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Obama is 1/4 Jewish (House of David) and Descends From 2 Kings & 6 Presidents

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:19 AM
Obama is One-quarter Jewish heritage (House of David) and is a descendent of 2 Kings (King Edward I of England, William I King of Scots) and 6 Presidents (Madison, Truman, Johnson, Carter, GHW Bush, GW Bush.
Barack Hussein Obama II is:

7% African
43% Arab
25% Anglo Saxon
25% Jewish

His mother was half Jewish judging from Obama's genealogy through the past 400 yrs.

Obama is a descendent in the line of David through a descendent on his mother's side of the family who lived in England 400 years ago named Martha Eltonhead.

I have highlighted the members of Barack Obama's family who are likely to be of Jewish heritage in bold.

Barack Hussein Obama I, Ph.D. (4 April, 1936 − 24 November 1982) (Father)

Stanley Ann Dunham, Ph.D. (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) (Mother)

Stanley Armour Dunham (1918-1992) (maternal grandfather)

Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham (1922-2008) (maternal grandmother)
In addition to President Obama, Stanley is related to six US presidents: James Madison, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

Henry Ellington Armour (great great grandfather)
(b. Jan. 10, 1874 Quincy, Illinois; d. Dec. 5, 1953)

Ruth Lucille Armour (great grandmother)
(b. Sept. 1, 1900; Nov. 25, 1926, Wichita, KS)
How Obama Is Kin to 6 Presidents and 2 Kings
Genealogical Research Reveals Their Common Ancestors
Originally posted on Jun 13, 2009 by Rosemary E. Bachelor
President Obama shares ancestors with six other presidents and two kings.

Obama Genealogy
The gateway to President Obama’s shared ancestors with President James Madison, and to one of their royal lineages, is through Martha Eltonhead, who was born in England more than 400 years ago. This is their shared descent:
1. Edwin Conway married Martha Eltonhead
2. Eltonhead Conway married Henry Thacker
3. Martha Thacker married Thomas Hickman
4. Edwin Hickman married Eleanor Elliott
5. James Hickman (1723-1816) married Hannah Lewis (1722-1822), 1743, Albemarle Co., VA
6. Susanna Hickman (ca. 1745-ca. 1815) of Culpepper Co., VA, married James Browning and died in Harrison Co., KY
7. Annie Browning married Robert Overall in 1801
8. George Washington Overall (1820-1871) married, 1841, Louisiana Duvall; both died in Nelson Co., KY
9. Susan Catherine Overall (1849-1906) in 1870 married Civil War soldier Christopher Columbus Clark (1845-1937) in KY; they went to Missouri.
10. Gabriella Clark (1876-1966) married Harry Ellington Armour (1874-1953) in 1899, Lewis Co., MO (please see genealogy below for EARLIER Jewish links)
11. Ruth Lucille Armour (1900-1926) in 1915 married Ralph W. E. Dunham (1894-1970) at Wichita, KS; she committed suicide.
12. Stanley Armour Dunham (1918-1992) and Madelyn L. Payne (1922-2008) were wed in 1940 at Eldorado, KS and later moved to Hawaii.
13. Stanley Ann Dunham m. Barack Hussein Obama I, 1961, Maui, Hawaii; divorced 1964
14. Barack Hussein Obama II (b. 1961) m. Michelle L. Robinson, 1992, Chicago, IL
President William McKinley and Richard Nixon have family links to York County. That information has been out there for years. But "Trust Talk," newsletter of the York County Heritage Trust, broke new ground in exploring local links to the family of Barack Obama - and former president Lyndon Johnson.

According to the newsletter, Both Obama and Johnson descend from Philip Ament, a York County native. Ament joined the Continental Army in 1775, and he and his wife, Maria Elisabeth Schmidt, daughter of Jacob Schmidt, later moved to Albemarle County, Va.

Obama was a 6th great grandson and Johnson a third great grandson.

The newsletter said Obama is a descendant of 14 people who completed service in the American Revolution and, thus, is eligible for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution.

- Nixon's mother, Hannah Milhous Nixon, descended from William Griffith, who settled in Warrington Township in 1735. Jacob, William's son, moved to Washington County, Pa. Their daughter married Joshua Milhous in Ohio. She and her son Franklin Milhous, the president's grandfather, moved to California. Another Nixon ancestor, American Revolution Andrew Trimmer is buried in Washington Township. Trimmer served under another York County Ament, Captain Jacob Ament.

