droves.

It's not a pretty picture nor a comforting thought , and I surely am not even remotely interested in a future where i have no meaning at all. But good grief, i think we've all been struck with a collective blindness about this issue of women, and it's part of what makes it all the more bizaare.

Currently western society is in the process of getting alot of men really angry at women, with its latest incarnation of extremism in gender relations called women's liberation (i mean come on ladies, what about some common sense? why's everything gotta be one extreme or the other?). I do believe this trend is being artificially manipulated because t this dispensation of human activities is coming to a head, and when it does, what will ET want from this planet?

[edit on 6-5-2010 by undo]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 08:11 AM

2) it's supernaturally induced

That is my thought on it. We're told there is 'enmity between the serpent and the woman.' It's an unfortunate side effect of the fall but won't be that way forever.

And I don't believe there are female angels but I don't believe there are male angels either. We're told they're basically unisex, masculine names for the few mentioned aside.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:31 PM
I think the obvious is being overlooked. It's a matter of the difference in muscular/ skeletal structure. Men can easily overpower women. They've done it because they can. They've made women secondary to themselves, because they can.

I wish I could remember where I read this:

Why the sexes fear one another:

Women are afraid men will kill them.
Men are afraid women will laugh at them.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
I think the obvious is being overlooked. It's a matter of the difference in muscular/ skeletal structure. Men can easily overpower women. They've done it because they can. They've made women secondary to themselves, because they can.

But aren't we (at least supposed to be) beyond such differences and able to see that at the very least the two genders are symbiotic - for lack of a better term? The strong - regardless of gender - protect the weak - regardless of gender.

Though perhaps the formative portions of our development scarred us into carrying the notions Ladyinwaiting mentions far further than we should have.

Either way, whatever has caused this unbalance has been around since the beginning of our written history - and who knows HOW long before. And I agree, it seems to have an unnatural origin, like it was part of an agenda we were never meant to question or understand.

Some of the other comments made me think though. One of the most interesting biblical accounts in my opinion is the story of the 'Nephilim'.

Some angels noticed how hot the 'daughters of men' were and (using physical, assumedly humanoid bodies) had relations with them, producing 'giant' offspring. This led to god somehow making it impossible for the angels to 'materialize' on Earth, and eventually to the 'great flood'.

The bible is decidedly coy about how widespread the Nephilim 'phenomena' was, but I digress.

My whole point in bringing this up is that if these 'angels' were 'perfect' spirit creatures and were 'unisex' how could they be 'overcome with lust' for human chicks? Did it only happen when they were 'in' their physical bodies? Why would they make bodies with hormones that couldn't be controlled then?

It all points to something that is less 'divine' in origin, and more sci-non-fi. Meaning something that we may be more closer to explaining with science than with 'faith in the divine'. These so-called 'divine' seem pettier and creepier the more I understand.

[edit - grammar]

[edit on 7/20/2010 by Teratoma]

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Quite an interesting thesis and thread undo. I would have to go with number #1 though.

it's artifically induced via manipulation of natural instinct and ego

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:59 PM
1) How can you classify angels as being of one gender or the other? They could be unisex and a whole new sex. And who is to say these fallen angels didn't lust after and have dealings with men as well. They could choose what human form they wanted to take. They could find elephant females sexy and manifest themselves as bull elephants. Seriously.

2) Culturally woman have been inferior thusly when some texts were translated they tended to favor men more. You do not know whether there were female or male angels because the Bible doesn't say you only assume and cherubs a form of angels had features of bulls, eagles, lions and other animals as well.

3) Galactic Army or God's Army? Do you believe in ancient alien theory that the species manipulating us created hybrid beings (cherubs) could manifest themselves into the form of humans for intercourse (fallen angels) etc.

I think your comment about angels not being able to manifest themselves is a little off because they show up after genesis (soddom and gommorah) And the angels that were made with free will that disobeyed gods laws were indeed banished with lucifer from the hevens and were thrown to the planet earth to await final punishment.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:14 PM
Can you post the statistics you used??

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:32 PM
I'd just like to point out that in some tribes and societies woman are revered. The Native Americans are one example. A society untouched by religious dogma until the coming of the whiteman. Women are nurturers and everyone in this world has a strong attatchment to one woman or another. The mother figure has been an icon throughout history and will remain so, testtube babies or no, they are irreplacable.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Can you post the statistics you used??

Know if you want me to make a point by point case regarding the religion stuff. The data will take a little bit to compile. As for the UFO/Alien stuff some of it I made up on the fly other is speculation naturally but rest assured I am doing my own little data gathering project with a web site that I will be creating a companion journal with concerning my research. I am in pre-production now. However the web site and my journal will be based off of fact with a little speculation.

