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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:01 PM


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:21 PM


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I see once again the truth causes the ugliness in humanity to escape.

It is funny how this works my friend.
Individual fears of long held beliefs becoming long held lies and myth become so obvious when a valid argument is made.
I think it was Cicero that said something to the effect of "he who employs emotion is unable to employ reason".

I am working on a follow up to my last post. I am attempting to present information that makes it easily understood why Christianity was either developed by the Romans or molded to fit into its current incarnation by the Roman Empire to fit a very specific purpose.


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:39 PM


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem



posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Herodian letters fTOHsH5SbnwfAt-mBDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CDIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Herodian%20letters&f=false


The Didache is mentioned by Eusebius (c. 324) as the Teachings of the Apostles following the books recognized as canonical[13]:

"Let there be placed among the spurious works the Acts of Paul, the so-called Shepherd and the Apocalypse of Peter, and besides these the Epistle of Barnabas, and what are called the Teachings of the Apostles, and also the Apocalypse of John, if this be thought proper; for as I wrote before, some reject it, and others place it in the canon."

Athanasius (367) and Rufinus (c. 380) list the Didache among apocrypha. (Rufinus gives the curious alternative title Judicium Petri, "Judgment of Peter".) It is rejected by Nicephorus (c. 810), Pseudo-Anastasius, and Pseudo-Athanasius in Synopsis and the 60 Books canon. It is accepted by the Apostolic Constitutions Canon 85, John of Damascus and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Adversus Aleatores by an imitator of Cyprian quotes it by name. Unacknowledged citations are very common, if less certain. The section Two Ways shares the same language with the Epistle of Barnabas, chapters 18-20, sometimes word for word, sometimes added to, dislocated, or abridged, and Barnabas iv, 9 either derives from Didache, 16, 2-3, or vice versa. The Shepherd of Hermas seems to reflect it, and Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria,[14] and Origen of Alexandria also seem to use the work, and so in the West do Optatus and the Gesta apud Zenophilum. The Didascalia Apostolorum are founded upon the Didache. The Apostolic Church-Ordinances has used a part, the Apostolic Constitutions have embodied the Didascalia. There are echoes in Justin Martyr, Tatian, Theophilus of Antioch, Cyprian, and Lactantius.

Could Syriac Bible Found During Raid Be 2,000 Years Old?

Read more:


earliest manuscrïpts were destroyed when the Library of Alexandria was burned

Villa of the Papyri

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I see once again the truth causes the ugliness in humanity to escape.

I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt, truly I would, but when the links don’t support in any way shape or form what the Poster is stating that they are, that can only be attributed to incredibly poor observational skills, or some attempt at deliberate deceit.

Either way, I think most of us look forward to a higher standard than either.

It is funny how this works my friend.
Individual fears of long held beliefs becoming long held lies and myth become so obvious when a valid argument is made.

I think what escapes some people my friend, besides the fact it really is not a religious thread, is that it really shouldn't matter if Rome made it all up or manipulated it, if in fact you believe there is value in the day to day teachings of Christ, as far as a philosophy and personal code and discipline as opposed to a prophecy.

What we often see when it comes to the more religious oriented posters is them approaching this subject in a way where they abandon the philosophies and personal codes of conduct expected out of Christians to instead talk about the prophecies, as if there belief in the prophecies makes them good Christians even though they don't maintain the standards of personal conduct and ethics Jesus is alleged to have prescribed for them to follow.

In other words, I will lie, cheat, steal and cuss, but I am a Christian simply because I believe Jesus will appear one day to save us from all the other liars, cheaters, theives and cussers!

They see the true value of these religious books not in the form of a lifestyle, like say the Amish or even the Mormons attempt to strictly live, but simply the prophecies.

Yet it's through the actual prophecies that the Patricians are manipulating them.

I think it was Cicero that said something to the effect of "he who employs emotion is unable to employ reason".

This is quite true, and most often what we have seen in this thread from people who want to focus on theocracy is either anger or fear. Anger that someone is saying something different than they desperately want to believe in, and fear over the state of the world.

Lets face it if events like World War I and II didn't prompt Jesus or God to return, what in the heck would?

What Rome has effectively done is gotten these people to abdicate their own personal responsibility and duty to make the world a better place, to instead sit around and say "God shall return and punish you wicked sinners" as they themselves engage in the very same acts he is alleged to going to punish everyone for!

It truly is bizarre.

I am working on a follow up to my last post. I am attempting to present information that makes it easily understood why Christianity was either developed by the Romans or molded to fit into its current incarnation by the Roman Empire to fit a very specific purpose.


