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(vid) Pro-Illegal Demonstrator Says Illegals Will Kill Americans with Pickaxes

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posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

This loon kept going on with no support from the TPM

Did you see that no one supported this women either?

Keep your overused "fail" for someone else.

But thanks for proving my point...I knew someone would say that was TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

You guys are so easy to predict...and that makes you easy to manipulate...hence the TPM.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by prionace glauca

This loon kept going on with no support from the TPM

Did you see that no one supported this women either?

Keep your overused "fail" for someone else.

But thanks for proving my point...I knew someone would say that was TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

You guys are so easy to predict...and that makes you easy to manipulate...hence the TPM.

Just refer to my entire post instead of nitpicking for your liking.

Just because this loon women had no supporters of her ideologies at that location, you can still paint her gang with that ideology. Notice the tall gangster wearing the blue shirt in the third video, he was there with that loony women in the OP's video.

Watch and entertain yourself...

[edit on 30-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

First Video:
I see cops escorting a guy away that clearly did something to provoke the crowd...what he one knows. Or are you suggesting that they are chasing him just because he is white??? Playing the race card yourself huh?

Second Video:
This is the SAME event as the first video. You guys keeping posting different angles trying to make it seem like there have been multiple events. ONE event where some people were throwing water bottles
they are so dangerous as attending a rock concert or a sporting event.

Third Video:
Another person provoking the crowd...but not one bit of violence there....oh no...I think you just contradicted yourself. Seriously...what is wrong with the third video?? Too many mexicans in one place for you liking? The only one causing problems there is the camera man NOT LISTENING TO THE SECURITY GUARD.

There is one BIG difference between the immigration protestors and the TPM.

The immigration protestors have a defined CAUSE that they are very passionate about.

The Tea Party protestors have NO CLUE WTF they are protesting...and they have no passion...most likely because you can't be passionate about just being mad because you lost. Plus I think the average age is like 70 at Tea Party protests...and yes...almost entirely white. Old angry white folks...because a black man is president. OH NO....I played the race card...I'm a racist.

And look...they are making ammendments to the Arizona law....looks like the protests were succesful. Next step will be to strike it down in court. You know it is gonna just can't admit it.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:45 PM
Bring out the LRADs!

These folks are moronic. They are mad because we decided to enforce our laws? lol. okay....

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

They do have a clue Mr. Sympathizer. And not to worry they are going to show their passion come November where it counts, at the ballot box.

I would suggest your palls to go ahead get the signatures needed to have this on the ballot box this year so you and cohorts can feel the slap once it for all.

I didn't contradict my self in the third video. Learn to understand some Spanish and if you do understand don't be so ignorant to the foul language and threats the camera guy was getting. All he did was videotape, not aggravate. Though he should've went in there with a TELEMUNDO shirt.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

They do have a clue Mr. Sympathizer. And not to worry they are going to show their passion come November where it counts, at the ballot box.

I would suggest your palls to go ahead get the signatures needed to have this on the ballot box this year so you and cohorts can feel the slap once it for all.

I didn't contradict my self in the third video. Learn to understand some Spanish and if you do understand don't be so ignorant to the foul language and threats the camera guy was getting. All he did was videotape, not aggravate. Though he should've went in there with a TELEMUNDO shirt.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

They do have a clue Mr. Sympathizer. And not to worry they are going to show their passion come November where it counts, at the ballot box.

No...they don't...they are clueless pawns being used by the republican evident by the latter part of your comment "at the ballot box" to go vote for their "R".

And did you just call me a name??? I think that was a sounded violent...I'm going to go cry.

I would suggest your palls to go ahead get the signatures needed to have this on the ballot box this year so you and cohorts can feel the slap once it for all.

I have no idea what you are talking about...not uncommon with you.

I didn't contradict my self in the third video. Learn to understand some Spanish and if you do understand don't be so ignorant to the foul language and threats

Seriously...doesn't the right wing always talk about how tough and manly they are with their guns...and that left wingers are little sissies???

But you cry like a little child because someone uses "foul language"??? And now foul language is "violence"??? need some thicker skin...and stop crying about everything.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The only one that seems to be crying is you my not so friend friend. You obviously like to avoid the direct evidence presented to you but try to reach for stuff that has already been disputed. You seem like the person that if someone told you the world was round, you would still want to argue about why is it round. That it is racist to call the world round, why can't it be oval or flat or triangular.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

You seem like the person that if someone told you the world was round, you would still want to argue about why is it round.