Just because an individual is ignorant of the details of how things work doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I mean for example a farmer grows up in a poor rural community in indonesia. no electricity no t.v. no internet nothing. He hasn't even seen any creatures out side of his little island and has no contact with westerners. Now just because he has no knowledge of what is going on in the world... can't even grasp modern concepts of astronomy and other philosophies does that mean that such things don't exist... when Pyoung his brother comes back to the island with stories of an excursion to a more developed city where he discovered wild and crazy things he could never had dreamed of. When he comes back to tell the story what do you think the reaction is going to initially be?

I will honestly get back to you on that one send me a friend request or something

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:58 PM
yea that is one of my other theories, we are being bred by the malevolent aliens to become a Warrior race like the supersayins from Dragonball Z. We've been killing our own kind since the begging of our race. Maybe theres a space war we dont know about, between humanoid bevenolents and reptilian malevolents, they captured a humanoid branch, and manipulated us to become ultimate war machines to be used against our own kind. sort of like terminator?

call me crazy but thats what i think

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:16 PM
The idea of subpar women comes from mainly patriarchal nomadic tribes. Most notably at the end of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, with the invaders from the Russian steppes who went on to become the Dorian civilization. Essentially, you can blame the eruption at Thera around 1500 BC for laying waste to the lands between the Black Sea and Egypt. This destroyed the Goddess worshipping, agricultural societies and left them completely vulnerable to their aggressive, patriarchal invaders, who came there to escape the mini ice age that had set in on the Steppes between 1500 to 1200 BC.

As for the Abrahamic faiths, all the so-called "angels" are merely the older gods, syncretized into the monotheism that the Israelites inherited from the Hittites. These older gods are all "twin" gods, with a male and female aspect, separate but equally powerful.

As for a future army of human males (or females) within the kingdom of the gods - don't count on it.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Ever notice how the popular "aliens" have no reproductive organs *at all*?

I would imagine, that beings of ultimate selfishness would not even want to produce any offspring, and only slaves, most likeley manufactured like clones.

It is likeley that our "angels" and our "creators" were genetic designers, and probably had no real soul or emotions of thier own, and mereley took our own fantasies and dellusions and projected them into our minds.

There are beings, basically, approaching the "second death" who have become so insane that they will destroy and enslave all life as they have been delluded into thinking that there is a scientific explanation for existence, due to thier intense resentment of God.

Because, if they were alive like us, they wouldn't be enslaving us, so, how can they hope to exist like us, if they plan to enslave us?

Basically, what they think of thier "ultimate victory" is actually going to be thier ultimate mistake, and the good are simply trying to prevent them from destroying themselves.
edit on 29-5-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:20 PM
I like your post for it's pretty well developed as a theory of yours, however you are missing several key areas.

The system on earth used to be matriarchal and worked quite well from what I've learned.
Something happened (exactly what is argued over) but basically the matriarchal, female goddess zeitgiest was replaced with a patriarchal polytheism. This still had the goddesses but of lesser importance.
Then came Judeism, Christianity and Islam which took whatever was left of the matriarchal system and pounded it firmly into touch.

Now with city's firmly under that grip females had gone from being the divine to the chattel.
Maybe we're forcast another matriarchal era soon in the future.
The whole male leadership of the elite thing has gotten pretty out of hand in my opinion

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by undo

Just discovered this thread and in my mind there is no doubt that this world comes complete with an agenda that in all appearances fears women and their innate ability to create life and literally keep generations in existence. I read once that men have always feared the power and intuition of women because it is neither from this world nor completely from the 'other' but somewhere in between. Somewhere along the line some very profound imbalance happened and truth was lost.

I have to ask questions even with regards to how we have been created anatomically?

I believe that man's place in the universe is only complete through the woman just as women are complete through the men. That is the purpose of both becoming 'one flesh' yet this planet is hell bent on making the woman inferior and subjecting her to his dominion in a way that is filled with suffering and confusion.

I understand that The Bible in Genesis 3:15 says: "I will put animosity between you and the woman, and between your descendant and her descendant; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel" but a planet that is ruled paternalistically in a way that has put the opposite sex in an inferior weak position is suspect and speaks of a very primitive understanding or emotional, spiritual evolution.

If the measure of superiority is held merely in brute strength than we are dealing with a very inferior species indeed!

I maintain that both male and female complete one another as in the case of God creating Eve for Adam. Both designed to compliment one another in a way that perhaps even allows each to advance in learning and refining, which otherwise would be impossible and unobtainable because in this way we were designed to make up the parts we each were missing.

So if man's power and dominion are solely based on strength and brute force and woman's power is in creation and intuition why has there been so much effort since the beginning for men to rule and dominate over women? It does seem like there is a hidden agenda that subliminally generation after generation continues to plague the earth keeping mankind at a very devolved state. Both are divinely made and what is more they were created to be as One. That is no accident nor is our physiology.

I would love to know how men think with regards to this. I would love to know what men feel and how they perceive women and why they think that is?

This planet truly is the greatest challenge I believe and the mysteries abound!