Back to Obama. Here is the relevant family tree:

- Philip Ament, born 1755, and Maria Elisabeth Schmidt, both of York County, had a daughter, Catherine Ament.
- Catherine Ament was the mother or grandmother of Nancy Ann Childress, born in 1848.
- Childress and George W. Amour had a son, Harry Ellington Armour, born in 1874.
- Harry Ellington Armour and Gabriella Clark had a daughter, Ruth Lucille Armour, in 1900.
- Ruth Lucille Armour had a son, Stanley Armour Dunham, in 1918.
- Stanley Armour Dunham had a daughter, Stanley Ann Dunham, in 1942.
- Stanley Ann Dunham is Barack Obama's mother.

Sources: New England Historic Genealogical Society and William Addams Reitwiesner Genealogical Services

York County Heritage Trust Archivist Lila Fourhman-Shaull, who dug up this presidential information, is looking for other local links to American presidents. Contact her at [email protected].

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:45 AM
You forgot the most important part, he's 100% NWO scum!

Second line.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:52 AM
We're all the same species = 100% human.

Doesn't matter even if anyone isn't human.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Where does his claimed real name Barry Soetoro come into play?
Maybe they chose Obama name if it is the case stated above.

So, in what ditch is the body of the real B.Obama.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 03:55 AM
This is great info and if i would have put it together i would try email it to info wars and other places,

Thanks, Maybe his father was in line to president but there plan fell off schedule?

Just a thought..

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by ChemBreather

"Barry" is short for Barack and Soetero is the surname he legally took when he was adopted by his Indonesian step-father Lolo Soetero.

Obama's Jewish heritage is on his mother's side of the family and extending back through his grandfather Dunham's line and then into the Armour line and eventually into the Arment and Schmidt line.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by CodenameDoeB
This is great info and if i would have put it together i would try email it to info wars and other places,

Thanks, Maybe his father was in line to president but there plan fell off schedule?

Just a thought..

I forwarded Obama's geneaology to Infowars and I posted it to

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by biochemky

Obama is One-quarter Jewish heritage (House of David) and is a descendent of 2 Kings (King Edward I of England, William I King of Scots) and 6 Presidents (Madison, Truman, Johnson, Carter, GHW Bush, GW Bush.

AND... Under ANY, ANY, ANY circumstance you can forget that Barack Obama, ALSO is....:




Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769.

What is EXACTLY the point of this thread??? And so WHAT that Obama is 24,456789% jewish??? WHAT'S THE POINT???
You gotta be kidding...


Can I back to sleep now???

[edit on 25-3-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by biochemky

There's some good information there biochemky and I'm not in the least bit surprised that Obama is related to other presidents, most of them are related in some way.

One thing I would like to point out however, is that any genealogist worth his salt would start with a birth certificate for the person in question to establish without doubt their parentage and work back from there. Of course no one can get access to Obama's so we can't say 100% his parents are Dunham and Obama Snr.

I have no doubt that Stanley Ann Dunham is Obama's mother as amongst other evidence, the resemblance between Obama and the Dunhams is very strong. I'm not convinced however that Obama snr. was his real father. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis and there is also a physical resemblance. Frank Marshall Davis lived in Chicago and later moved to Honalulu before Obama was born, he lived near the university of Hawaii, where surprise surprise! Stanley Ann Dunham was a student. Frank Marshall Davis was also friends with the family. Stanley Ann Dunham quickly married Obama snr. whilst already 3 months pregnant with Obama. She couldn't have married Davis as he was already married and the only black student at university would have been an ideal solution.

There are other candidates for who the real father may be (just look into Ann Dunhams murky past) and there are many paralells between Obama's mysterious back ground and that of Bill Clinton (possibly a rockefella). Both have mystery surrounding their real fathers and rose to prominence at a young age with little experience.

Whatever the truth is about Obama's true lineage it can't be confirmed unless an original 1961 birth certificate can be seen. My suspicion is that either a father other than Obama snr. is named, or that no father is named at all. Therefore the real reason for suppressing the birth certificate would not be the place of birth but the identity of the father.

All in all there is little point researching the Obama side of the family as no geneologist can be sure it is really connected.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:05 AM
I am really trying to understand why this was posted. Does his family tree have any bearing on anything?

