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*video* New Footage of a possible Triangle hovering over Manchester, UK

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by k3rm1t

Agreed there have been alot of sightings, but like everyone else has stated, we can only look at plausible explanations for what it could be, my guess is that someone in the area has tied 3 together, i think that fits with what we are seeing more than zaigers reflection theory, I have relooked the video at 0;05-0:11 and i dont see enough feedback to warrant a piece of glass being put between the observer/video camera and the supposed object. Even if that were the case the angle he's aiming up at is ridiculously high.

It would be ideal to have a wholesale ban on all lanterns in the manchester area/district for at least between 6-12 months, to eliminate any potential future sightings, unfortunately its wishful thinking and part of me believes even if MPs did actually sanction it, you'd always get some jolly roger going out of the area to purchase them illegally.

I have contacted david personally, just to explain my stance on the video, as i stated earlier i wasnt observing until after 22:00 yesterday so didnt witness it. Is there anyone here who would be willing to replicate confirm the tethered lantern theory?
I'm just wondering how they'd react when tied together with equal amounts of string and being let off co-operatively? Would they max out their line as it were and create the triangle we are seeing in the video?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Superiorraw

There is no need to tie them together.

Lanterns released at the same time will not go flying off away from each other (that would be abnormal). They will drift with the wind, staying more or less together.

As has been pointed out. Three points always form a triangle (unless they form a line).

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Phage

Drift with the wind, I understand that, but for the length of this video the whole thing or selection of lanterns appear to be very solid and almost motionless/stationary.
As you pointed out in the first comment, the only movement is by duffman790 himself with the camera.

If the lanterns aren't tied together how would they form a perfect triangle like the one seen in the video?
I'd assume that if not tied together they'd be more inclined to drift seperately with the wind away from each other. Yet you said that they'd stay in a perfect triangle even without having string to tie them together,

I'm a bit stumped how individual lanterns even let off at the same time could stay together in a perfect triangle, with nothing to keep them at an equal distance without some kind of attachment. Does that mean lanterns would even stay in a perfect triangular formation even if effected by crosswinds?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Chinese lanterns seems plausible... two of the lights went out as if they burnt out.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Superiorraw

First, what do you mean "perfect triangle". If you mean equilateral, I don't see it.

Second, the formation does change. All of the lights change position relative to each other even though we only see them for 20 seconds. Pause and look at :14, then look at :28. It is a different configuration.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Phage

Correct Phage, but only because he uses the zoom on his video camera. I've spoken to david personally via email and he told me that. The Orbs or whatever we want to refer to them as appear to spread out from 0:14 seconds onwards. That's because he's zooming in closer to it, as he does this the object appears larger because he's closer to it, then at 0:30-0:35 he zooms back out of the shot and the orbs come closer together.

My main point isn't so much if Duffman790 is a hoaxer, I think he just got called out on an object in the sky and started filming, like his statement says.

I cant quite understand your stance on the lanterns, if they are individual lanterns and aren't tethered how do you propose they stay together in formation without anything (garden string) to hold them to the formation?

Maybe I'm not educated enough with chinese/sky lanterns and they have a history of staying in groups once you let them off for long periods of time, whilst letting them off co-operatively they would keep formation for a short amount of time or in single file line (let off seperately) at some stage surely wind/air current changes would dictate how far apart they would spread without some tether or string to hold them in formation?

To me they do hold their formation, and the object whether it be one single black triangle or 3 orbs/lanterns in formation, there doesnt appear to be much movement as in flight from one point in the sky to another. by flight i mean a decent distance, they just seem to hover over that one house/area.

What does fit with the lantern explanation is that they blink out, two at one point 0:37 and then finally the last one goes out at 1:08. All I asked at the start of the thread was would it be possible/plausible to tie/tether 3 lanterns like that together in formation. I'm not sure/certain that 3 lanterns let off even at the same point from the same location would hold formation like that unless tethered.

Having received an email personally from david (who uploaded the video to YT), he advised me he filed a report on It would be interesting to see if anyone else saw this and could confirm david's statement about the orbs spinning.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:49 AM
The one thing we can take for certain from this video, it was definitely taken in Manchester! I like the Mancunian accent.

I have to agree with some of the other posters, the video isn't good enough quality to either prove or disprove anything.

