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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Right now I almost can see in my mind, a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying "Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC..." Well, just my two cents that, after read what I'm sharing here, some of you, guys, will stop thinking that the purpose of that gigantic device, is to reproduce the primordial spark of the big-bang and start to figure out what REALLY may be scheduled by this project.
To make my point, if the LHC is or not is a stargate machine, I'll start talking about another very suspicious object, well known of the ancient Egyptians and that may have had the same purpose of the collider: The Ta-Wer, that means "The Eldest Land", but is known among UFO researchers as "The Osiris Device". According to mainstream scholars, the Ta-Wer was a only a mystic symbol that has represented the connection between Abydos and some mythical place in the underworld, interpreted as the "Land of the Dead".
Well, it's a common sense among UFO researchers that the Ta-Wer depicted in some paitings, in the walls of Abydos temple, is a structure that could be part of a huge device that activated dimensional portals, stargates or wormholes.


Yeah, now is the time where people here are saying "You gotta be kidding. It's a boat that has represented the crossing between life and death..." Indeed the scholars have alleged that the boat-like object seen in that painting, was the so called "Boat of Million Years", used by Ra to travel across the underworld. Is it, really, just a boat??


Above you see a model of cosmic wormhole, that matches with the theory of Kurt Gödel, that due the fact that nothing can travel faster than light, a "shortcut" could be open in certain coordinates of the space, to connect two distant points. A huge amount of energy would produce a huge amount of gravitation that could "bend" the space, forming two light cones interconnected by a space-time tunnel where matter could pass.


Above, you see a close in the right section of the Ta-Wer. Notice that Seth is coming out and it seems that his body is twisted or warped. And below you see a 3D render of the Gödel's stargate. Needless to say it's just IDENTICAL to the Ta-Wer.



Above you see a group of Neter, "The Watchers": Isis, identified by Zecharia Sitchin as the Anunnaki goddess NIMAH aka Hathor, plus Osiris, Seth and Horus, identified as sons of MARDUK aka RA.
Now is the time where people are saying "What the heck does this have to do with the Large Hadron Collider and Shiva???" Before I elaborate my point, watch this video with a great 3D motion, explaining how the LHC works:

On the radar: The LHC is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago. The scientist team keeps the beam up speed, between 3.5 and 7 TeV (Teraelectron Volts) to reach a collision energy around 90 times to over 500 TeV. They plan increase the speed of beam up around 12 TeV until 2012.

Under the radar:

1) According to Prof Irina Aref'eva and Dr Igor Volovich, both mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, the energies generated by the subatomic collisions in the LHC may be powerful enough to rip space-time itself, spawning wormholes.

2) According to Fermilab director, Pier Oddone, 7 TeV of beam up speed could cause a collision with energy enough to reproduce to reproduce the conditions of the universe one second after the Big Bang. (Remember that the scientists want reach 12 Tev until 2012)

3) According to a team of brainiac scientists as the Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek, the Astronomer Martin Rees, the physicist Adrian Kent of Cambridge, the space engineer Richard Wagner and the chemist and physicist Ph.D Otto Rossler, the LHC could "turning the planet into a smoking asteroid the size of a baseball park" or "to create a micro black hole swallowing the Earth from the core outwards, if not the sun", through the generation of a huge amount of energy equivalent to a thermonuclear bomb per second.


You can check this data here and here

My point is that the scientists behind the LHC know EXACTLY what they are doing, despite they PRETEND don't know. They cynically talk as if they were exploiting the coincidences of nature, but that device was built as solid secret purpose.


"Give me a glass ball, a crystal ball, then I would know but I don’t know what nature has for us."

Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CERN director.


It's a common sense, among 99% of the "out of the box" physicists, that the LHC can INDEED produce energy to open wormholes, what turns it in a huge STARGATE device. I'm stating here, that the "quest by God's particle" is a FALSE FLAG, to something else. Let's follow the crumbs...


Above you see a statue of the Hindu "god" SHIVA, right in front of the CERN building, (European Center for Research in Particle Physics) in Geneva. We know that scientists of world wide have been working on LHC development, including Indian scientists, but a 2m high statue of the most feared hindu deity EVER, in front of the LHC facility, seems too odd.




That's weird... The pictures you see above were taken within the LHC facility... Strange panels with ancient writings assembled onto a structure with some kind of blue beam light surrounding it, that seems to be a movement sensor or something. They could be just fancy messages left by foreign scientists, representing their nations. Some panel seems ancient Mandarin, other some Arab characters, but one particular panel has very strange characters, that don't seem nothing I've seen before and other panel has Sanskrit characters. In India, the only people that read and write Sanskrit, are scholars of Vedas and Upanishads, scriptures written in the "language of the gods". Why these panels have security sensors around and what are they?? Invocations???