In fact I would. I think it is important to know FACTS about the world we live in...not just believe what someone else tells you to believe.

Keep eating up their propaganda and go cast your vote for which ever "R" is on the ballot.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by prionace glauca

You seem like the person that if someone told you the world was round, you would still want to argue about why is it round.

In fact I would. I think it is important to know FACTS about the world we live in...not just believe what someone else tells you to believe.

Keep eating up their propaganda and go cast your vote for which ever "R" is on the ballot.

Why thank your astute observation
I was planning on voting against the "R"-tards who voted for the : HCR, Bailouts, Who are against the Arizona Law...Can't wait until November.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Third Video:
Another person provoking the crowd...but not one bit of violence there....oh no...I think you just contradicted yourself. Seriously...what is wrong with the third video?? Too many mexicans in one place for you liking? The only one causing problems there is the camera man NOT LISTENING TO THE SECURITY GUARD.

I agree that the camera man must be doing or wearing something we cant see that is drawing attention to him, because we can see a lot of people filming who are not being harassed by the crowd.

Regardless of whether the camera man in the third video is a jerk, he still is correct he has the right to film on the street.

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
There is one BIG difference between the immigration protestors and the TPM.

I agree. The tea party movement is made up primarily of legal US citizens, I doubt very much this crowd is more than 50% legal US citizens.

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
The immigration protestors have a defined CAUSE that they are very passionate about.

I would be passionate too, if I were in a country illegally and a law was passed making it seem much more likely I was going to get the boot.

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
The Tea Party protestors have NO CLUE WTF they are protesting...and they have no passion...most likely because you can't be passionate about just being mad because you lost. Plus I think the average age is like 70 at Tea Party protests...and yes...almost entirely white. Old angry white folks...because a black man is president. OH NO....I played the race card...I'm a racist.

You know, the tea party movement has morphed quite a lot since the beginning. And, it is being misrepresented by numerous other interests to make it look like all kinds of things its not, (racist, extremist, etc.)

They do know what they are protesting. Just because YOU dont know what they are protesting doesnt mean they dont. It has nothing to do with Obama's skin color.

* February 27, 2009: to protest the TARP bailout bill signed by President Bush in October 2008 and the ARRA stimulus bill signed by President Obama ten days earlier.
* April 15, 2009: to coincide with the annual U.S. deadline for submitting tax returns, known as Tax Day,[5][6]
* July 4, 2009: to coincide with Independence Day,
* September 12, 2009: to coincide with the anniversary of the day after the September 11 attacks.
* November 5, 2009: Washington D.C. again to protest the impending Health insurance vote.
* March 14–21, 2010: Several protests took place in Washington, D.C. during the final week of debate on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.[7]
* Most Tea Party activities in 2010 have been focused on opposing the efforts (supported by the Obama Administration) to enact a very broad program of changes to the health care and health insurance industries, and on recruiting, nominating, and supporting candidates for upcoming state and national elections.

The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party, whose principal aim was to protest taxation without representation.[8][9] Tea Party protests have sought to evoke images, slogans and themes from the American Revolution, such as tri-corner hats and "Don't Tread on Me" flags.[6][10][11] The letters T-E-A have been used by some protesters to form the backronym "Taxed Enough Already".[12]

And what their ethnicity and age has to do with anything is beyond me, except it makes a handy tool for people who do want to play the race card, as you have discovered.

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
And look...they are making ammendments to the Arizona law....looks like the protests were succesful. Next step will be to strike it down in court. You know it is gonna just can't admit it.

You may be right, it may be struck down. But why on Earth you think this is a good thing I will never know. Probably because you are stuck on race and cant think about what may be good for the country as a whole.

I also like how you think passion for a cause is such a good thing. It really sets people apart, doesnt it? It separates the dry old boring white people from the passionate latinos, huh?

But when groups of white people get "passionate" about causes you probably dont really think the same way, now do you? Especially when "passion" is a euphemism for lawlessness and aggression.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by daskakik

"Sounds like the same defense you made for the angry TPM protester."

You have quoted me, however I have no idea what you are talking about.
Please clarify the above comment. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!


That's really sad.

