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Kids sent home for wearing American flag clothes because it offended hispanic kids.. WTF?

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Wrong it did not offend Hispanics it offended Mexican Americans. Not all Hispanic give a darn about Cinco de Mayo.

But it does bring up a question of did the child/children who wore the shirt/s wear shirts with an American Flag on them all the time or regularly or did they just do this today to get a reaction out of someone.

If they wear American flag shirts all the time than there is no fault to them.

If they just wore it today and have never worn one before, something is not right about that; why wait until Cinco de Mayo to wear the shirt. Why not before or after in that case they are making a statement to enrage people.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by jatsc]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Sick and tired of this crap, these kids need to stand up for themselves. When i was a kid and someone wanted me to do something I didnt want to i told them to go to hell. I didnt bow down and do it unless it was something I wanted to do. These kids should come back to school in every damn american flag item they can find. Paint your whole body as a flag, wear the bandanna find some american flag shirts and pants find some american flags and carry those too. Tell them youll wear whatever you want and theres isnt a damn thing legally they can do about it. Sometimes I wish god would just smack down all the idiots with a giant hammer.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Freshman Laura Ponce, who had a Mexican flag painted on her face and chest, told the Morgan Hill Times that Cinco de Mayo is the "only day" Mexican-American students can show their national pride.

Their national pride? This is the United States of America not Mexico. That right there is BS. All the pcers can shove it up their @^* until all the nationalities in the US get equal time. I'm so sick of the bending over backwards for Mexicans especially illegals.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:23 PM
You know every day, I log onto ATS.
Frequently, I will come across threads like this.
After a while, this stuff doesn't surprise me at all.
The Rockstar cannibal, the tight jeans rape case.
No surprises there! This country has been and always will be F'ed up.

And it will only get worse.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Great!!!!!!! let's just be a bunch of intolerant retards. After all that's what America is best at it seems!

Just reminds me of this thread. Army Symbol Is Religious, Should Be Changed

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Crossfate]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:12 PM
In todays world everything thats right is wrong, and everything thats bad is good.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

I totally agree... star for you

[edit on 6-5-2010 by truth?]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by jatsc
Wrong it did not offend Hispanics it offended Mexican Americans. Not all Hispanic give a darn about Cinco de Mayo.

But it does bring up a question of did the child/children who wore the shirt/s wear shirts with an American Flag on them all the time or regularly or did they just do this today to get a reaction out of someone.

If they wear American flag shirts all the time than there is no fault to them.

If they just wore it today and have never worn one before, something is not right about that; why wait until Cinco de Mayo to wear the shirt. Why not before or after in that case they are making a statement to enrage people.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by jatsc]

Why should it garner a negative reaction on the 5th of May in the United States? I think the real story is why ( if at all ) anyone was offended. You don't see Canadians acting like a bunch of jerks to people wearing an American Flag on July 1st ( Canada's Independence ) do you? Why the difference I wonder?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by Simply J
There is an obvious tension with that subject and school isn't the place for it. When you have kids wearing American bandans and shirts, don't you think it's blatantly obvious that they'd like to illicite some type of response? What do you think would occur if they continued walking down the halls, eating in the cafeteria, going outside. Fights would occur? Hatred would spill out? The possibility for a mass riot with the students?

I think sending those students home was a justified response.

You are probably right, and wearing a flag probably would elicit some response.....GOOD!! If someone wants to fight you or riot because of your patriotism, then good luck to em!

Does this mean that my short stint in an East St. Louis school, I should have hid the fact that I was white? I was white everyday, it did cause some fights!

Does this mean that a Jew can't wear a Yamika during the Christmas season? Does it mean that a Christian can't wear a Cross on the Solstices? Come on, you cannot ban everything that might be offensive!

I agree with rcw, the bandana's have already been banned because of gang affiliations. Certain colors and styles are banned as well. You can't have one pant leg pulled up, or your hat tilted to one side. Ridiculous but necessary. The US flag can never be banned on this soil. To do so would be TREASON!! This Administrator should be tried by a military tribunal!