I look forward to reading that my friend.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Explore the world's sacred texts

The British Library has an unsurpassed collection of sacred texts across all faiths. Find out more

Abraham’s Progeny, and Their Texts

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

In reverse order, the Villa Papyri link has absolutely nothing to do with any reference to the Bible, the link talks about the scrolls of philosophers found carbonized in the house. So unless you want to pretend that the scrolls still unearthed hold a Gideons Bible this is yet another StormDancer waste of time and false representation.

Your second link is to a mindspring page about synoptic problems linking one scripture to the next, and has nothing to do with Bibles that predate the Council of Nicaea.

Why you feel this has any relevance to the thread is beyond me.

The fact that your first link starts out with a question mark, kind of says it all, not to mention what Rueters has to say.

Reuters reports:
"One very likely source (of the manuscript) could be the Tur-Abdin area of Turkey, where there is still a Syriac speaking community," Charlotte Roueche, Professor of Late Antique and Byzantine Studies at King's College London told Reuters.
"The Syriac writing seems to be in the East Syriac script with vowel points, and you do not find such manuscripts before about the 15th century.
"On the basis of the one photo...if I'm not mistaken some words at least seem to be in modern Syriac, a language that was not written down until the mid-19th century," he told Reuters.

Read more:

Most people consider this to be a hoax, and on top of it, it is not a complete set of gospels.

Nor has it been published so we could even see if they are similiar to what Rome later punished.

Further once again you posts all this without any kind of accurate or thought out overview, so I ask you directly stormdancer, how do you feel these links you keep posting, which don't support your very limited and poorly thought out statements and questions are adding anything of value to the thread.

Please explain yourself, is this what you imagine ATS is all about, lying about what's in links with breif statements, and then pasting links that don't support the lies?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Explore the world's sacred texts

The British Library has an unsurpassed collection of sacred texts across all faiths. Find out more

Abraham’s Progeny, and Their Texts

Can I ask how this is related to the topic?


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Where were we? Aha…
Ezra and the Israelites in Babylon, now I remember.

But I want to repeat myself. This is not what I believe, this is what is taught by modern biblical scholars and it is the idea that is promoted by the Vatican.

I could not say that enough times.
I have asked myself on many occasions “Josephus, why do the Jews have so many holy books?”
Well, for now let’s just stick to the Torah and the Talmud.
We now know that the Torah was supposedly a slow product of “hostile corporate takeovers” by the winners of the many ancient political battles of Israelite and Aaronid priests, or do we simply know what we are told we should know.


The Talmud was created as an addendum of sorts for the Torah. So...If the Torah said something like “do not eat from the yada yada tree on the day of the Sabbath”(I made up yada yada tree), then the Talmud would explain EXACTLY what is meant by the yada yada tree. The Talmud is of an oral tradition and it did not become written until around 200 CE. (That is 350 years into the conquest of Palestine by the Romans. Methinks certain ideas from Rome might have made it into the Talmudic interpretations or maybe that is what I am supposed to think. I hope someone understands what I am getting at).
Here is a great quote and link from the Jews not Zionists website about the Talmud and the Torah.

Let me explain the relationship of the Torah and the Talmud, so you understand that they are both equally revered by all Orthodox Jews without exception. When G-d gave us the Torah, He also gave us an explanation of its laws, to be transmitted orally from generation to generation. For example, the Torah prohibits work on the Sabbath, but does not say exactly what "work" means. G-d explained to Moses orally that it means carrying objects in the street, lighting fires, tying knots, slaughtering animals and so on. The Torah says to take the fruit of the goodly trees on Succoth, but does not say which fruit. Oral tradition explains that it is the ethrog or citron. If you think about it, most of the laws in the Torah are impossible to observe without more explanation. These explanations were passed down from teacher to student for about 1500 years, until around the year 200 of the common era. At that time the Sages became afraid that the laws would be forgotten, and they decided to write them down. This written work was called the Mishnah, and is the backbone of the Talmud. Even this Mishnah was written in a concise style and left much room for oral explanation, which went on being passed down for another 300 years. At that time it was written down, again out of fear of being forgotten, as the Talmud. All of Jewish law today is based on the Talmud, and is kept by all observant Jews. There have been breakoff sects in history - once in about 300 BCE and another in about 700 CE - who rejected the orally transmitted laws. But they are almost non-existent today. Zionism is a political movement founded more than 100 years ago by Jews who had already turned their backs on the entire Jewish religion, Torah and Talmud alike. They were joined by some religious Jews who wanted join them in building a state, while at the same time retaining the beliefs and practices of Judaism.

link to quote

Two ideas became the foundation of the Abrahamic faiths and these ideas were developed from the oral tradition.
The first idea that developed was the idea of one belief system being the chosen people.
And the second is the idea of eschatology!!

If the goal is the creation of a world empire then the idea of global rule must be central to the idea of the religion.

