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Remember the Alamo??

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:41 AM
Is history repeating itself....kinda??

After Mexico won their independence from Spain, Texas and a large portion of what is now the US was under Mexican control. (I know it's Wiki sorry)
Under their General Colonization Law immigrants from anywhere were allowed to take claim to land in Texas. Until 1830 when the US rights to take land was revoked because of their slave ownership. this lead to a war for Texas, which the US ultimately won!

I apologize for not going much into detail with this thread but I am just recently re-educating myself on this topic as of this week thanks to the History Channel, so I do not know or should I say remember from high school a lot of the facts. But with our current immigration problems and Arizona's new law in my mind I can see this as history repeating itself. Will the immigration issues lead to civil unrest? Will another war be fought over who gets to live and work here? I understand the issues today are not the same as the issues back then but I couldn't help but notice the similaritys. I'm also posting this here because I know there are MANY smarter people on this board than myself who could ultimately school me in my American History (and most other topics). Just wondering if my observations hold any truth, or if I'm way off. Oh and please be kind this is the first thread I've posted that has come straight from my head, I usually keep my ramblings, ideas and daydreams to myself.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Ok that is true but did you know if mexico had not Defeated the French the confederate army would have won the civil war! But the Mexicans with machetes’ and cows beat Napoleons army.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Cradle12003

I sure did not know that. I love history but I must admit that I know very very little about it!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Well in a way its still there land.
An interesting tale.
Also there is gold in them thar hills.
A many locals still know where its hid.
People have been asked to help put some into cash.
That was before the law was changed from not being allowed to own gold.
Can't say what is going on now.
Mexico and Native Indians have been walking all around that area
before the white man. Even helped out the James gang in their
struggles from the land west of the Pecos.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Well this isn't the first time people have fought over this land and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm just curious to see how this all plays out. If history does repeat itself then it doesn't look good for the US, history has shown that just because you had claim in a land first doesn't mean it's yours forever.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I wonder who actually claims the US as their power tool.
Whoever is in control will not be hurt by any war.
Some one hit pay dirt on 9/11/01.
Arizona immigrant uprising and Greek uprising can only make
more money for those in control.
The reason for their problems is listening to the power brokers
or job promises and now are dispensable.
If they tended to their traditional way of life, perhaps they were
sitting on a pot of gold, instead of listening to falsehoods they
would not be uprising as history has shown happens from time to time.
ED: Cows trampled the French:

Perhaps on Cinco De Mayo

[edit on 5/6/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:44 PM
I have no clue who is in charge of the world, but I do know they love war. War makes money for those with power and keeps us peons in their control.

I'm reading the link but I still do see how mexico beating the french helped the north to win the civil war....I'll keep reading.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Wondering302
I have no clue who is in charge of the world, but I do know they love war. War makes money for those with power and keeps us peons in their control.

I'm reading the link but I still do see how mexico beating the french helped the north to win the civil war....I'll keep reading.

Perhaps the French would help the Confederacy.
Especially if England helped the North.
There is plenty of conspiracy theories about what went on at that time.
Was England helping both sides to come in and pick up the pieces
or just the war loans.

The outlaws link shows some of the Spanish activities at one time.
Guess the French took over at one time.
The gold goes back to Solomon time if one goes beyond the Dr. Fell
findings that Libyans were sailing to the Americas in the BC.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I can definitely see this subject be leveraged over some time into a rational for the North American Union. It seems that right now different angles of attack are being tried out. The "Immigrant Rights" and the "Drug lords gone wild". It looks more exploratory at the moment.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:12 PM
AZ or TX immigration laws won't mean jack
when the US Congress and Obama give
them all amnesty.

Washington is sick

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