I do believe however that our sexes are in relation to a mystery and a key that have long ago been forgotten and replaced with more primitive expressions of our rebellion and ignorance. In plain terms one hormone creates war and division where the other hormone creates life and a desire for beauty and peace yet both are out of balance.

Testosterone + Estrogen = completion in creation (the result is the creation of a complete human being).

Genesis 2:22-24 CJB

"The rib which ADONAI, God, had taken from the person, he made a woman-person; and he brought her to the man-person. The man-person said, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She is to be called Woman [Hebrew: ishah], because she was taken out of Man This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh."
edit on 6-11-2013 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 02:35 AM

reply to post by undo

Just discovered this thread and in my mind there is no doubt that this world comes complete with an agenda that in all appearances fears women and their innate ability to create life and literally keep generations in existence. I read once that men have always feared the power and intuition of women because it is neither from this world nor completely from the 'other' but somewhere in between. Somewhere along the line some very profound imbalance happened and truth was lost.

Yeah, I'm gonna bump this thread too because for some reason I liked the thread title Earth: An Extraterrestrial Military Project.

Thread started off ok but I don't agree with the expanded argument that the relationship between men/women would be that extremely brutal. I mean, that's a really scary scenario that has the men of humanmankind in total domination of the women of humankind for thousands of years.

The philosophical implications of that theory failed to adequately explain the phenomenon of Mary Mother of God. However, the theory of Earth as an Extraterrestrial Military Project was never fully expanded on. Could this planet be a military E.T. operation? Sounds a bit like Scientology. But who knows. It's just an old thread with a great title.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by undo

It's an interesting thought experiment.

The sceptic in my says that most of this was inevitable. When a man is killed, it's just a man. When a woman is killed, potentially there is a being inside that we also mourn the loss of. That single observation alone means that a society which places women in a protected bubble will prosper numerically over one which has pure gender equality. During human prehistory numbers mattered a whole lot more than right or wrong.

Societies that focus on manual tasks and labour will generally elevate men to a higher status purely based on utility for right or wrong, and that carries with it powerful traditions unfortunately.

Treating the OP as reality for a few moments though ... If an intelligent being decided this was a really really good idea, yes you would have to wonder what their motivations are or were. Placing a species in the position of the human race seems quite cruel and unnecessary. At the same time though, the religious texts you're looking at OP ... are you looking at them in English? Or going back to their original translation? English is quite gender and male focused and may be taking some parts out of context regarding the future with no women? Not arguing that they're not male focused though.

My other thought is that if aliens wanted us at our angriest they missed the boat by at least a few hundred years. Perhaps we're just the universes most chaotic biological terraforming device or something.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 05:06 AM

yea that is one of my other theories, we are being bred by the malevolent aliens to become a Warrior race like the supersayins from Dragonball Z. We've been killing our own kind since the begging of our race. Maybe theres a space war we dont know about, between humanoid bevenolents and reptilian malevolents, they captured a humanoid branch, and manipulated us to become ultimate war machines to be used against our own kind. sort of like terminator?

call me crazy but thats what i think

Could well be. We are certainly being trained to kill each other. Not only that, but it's glorified.

I pointed out to my wife when we went to a video store last week that most of the games for hire were 1st person shooters.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:42 AM

Of particular interest to me, as a result of a waking vision experience I had, are the ancient texts, and how they suggest a future in which women are completely absent. Not just some women, but all women. And not just away on a vacation, but simply not there anymore, at all, period. Extinct.

Females will never go, how can one even imagine it unless supergay or thinking the Earth is some kind of breeding grounds.

Males have always been the hunters, females were left at the cave to care for the home and children, unless the child was male and went along hunting. The male specializes in macro, the female in micro. On a spaceship, it's the guy that is the captain on the bridge and knows the universe and decides where to go. He has it all with his robots providing for his every need, except one which is company. So the female would be the ultimate entertainer who can relax him. And when they have seen it all they could start to think about dealing with others such as developing species.

Point being even ET's would have male/female roles aboard a weapon so the guy can shoot continuously and focus on combat while the female makes sure he is not interrupted by small things, like a child or other asking attention.

Currently western society is in the process of getting alot of men really angry at women, with its latest incarnation of extremism in gender relations called women's liberation (i mean come on ladies, what about some common sense? why's everything gotta be one extreme or the other?). I do believe this trend is being artificially manipulated because t this dispensation of human activities is coming to a head, and when it does, what will ET want from this planet?

Male and female can never be equals and they shouldn't because it'll be more boring and to specialize in macro and micro would be more advantageous from an evolutionary perspective. Males should be like apples and females like pears and they taste different to eachother which is most of the fun of it, having different company than yourself and the surprises and unexpected things which might happen because they look at it from a different perspective of which they are both specialists. But if they would all become applepears and eventually all have the same university education (assuming there is an end to all that can be known about life) then why would people want to be together, accounting future robots would take care of most of the things.
edit on 22-1-2014 by spiritspeak because: (no reason given)


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