Above, some sections of the LHC, nothing you haven't seen before. But take a good look to the image below.

Mod Edit: Posting work written by others

[edit on 4/3/2010 by seagull]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:16 AM

The mouth of this tunnel, this image seems quite familiar...


... the tunnel's section resembles the structure where Shiva is always depicted, doing his Anandatandava aka "the cosmic dance". Now check this out:


Well I really doubt that the statue of Shiva in front to CERN building is a coincidence. I wonder what the ancient Hindu people have testified, to depict this deity attached to some structure identical to the mouth of LHC's particle tunnel... Just regarding that Zecharia Sitchin has identified the "Lord Shiva" as the Anunnaki first commander ENLIL aka Yahweh, what makes me think if the LHC was developed in order to open a stargatee to bring the Anunnaki back to Earth.
450.000 years ago they came in 600. Maybe the next time they will come in thousands or hundred of thousands...


So guys, bring the ideas.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by ucalien]

Mod Edit: Posting work written by others.

[edit on 4/3/2010 by seagull]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Fantastic info

You have me intrigued.. you have put this together brilliantly

from what you present you have opened up my mind to the possibility of the other means for this massive machine.

The strange writings on the panels have me hooked

Hope undo calls in to give her thoughts with ancient symbol of the Hindu "god" SHIVA

Well done Mate


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:33 AM
Hey ucalien,

U really have some theories up your sleeve don't you!,
I totally agree with your theory.

I actually think they are looking to make big worm holes on purpose not little ones.

My theory is that they are trying to make a stargate like gate with a wormhole that can be powered and shutdown via technology.

yes i do know worm holes suck everything in but wouldn't it be cool getting sucked to another world and back!

[edit on 3-4-2010 by jumpingbeanz]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:38 AM
I must say, star and flag for you. It may be true, or not. By any means very interesting read, I love hearing about this stuff. I am BIG on the Egyptian culture, the ancient one, and this is new to me. So thank you for bringing it to my attention...kudos!

Above you see a model of cosmic wormhole, that matches with the theory of Kurt Gödel, that due the fact that nothing can travel faster than light, a "shortcut" could be open in certain coordinates of the space, to connect two distant points. A huge amount of energy would produce a huge amount of gravitation that could "bend" the space, forming two light cones interconnected by a space-time tunnel where matter could pass.
reply to post by ucalien

edited to add: I think that they say even a nuclear bomb set off can do this though it may be very short lived and indetectable.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by ldyserenity]

[edit on 3-4-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by ocker

I wanted to be a fly to sneak within that facilities...

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:42 AM
You sure it can create a black hole that could eat our planet?

Can someone confirm this, because I've heard that's impossible.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by ucalien
2) According to Fermilab director, Pier Oddone, 7 TeV of beam up speed could cause a collision with energy enough to reproduce to reproduce the conditions of the universe one second after the Big Bang. (Remember that the scientists want reach 12 Tev until 2012)

Pier Oddone is wrong.

The LHC has been impacting particles at 7 TeV since the 30th March with no indications of the amount of energy mentioned.

How did you miss that??

There were several threads linking to live feeds of it and all.


And your connection between the statue of Shiva and the CMS is really clutching at straws TBH

Don't forget that the whole particle collider is round in shape, surrounded with magnets, to keep the particles from hitting the walls.

Just sayin...

[edit on 3/4/10 by Chadwickus]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by ucalien

the only down side to this theory is the burps that could happen I mean what if this machine went totally nuts and really f------ this world up???.

is there any way of finding out what those inscriptions are in the glass panels??
they're very interesting, yes I do think false flag cover up.

have you noticed that when you go on the cern site that they don't actually tell you in detail what they find out of the experiments?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:47 AM
When I saw this thread I kind of jumped a tad
I was reading all night about Stargates and the LHC and everything else having to do with wormholes and such.

Its always been very weird to me, the LHC that is. I do think they are doing things with it and not telling the truth and I do believe they know exactly what they are doing.

Your theory is very interesting and honestly it seems to make sense and fit together in some ways. As far as the panels with writing, yes those seem to be out of place there. I have always been into things of a supernatural state and to me it does look like incantations of some kind...I mean what really is their purpose? The front of the LHC is quite interesting as well.

The statue out front interests me as well esp after reading the history of Shiva. I think they do things like this in our face and think people wont notice them.

