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"Alice Human Sacrifice VOCALOID with English Lyrics " - video

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:45 AM
This is so great...what does it mean?

I'm not talking about translations for the words, of which I've seen several...

I am just interested in any interpretations (expert and the oppposite), that ATS members might offer, of the symbolism in this here bit of wow...

[edit on 5-4-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Here's a couple English fandubs...even in these two, the words are different...every translation I have seen is fairly divergent from every other one, so...

And this link here has the words in Japanese and another English version...

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 12:58 AM
This video has another translation-version of the lyrics, as subtitles...

The whole thing is so Jungian...the castle, the twins...

[edit on 7-4-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 01:59 AM
As my roomie and I say... Goddammit Vocaloid.

For those who are not in the least Japanophiles, from Wikipedia... Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application software developed by the Yamaha Corporation that enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody..

I don't even know, man. I mean, you have to figure out why the hell the characters of this SYNTHESIZER are popular with distinctive personalities and.... Good lord. And THEN you can start wondering what this song means and why it was formulated through this hyper fiction-generator.

As for the meaning? It's a twisted alternate telling of Alice in Wonderland which is actually not about Wonderland itself but about the nature of imagination and the dangers of becoming too deeply involved in it -- that is, the dangers of going mad. The meaning is basically "don't go crazy." We can go deeper than that if any of the rest of you are Literature Majors/studiers, but I don't want to bother if not.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Solasis

Well thank you for answering... just the first initial examples of the type of things I was wondering are like is there some reason why the suits of cards are out of order (like tarot-wise they should go clubs hearts spades diamonds)...and then from there and it's four-fold you kinda think of Tetragrammaton YHVH, which would go male-female-male-female, whereas this goes female-male-female-MFtwins...and then there's the color scheme red-blue-green-yellow, an odd order to my taste...and the green club girl all rotting from the inside, blackness filling up her eyes...and then at the end is it the male twin holding the dead body of his sister in the graveyard, or vice versa, and the crosses are so prominent...and those little white pillsbury-doughboy-ghost-doll-figures, like from Princess Mononoke...and the flowers...

It's so obviously ripe for all kinds of analyses, is all, and I don't have one...and there oughta be one from a universal human symbolism aspect, that could be interpreted by someone totally unfamiliar with Japanese culture (my bias is that there's a good alien interpretation for all culture chunks), as well as the in-culture, gets-the-references one...

Anything you gots, I would love to hear it...

[edit on 12-4-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 12:22 AM
I find this here video, although non-canonical, also and still intriguing...It does give me, like the first video, the feeling that there's something (like the word-at-the-tip-of-your-tongue trope) that I'm just about to understand, but then I wind up not getting it...

Meanwhile I've been making some slight baby-steps headway on the color-scheme/suit-of-cards/dramatis-personae match-up ... maybe ... as follows...

The first Alice, it makes sense that her suit should be the spade, since in the text she kills with a sword, cutting down creatures, making a bloody path, and the spade was the sword, originally, in the tarot, and the bloody sword matches the red color assigned to her spade - that has a certain consistency...Coming first, with her sword she is like the pioneer with the axe cutting down trees, bushwhacker with machete making a trail, cowboy with gun subduing unknown country...and then just like such currently unfashionable imperialist conqueror culture heros, the text says she is locked away as a criminal now, and aside from the path she made through the forest there is now no sign that she existed...

The second Alice, who is male, gets assigned to the blue diamond ...One might think he ought to get assigned a more phallic-symbolic suit, i.e. clubs or spades (combine that with the fact that a female comes first in the series and if inclined one could do a whole "erosion of the role of the male/warrior in modern society, since civilization with its laws+property rights (versus the male/warrior rules like dog-eat-dog, might-makes-right, finders-keepers) is the wisdom of women, (old men as non-warriors having turned into women)" riff, but I'm not quite able to go there since I think there is a plain simple reason why the list of Alices would start with a female, namely because the original Alice in Alice In Wonderland/Through The Looking-Glass is a little girl, thus why would the list of new symbolic Alices start off with a dude, that would be an infelicitous unnecessary boggle...I'm thinking that there is a sense in which the diamond (as opposed to the more active, phallic, tool/implement club + spade) is more characteristic of his particular, more passive and indirect and artistic activity, since in the text what does he do, he "is admired", he "sings"...his characteristic task does nothing much by itself but rather depends on being taken up by the attention and notice of others, like how a diamond just lays there and shines, accomplishing nothing without an audience...then thinking about the shine of a diamond, you can see why he/it might be assigned the color blue, as the shine of a diamond could be deemed blue or white, like how they call diamonds "ice" in old gangster movies...(his indirect/passive/reflective pattern even continues at his end, since he gets shot by some madman/cross-eyed man...Rhinestone Songboy catches, he doesn't pitch, as it were (although just from looking at the images in the first video, I was kinda thinking it looked like a case could be made he maybe could have shot himself...))