Burn Washington. It's become a Den of thieves anyway..

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Wow these protest are pretty big, this is turning into a bigger deal than i thought lol.

But really these protest are very peaceful, I mean that one guy was being escorted not only by police but also by the Immigrant organizer squad or what ever the people with yellow shirts are.

Ah i'm Glad I live in Mexico.

But I wish before people would use titles like "Riots" or "Turns Violent" they should take a look at these videos...

This is South Korea over US BEEF!

Now a riot turning violent.

Just so you know bud.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Amazing, if they took that passion back to Mexico they might actually be able to fix that country. Of course if they held that same sort of protest in Mexico City they would be dodging tear gas, rubber bullets, and baton beatings.

There is a an old semi-racist joke that asks "How come there is no Mexican swimming team in the Olympics? Because everyone that can swim has crossed the Rio." There is some kernel of truth to this in that most that come across the border are the good hard-working people of Mexico. It takes a great deal of initiative and drive to make the trek.

Over the past 30 years the Mexican government has allowed its country to empty itself of millions of people that are good motivated workers. They did this so that they could maintain the status quo and not reform itself to create opportunities for these people. Now we are seeing the results of this in that Mexico is becoming a narco-state. The balance of the country is now tipping over in favor of the lazy and corrupt. Difficult to maintain any sort of country when you've emptied your shores of anyone that is worth a damn.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Izarith

Good for South Korea.

I wish Americans would hold their politicians to that degree of accountability.

Its just so hard to arrange evening candlelit protests in the US, we have Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, and so many other very important things going on in the evenings that we really cant be marching around after dark.

Maybe if we could just text our protests on the commercial breaks.......

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by NumberNone

Actually America is the only county that very rarely has protests and when America does have protest your law enforcement is the most ruthless and intolerant of it's own citizens rights. Edit: Next to china and some Arab, African and Communist countries.

Mexico had a huge mass protest every other week dude lol.

Her is one of Mexico protesting against a step toward privitised oil....

Two Elephants are fighting in Mexico, the USA/China corporate interests (PAN/Blue) and South American socialist interests (PRD/Yellow). And when two elephants fight the grass which is the Mexican people looses.

that's why I stick to the (PRI/Red, White and Green).

This video was done by some crazy American dude.

Mexico is only Safe with the PRI!

In fact Mexicans close the border down over anything from rising gas to land fraud.

I'd like to see what would happen to Americans if they blocked the border on the US side...

Mexico is a free country weather you believe it or not, Protesters are treated with more care from military and law enforcement than protesters are in America.

Sure the us is nice when your protesting about some BS crap like immigration but don't make me post G20 protest videos.

The G20 would never, every be held in Mexico because SWHTF!!

[edit on 2-5-2010 by Izarith]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It's funny but you Americans always talk about how America was made a grate country thanks to liberty and democracy and it's not true....

America is a great country but it was made that by crazy white people rioting in the streets having full blown fights to the death with law enforcement.

Crazy white people rioting in the streets for weeks at a time is what made the American government listen back in the 1900's to 1950's after that it started all going down hill.

Government only listens to one thing.....groups of terribly angry blood thirsty mobs that make government listen. Kind of like the ones you saw in the south Korean video.

Freedom never comes free.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 05:20 AM
Obama made an interesting comment. Its not anything profound at first galne.

He said and others are saying that its wasnt untill things got crapy economically that americans started to complain about Mexicans.

Translation-Its easer to rob and screw americans when they are distracted with work and making money or any number of other things. Arizona has waited years to do something at last and look at the flack they get. So act as though they are suprised, thought we were all asleep.

Look at the tax free status and other fine sugars they have been giving say the Palistinans and others that have bought up all the hotels, mini-marts ect. around america. They have been doing this for years and now only lement that events have awakened citizens.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

what i am most concerned with is this. there is no distinction between and american citizen and an illegal. the situation is ripe for a re-introduction of internment camps like the ones the United States used during world war 2.

quote from website:
The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

i fear the lessons learned from the past are forgotten. american citizens will be dragged from their homes, from their cars, from their jobs just because of the color of their skin.

i agree we need to tighten our borders. we need to come down on the employers hiring illegals.

what we don't want is to allow for profiling or imprisoning persons whose names are gonzales, rodriguez, or martinez.

we need to all stop and think.


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