Is it just a slow news day here? Or just grasping at any reason to stir up antisemitism?

Seriously, can someone please clarify why we should care?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by cjcord
I am really trying to understand why this was posted. Does his family tree have any bearing on anything?

Is it just a slow news day here? Or just grasping at any reason to stir up antisemitism?

Seriously, can someone please clarify why we should care?

Because all our leaders seem to come (disproportionally) from the same certain bloodlines. Feudalism has been replaced by the illusion of democracy where it appears that we have a choice in electing our rulers and that anyone can be the president, they can't. It is the same old families and bloodlines in positions of influence. It has nothing to do with antis-emitism as any of these families that report to be 'jewish' are in name only. They think nothing of causing endless cycles of war where ordinary Jews and non Jews will perish alike.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat

Originally posted by cjcord
I am really trying to understand why this was posted. Does his family tree have any bearing on anything?

Is it just a slow news day here? Or just grasping at any reason to stir up antisemitism?

Seriously, can someone please clarify why we should care?

Because all our leaders seem to come (disproportionally) from the same certain bloodlines. Feudalism has been replaced by the illusion of democracy where it appears that we have a choice in electing our rulers and that anyone can be the president, they can't. It is the same old families and bloodlines in positions of influence. It has nothing to do with antis-emitism as any of these families that report to be 'jewish' are in name only. They think nothing of causing endless cycles of war where ordinary Jews and non Jews will perish alike.

I think that is an excellent point. This should be up in the initial post.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by biochemky

Obama is a descendent of Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush??? Now there's a gang bang I wouldn't want to see... And GW was what, 15 when he and his dad helped impregnate Obama's mother?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat

Because all our leaders seem to come (disproportionally) from the same certain bloodlines. Feudalism has been replaced by the illusion of democracy where it appears that we have a choice in electing our rulers and that anyone can be the president, they can't. It is the same old families and bloodlines in positions of influence. It has nothing to do with antis-emitism as any of these families that report to be 'jewish' are in name only. They think nothing of causing endless cycles of war where ordinary Jews and non Jews will perish alike.

hate to break it to you, but go far enough back and we are ALL from the same bloodlines, I fail to see the interest in this. And what does "jewish in name only" mean exactly? Please please please don;t tell me you are buying into this Khazar crap- it has been proved wrong in so many different ways. So if that is your premise, it's illogical and plain incorrect.

Obama won an election, by a lot. I don't see how we had "no choice" here. There was a choice, and those voting made it, not some super secret OMGWTFBBQ shadowy group playing puppeteer. This is a ridiculous theory, and no one has yet to prove any conspiracy regarding it. All I've read are rantings of those too paranoid to view reality clearly. Yes, people have ancestors. Yes, in following a lineage back, one will begin to see connections. Yes, this is perfectly expected. Unless you feel we were all dropped off individually by separate alien races, and thus should not have any blood relations at all? Help me out here.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by cjcord
I am really trying to understand why this was posted. Does his family tree have any bearing on anything?

Is it just a slow news day here? Or just grasping at any reason to stir up antisemitism?

Seriously, can someone please clarify why we should care?

Obama not only hangs around with Zionist Jews, he is a Zionist Jew HIMSELF.
Meet the Real Barack Obama Illuminati
32nd degree free mason
Zionist (AIPAC-sponsored)

Obama has a significant Jewish connection and society links of the most elite

What do California liberal leftists, Hollywood producers, TV and newspaper media moguls, Wall Street investment bankers, George Soros, WH Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, the AIPAC, current prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad, Joseph H. Schiff, Benjamin Shalom Bernanke, former Prime Minister of Israel and current Israeli Defense Minister Elhud Barak, the Rothschild family, the Bavarian Iluminati, an elite group of Free Masons, Pentagon analysts who advised GWB of WMD in Iraq, the star on the high U.S. military honor called the Legion of Merit, the Mega Group - a group of megabillionaires in NYC, a majority of spies in America sent from any U.S. military ally, and many members of Obama’s mother’s side of his family all have in common?

View the following video and pass it on:

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 11:21 PM
that sounds a lot like Trump,

but what is he, or his in-laws?

posted on Oct, 6 2019 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: tulsi
that sounds a lot like Trump,

but what is he, or his in-laws?

What is who - Trump?

Trump's family tree is from Germany and Germanic Europe primarily I believe.

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