(I'm thinking I should logically break this long rant/analysis here, so I don't have to worry on the character be continued in the next post...)

[edit on 24-4-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Now we come to maybe a congruence between the AHS personage sequence and the traditional tarot-card/Tetragrammaton-YHVH archetypes (though it's off because the sexual polarity is reversed, right down to the twins being "stubborn older sister"+ "intelligent younger brother" (I'm not saying that any of this is correct symbolic analysis, obviously...I'm just having fun, throwing spaghetti at the wall and thinking out loud)). In the tarot pack you have, in the face cards, King-Queen-Prince-Princess (there's all kinds of other variations/corruptions as well, like Knight-Queen-Prince-Page, etc. etc. - arbitrarily in passing here I'm going to call King-Queen-Prince-Princess the most basic and correct (we can argue about that later, hee-hee)) which matches up with the school of thought that identifies the four letters in the Old Testament God's-name Y-H-V-H as Father-Mother-Son-Daughter, okay, so there's like a generation gap between the first two terms in the sequences, King+Queen and Father+Mother, versus Prince+Princess and Son+Daughter...Likewise there's a generation gap between Red First Alice + Blue Second Alice, versus Green Third Alice (referred to as "a young girl", and she looks smaller) and the Yellow-Fourth-Alice-Twins...So what?...It's just a thought...
Also the tarot/YHVH sequence is usually seen as representing a decline, a decay from the better progenitors to the weak and degraded progeny, Golden-Age-to-Kali-Yuga type of concept...Likewise the AHS characters get sucked further and further in to their evil dream world as the character sequence plays out, perhaps, the first two do seem to accomplish less in the dream world than does the third, who hangs out in buildings, built a castle, the text says she ruled the country, and then the fourth-Alice-twins are said to go through many doors, to be " closest to being the true Alice" but unable to wake from their dream, " they got lost in Wonderland"...So maybe in that sense structurally you could construe the AHS protagonist roster as being a four-fold declining sequence as well.

Third Alice is a young girl who is marked with the green club. The club in the tarot cards was originally a wand i.e. a stick/branch from a tree, thus symbolically it could be assigned the color green as being a growing thing (till it got stripped off the tree, obviously). In one of the translations the club symbol is referred to as a "clover" - I don't know if that's what the suit of clubs gets called in Japanese or not - but either way that accords with the color green as a growing thing as well. Likewise the three-leafed clover is a basic phallic symbol as well (top leaf penis, side leaves testicles), as of course is the stick or wand, which goes well with that whole vein of phallic symbols being green things because them green things grow like the penis grows (and then it's off to the races with The Green Man, springtime, 1000 pages of The Golden Bough)...(oddly, in that last "Miku Miku" video above, there's a couple of times where Third Alice together with the shadow of her pigtails on the ground looks like some weird tree seedpod from some tree I must have lived near once)...
Then we could tease out how the green club is a good symbol of Third Alice's tasks and activity...She is shown inside buildings made of wood (on steps=growth + advancement), she grows in power the way living things grow in size and structure (= the way buildings are erected), until she runs the country (like the castle runs the country) ...She is said to have deceived the people, like the way the green happy springtime taste of life deceives us all, seeming to promise us that pleasure will continue and that death is for other people...the text says she feared her decaying body, which fear does come suddenly onto exuberant young living things, and then the blackness is shown rising up in her eyes as she rots and dies, like a green thing when winter comes...All that could be made to fit okay, maybe.

But I run into trouble on the Fourth-Alice-twins...I can see why they are the heart, why the heart is love, but I don't have a strong reason why they are yellow (just a couple weak ones)... got to read it the brother carrying the sister at the end, is she dead the crown, the flowers (First Red Alice strikes flower with her sword = first initial sex big bang original sin that started everything, maybe, but the other flower bits...?) ...I figure the little Pillsbury-doughboy spirit entity is like the weak gnostic demiurge of the dreamworld, he who first needed/wanted to pull the Alice-humans into his dream-realm, and then when he appears as the joker on the card invitation to the castle it means he has grown in power from sucking life-force off the deluded humans and he's ready for his full-on final end-game...

Anyways many of y'all I'm sure can do better than me at this higher bullsplit, as the saying goes...Yes,yes...

[edit on 24-4-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Now, in this here vid, the translation gives the first red Alice, sword Alice, as being male...I do wish I spoke Japanese, but I'll have to wait a minute for that...I also like the gnostic flavor of the first bit of the translation, it reminds me of some of them lost Sophia cosmogonies somehow...


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