S&F! I will be reading more into this today!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

I don't think they have had time to analyse the data yet. They used the machine but it will take months to search through the results.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:49 AM
That's some fantastic research for a SkunkWorks thread lol.

I have to say that at first I was like " This dude is off his rocker", however after reading your info and looking at the various sources, this is a plausible explanation.

I mean the Shiva statue along with the piece of the HLC, I think that might just be our minds trying to find a connection, you know power of suggestion and all, but it's certainly no coincidence.

I wonder why they chose Shiva to begin with. CERN is an international effort is it not? As far as I know, Geneva isn't in India either right?

Good stuff, a lot to ponder.

I am a bit on the fence about the Annukaki and Stichin, still doing my own research before I make up my mind. This however, is more food for thought.


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

Hi jumpingbeanz

Well, IMO they CAN'T open a big stargate, due the very risk to the planet and even the solar system. I guess that there are NON HUMAN minds operating the LHC. "Someone" is pulling the strings of that scientists, I mean, the high staff. People will bash me to the bones after what I'll say here: I think that even with all technological advances our civilization reached, we aren't capable to develop such machine without a very solid support, I mean FOREIGN support. If that collider really has the power to produce a black hole capable to suck up an entire solar system, I doubt a bunch of smart primates would operate it without making anything wrong. The mind behind the LHC is very far beyond our understanding... You know, the Egyptians saw a Stargate, the Hindu saw a Stargate... 3.000 years ago.... These guys in Genebra are operating a 3.000 years old alien technology. This blows the mind.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:53 AM
WOW you really did your research here! That a lot to take in, I have that same feeling in the back of my mind that there is more to the LHC that we are told.

There definitely is no coincidences here. Good find!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Right now I almost can see in my mind, a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying "Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC..."

Ahhhh, you can see me in your mind.. Hope I don't give you a headache..

Seriously though, good thread. I can see exactly what you're getting at, in my mind, of course..

I have trouble with the Stargate though. If Stargates actually existed, there's every chance that we would have discovered one by now, don't you think?

If it were a possibility and there were far more advanced beings than ourselves, they would have already discovered it and maybe even been using it to get from one side of the universe to the other.

Which means, in all probability, we would be destroyed. The gravitational forces at work would be so HUGE we wouldn't be able to overcome it, would we? Even if it were possible and was able to be used, how would someone be able to overcome the effects of Gravity?

It's making me think though and this is a good thing.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by Damian-007]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by vjr1113

You sure it can create a black hole that could eat our planet? Can someone confirm this, because I've heard that's impossible.

Well, at least 7 or 8 brainiac physicists have claimed the amount of energy produced during a particle collision could indeed create a black hole capable to suck up the entire solar system. But don't worry, that LHC is Anunnaki technology, you know... 3.000 years ago they had some Stargate devices assembled in Egypt, in India, In the Andes... and none black hole sucked up the planet.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

As far as the panels with writing, yes those seem to be out of place there. I have always been into things of a supernatural state and to me it does look like incantations of some kind...I mean what really is their purpose?

That's the secret of ancient Anunnaki technology. They combine powerful technical development with occult sciences, I mean metaphysical elements. I don't doubt that some ancient rituals are carried before that scientists turn on the LHC.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 08:07 AM
"Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC..."

give me my due, i did read it all! IT IS just another crazy speculation though!

at least you added a photograph of a guy with a beard to lend credence to it!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

The LHC has been impacting particles at 7 TeV since the 30th March with no indications of the amount of energy mentioned.

What you mean about "no indications"?? A public statement reporting in details everything that occurs while that scientists are operating the LHC??? We are talking about a machine that could suck up the entire solar system and are you expecting by a complete memo informing the EXACT amount of energy they are producing??

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 08:08 AM
I just think even if we risked the annhillation of Earth, it would be very cool to open a stargate. We'd be legendary, maybe becoming Gods to a more primitive society somewhere out in the Universe. It's my scientific mind at work there. The findings are worth the risk IMO. That's just me, I just saw the new Fringe, and I like the characters' thinking when he opened up the doorway to the alternate Earth. I would've done the same thing. So in my line of thinking, the benefits far outweigh the risks. This could be epic. I wish them luck with their findings and hope they are wrong about bringing our destruction.

I'd like to research more about the Ta Wer, it looks very interesting, as well. However, I don't think they're totally off about it being the gateway to the underworld, wouldn't an alternate universe seem that way? Especially if it was darker than our world. Sort of like Dark City. Just my thoughts. Also, wouldn't going into an alternate reality sort of feel like a "rebirth". Just some thoughts.

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