I saw a number of Chinese Lanterns being released a few months back, and I would rule that out as a possibility. Simply because the object appears to be stationary throughout the video. I have never seen stationary Chinese Lanterns.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I suspect these are nothing more than lanterns. When we first see the lights the two right ones are a lot dimmer than the left one. After the guy manages to focus in on the lights again the two right ones are gone, this is consistent with lanterns burning out. It doesn't have to be new years eve or some other celebration for people to launch lanterns.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:57 AM
Ladies and gents,

I will tell you for certain what this is.

it is not lanterns.

It is the aircraft approach pattern from the Penines over the city centre to Manchester airport.

as the planes line up they perform a gradual Left or Right turn in to the ILS

So what you see here is three planes each at different stages of the approach, one in the lead, one on the turn, one further out. Filmed from this angle this would appear like a triangle.

See how the lead light appears to get brighter and stretch out from the other two. This is due to the angle of the landing lights and the activation of the retractable landing light that are illuminated on final. When aircraft are viewed from a distance you do not see the navigation beacons or strobes. On approach at night they appear as a single point of light.

My evidence, I used to live right on the flight path at Manchester, and would watch the planes lining up at night, when I was out side for a smoke. so this sight is not unusual to me. Add that to 12 years working in aviation, and i clearly know a series of planes on approach when I see them!

Verdict, not fake or hoax, just mistaken identity.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I live on the 8th floor of a student complex in Manchester! You can see the whole of Manchester and I saw nothing!

So I'm guessing this is fake!

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

A tempting explanation, I can't see any blinking navigation lights though. The lights seem to be pretty far away but navigation lights usually stand out...

Nice observation anyway, a star for you sir

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by cripmeister

This would ordinarily be true. However the the luminosity of the landing lights, both wing and gear mounted does, at distance, block the stobes, These only become visible to the naked eye within about 1 mile. or if viewed from the rear.

The strobes can be seem clearly on aircraft at night when cruising, or on initial approach, but once the main landing lights are on. They do blur to a single point of light, which depending on the angle, does fade in and out, before finally getting really bright once they are pointing at you.

I will see it I can pull and example on you tube or something.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Superiorraw


Zooming does not change the configuration, it changes the magnification. The configuration changes. The lights are moving (and burning out) independently of each other.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Phage
No triangle. Just three independent ufo orbs doing their own thing

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:38 PM
hmm nice find op, i wonder if we'll ever know

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Superiorraw


Zooming does not change the configuration, it changes the magnification. The configuration changes. The lights are moving (and burning out) independently of each other.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by Phage]

Zooming does not change the configuration? then you go onto say the configuration changes? Well Phage.. You've lost me.

I've pretty much stated what I thought it was, pending any investigation or reasonable explanation into tethered lanterns. Keep in mind its only a plausible offering and i'm not saying that something wasn't flying that night, merely offering an explanation for what I see in the observers video.

I still dont understand your theory on the lanterns and how they would cling/stay together like that in formation unless they were tethered/tied together. I always thought if not tethered they would simply float/fly off of their own accord and likely if by wind they would change course depending on the air current or wind carrying them.

Rather than clug up the rest of this thread, can you send me a U2U and explain what it is you think your seeing plus address the points above.

In summary i think we both agree that what we are seeing in the video is lanterns though right?

In friendship


posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Superiorraw

Zooming makes the lights appear to move apart from each other equally due to the magnification effect. When you zoom in on a person the person appears to get larger, not fatter. It does not change the geometry, the configuration. So if the only thing going on were zooming the configuration of the formation would not change. It does. The lights are moving independently of each other. We don't know the level zoom so we don't know how the distance between the lanterns changes but we do know how their configuration changes. If it were simply a matter of zoom, the angles between them would stay the same.

Yes they are lanterns. No they do not have to be attached to each other. Since there is apparently little wind (judging from the lack of horizontal movement), it is a calm night. Under these conditions there is no reason the lanterns would not stay relatively close to each other. But even with some wind, lanterns would drift together, more or less, but displaying random independent motion. They can move further apart, they can move closer together. Randomly.

[edit on 4/10/2010 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Ah. Ok gotcha,

I may of misread one of your previous posts which through me off. Thanks for the explanation.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 01:26 PM
There's been a Triangle UFO sighting early April in Buxton where a eyewitness saw one of these low-flying in the direction of Leek. Coming out of the direction of the Goyt Valley (same area in 95 where the 737 jet had the near miss with the Triangle UFO.)
Manchester is infamous with these types of crafts, not only because were on the main flightpath to/from the continental US (from where the old B2a bombers used to routinely fly), but also because we live on the same East-West routes taken from the USAF bases from the East of England. Not to mention Warton base near Preston which *could* be testing over the Pennines.

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