I think you're over analyzing my post. There is an immigration bill that has recently passed and lots of people are very angry. If they want to wear bandanas, usa shirts, this and that ... then whatever, do so. The fact they are doing it on cinco de mayo, with all the drama going around, the marches that were taking place. Those students are putting a huge "kill me, hit me, beat me up ..etc" sign on their heads.

The reason why they got sent home was because the school wanted to avoid any type of violent confrontation. So the school is left with two options.

Option one - Let the students walk around and cause a riot, get seriously injured, tarnish the image of the school. ( Whatever image they currently have. )

Option two - Send them home, get out of a situation that could easily escalate with mild mannered teens who'd rather fight like children, rather then talk like behaved adults.

You sir, would fall into category one. I don't think that would be a smart choice. Bottom line is, the safety of the students fall into the hands of a small and select group of people in that schools administration. They can get criticized for sending students home, or they could have gotten it even worse for letting them stay, thus causing a domino effect of violence in the halls of the building.

IF you don't agree with me, that is fine.

Originally posted by kozmo

Hmmmm... Sooooooooo... School children, in AMERICA, wearing symbols of the American flag are trying to illicit some type of response? Like NATIONAL PRIDE!? Sooooooooo... we need to punish fully assimilated Americans so that a few unassimilated "Americans" can march around displaying a foreign flag and not be offended by the flag of the country that is providing them with the opportunity for freedom??? WTF is wrong with you??? The problem isn't with the children wearing the American flag IN AMERICA, it is with the children who would take excpetion to those who wear the flag of the country they live in!

Same with you sir. I think the problem is, we have a group of people that wouldn't mind violence and the two of you may fall into that category. I'm not saying we remain passive and bow down to every single thing, but lets be serious over here. The situation, the day, all that good stuff factors into what the school did. I'm not saying ban the symbol of our country from schools. =P

[edit on 7-5-2010 by Simply J]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Thread started hours ago. You can post your comments here.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:21 AM
Everyone has their own personal ways at displaying happiness. If wearing a shirt that makes you proud is not right then we should consider who says so.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

I'm responding to posts. So what I wrote wouldn't make any type of sense in that other thread.

Sorry. =P

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

Interesting. That does beg the question. Are Mexicans more Racist than Canadians? You really dont see that same issue with the citizenry of the country north of our border.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Dont go that far. I live near Canada and French-Canadians are the rudest, most smug people you could meet. I know thats a generalization but its true for the most part. Every summer they come into the U.S., drive like pricks, REFUSE to speak english (even though they know it), expect EVERYONE to take canadian money. Its annoying. haha and the men wear the smallest speedo bathing suits available, regardless of age or size.

I know i sound rude but the hispanics that come work here every summer are very polite and try to speak english (even if they dont know it). They are hard working and kind. Im sure thats a generalizationa s well but its what i see.

If i have a choice between dealing with a mexican or a french-canadian its a no contest ill deal with the mexican (in the summer i deal with alot of both at my job)

[edit on 7-5-2010 by truth?]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Why didn't they send these kids home for speaking english!? I'm outraged! They could have offended the Mexican students who only know Spanish! This is America, you can't walk around wearing the American flag and speaking english. What's wrong with these kids nowadays?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Honestly who cares
if you feel strongly about this then you are distracted

Where are the real americans?

You love America despite America not being what it used to be but you nonetheless continue worshipping a stupid piece of cloth?

All the real americans are out rallying, all the blindly patriotic couch potatoes are angry over this.

night and day I tell you!!!! Night and Day!

Not at all a fan of Obama but I respected him for refusing to wear the american pin on his blazer/shirt and refusing to sing the anthem while all the dirty neocon war-mongerers had their fists on their hearts singing like ducks.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Now the little dirt bags are marching and demanding respect. Someone needs to teach these ingrates that respect is earned and/or given, not taken.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]

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