The idea of eschatology is literally the belief in the last days of time before the return of the messiah.
This allows people to wait to be saved rather than actually combat that which persecutes them and it clears the way for one world government, currency, and ruler because it instills this belief as a value system in people that then reinforces their behaviors.

We can argue about Jesus and Julius Caesar all day but when the rubber hits the road, what is the real time promoted and reinforced belief system will cause the wanted behaviors.
And that is patient servitude.

Waiting, while feeling chosen, and having blind faith that they were born screwed up and in sin so what if they mess up. They are saved. Kind of like Foundation X.

The truth is very easy to understand and plain as day if detached from emotion.

I like stick to "just the facts ma'am".

Proto have you heard anymore about this "Foundation X "topic?

I have seen so many different interpretations, but what seems to be the X factor in this world scheme are the Asians and the Russians.
Do you have any thoughts on how they might tie into "Foundation X"?
Is this perhaps some type of PR ploy?

Do you think that the wealth of "Foundation X" could be the inventory of wealth interpreted by John Allegro on the Copper Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Mod Edit: External Source Tags Instructions – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/11/13 by GradyPhilpott because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/13/2010 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

Foundation X has to be the Vatican, but the fact it was put on blast means it was a false flag...

What if they want to confuse us about how much gold we truly have? Devalue our money, to bring in the Eurodollar, or whatever you wanna call it...

I can't believe how light people are taking this, though... What more Proof do you need????

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

I am definitely not taking this lightly.

The Vatican could be the only entity that I could think of that would be able to account for the amount of gold bullion being thrown around.
I am from the peach state of Georgia in the good ole US of A and not one single news outlet in my state is covering this issue.

The only coverage that I can find is from England and their Parliament.

Perhaps this is like the bombing and implosion of the WTC.

In 1993 it was a test run.

In 2001 it was the real deal.

Maybe this is a test run being floated to gauge public reaction.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Yet it's through the actual prophecies that the Patricians are manipulating them.

It is quite a piece of work. It seems that every generation has believed "they are the last". Somehow, these prophecies keep "changing" little by little, perhaps through translations and sometimes through evangelistic interpretations that go beyond anything that has actually been written. It would appear that there is some manipulation of the prophecies so that they can be used effectively every few generations.

My question would be...who are the master psychologists behind this? What is the origin of this scripted life? Are these "ancient texts" really as ancient as we are being made to believe? Could these writings have been devised more recently? Who actually came up with these ideas and how could they have known how well they would work on the masses? It does seem too well planned to be happenstance that it would control people to the projected effect. It would almost seem that it is a tried and true course rather than a haphazard experiment.

How much further is this Road? Are we there yet?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I think it's something like that...

How long until this "Foundation" comes to save America?

If i were a gamblin' man, I'd say December, and I don't think our Government will say no

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Alethea

It could have been started by one man, written on one piece of paper but people kept elaborating on it until it got into the wrong hands.....

The real question is: what is the rest of the plan?

I think they showed us their whole cards with Foundation X
edit on 13-11-2010 by squirelnutz because: terrorists made me

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by squirelnutz

The real question is: what is the rest of the plan?

Well, if you were going to "buy the world" what arrangements would you have for putting Humpty Dumpty together again?

I suppose they could start with corralling everyone into SmartCities so that they would be more energy efficient and better use of limited resources. No cars; compounds would be maybe a three mile radius.

Then I suppose one would have to meet certain qualifications for each type of establishment. Most likely it would be based on your status or "class". You wouldn't expect middle class to mingle with the riff raff. I suppose the religious zealots might call this the "separating the sheep and goats". Nevertheless, the prophecies call for an Age of Judgment. Guess your new owners will be the judges. Who is worthy, who is not. What happens to the troublemakers? What happens to the obedient? What happens to the "unqualified"?

Notice it was mentioned that Foundation X says there will be no interest charged. Even so, you can bet there will be terms! I am sure that whatever arrangements they have already made behind the scenes all these years will appear to be a Utopia when presented to the people.

How would you rearrange the world if you were buying it?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

I don't even know what Foundation ↂ is, ↂ doesn't display in firefox 3.03.
Other posters have called it foundation X without defining the X.
X could be a chromosome or the roman numeral 10 or the 24th letter of the Latin based alphabet.
Maybe we should clear this up a little first.

What browsers display ↂ under windows XP?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I honestly don't know... I've never thought of that......

Buy everyone a ninja sword and declare Anarchy?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Bordon81

I don't know what that symbol is, but Proto pointed out the X in roman numerology, this being 2010 and all.................

I think Proto was on to something when he was talking about Rome using the Vatican and will dispose of it, whenever it sees fit... The Vatican could've put this deal on the table, knowing it would piss the world off, after finding out they have Billions upon Billions in Gold and everyone is starving....

But, what would Rome get out of tossing the vatican to the dogs?

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