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History Repeating Itself? (must see)

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:51 AM
Now I know I've stated that possible war with Iran is probably not near and probably won't happen anytime soon as there has been many predictions on when American military was actually supposed to land in Iran...and nothing ever happened.

...well, I may have to take back my comments.

This video shows why.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:42 AM
Star and flag for a great, heavy hitting fast paced vid!

In this era of doom-porn, war-porn, disaster-porn we quickly fail to see the cues leading up to such events. This video definitely reveals such cues in a way that's rather clear and just long enough in duration to notify the click-happy clip/sound-bite generation we've become that a "similar change" is coming.

Unfortunately what will we do? We will watch, complain on the forum till we are blue in the fingertips. I urge anyone who cares at all to blast it out to everyone they know and CC your local politician in that mass email. Let him or her see that you are notifying everyone in their area of interest. In that email, suggest hitting "reply to all" maybe ask the crowd a must answer question and let that SOB see the exchange happening around him/her. Maybe get a petition going online, attach that to the email too. Got to turn group think into group action! Though it's likely that congress & senate would be bypassed in any new action.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:28 AM
Thanks for that OP.

I shall be sharing this with all my Youtube contacts.

The Fox is very cunning and needs to be stopped.


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