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SRLC straw poll today.

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posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:08 AM
As many of you know the 'Southern Republican Leadership Conference' straw poll is today. While I am a hard-core leftie I am anxious to see who will win this straw poll. This straw poll is considered VERY important and gives wind to the wings of any Republican campaign for president in 2012.

I, personally, will be rooting for Ron Paul. He is the only one I would ever want to see win any Republican straw poll. If he wins this straw poll I can almost guarantee you he will run in 2012 and have a very strong turn out. Here are the candidates for the straw poll in case you are wondering:

Newt Gingrich
Mike Huckabee
Gary Johnson
Sarah Palin
Ron Paul
Tim Pawlenty
Mike Pence
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Misoir

A conundrum. As a leftist, my vote would be for who I thought would be the best candidate to lose in the general election. (I don't consider a lot of these to be valid choices because of my political ideology, but putting that aside, I still find Santorum to be out of the running ... at least at this point). In this case, I'd obviously go with Sarah, baby. Then Mitt 'cause a Mormon, right or wrong, isn't going to be elected.

If I'm voting for the best of the country, it's Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 03:31 AM
Misoir, why don't you with your extensive time, look at the pissed off people?

Instead of contributing to the problem, contribute to the solution?

Sorry, I will not belong to the problem, will you?

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Misoir, why don't you with your extensive time, look at the pissed off people?

Instead of contributing to the problem, contribute to the solution?

Sorry, I will not belong to the problem, will you?

I cannot answer those questions without speaking to my lawyer first.

All jokes aside, who do you want me to report on, the Tea Partiers? I know people are pissed off but there really is no news about pissed off people outside of the TP. I would love to report on some angry Americans who truly want to reclaim the country but I don't see any news about it.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Misoir

i want sarah palin to win it

because who else would we want to run in 2012. it's fricken 2012! haha

also, like in game shows like the weakest link. you always try and keep the weakest of all of them to face off with, increases your chances of winning. also makes good television for the underdog to win.

haha, man i hope she wins 2012

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