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Judge in NY orders more talks on 9/11 deal

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posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Judge in NY orders more talks on 9/11 deal

A U.S. federal judge on Friday delayed a $657.5 million settlement for workers who suffered health problems after the September 11, 2001, attacks, saying the process must be transparent and lawyers fees should not be drawn from the funds.

I love this, there needs to be more transparency before the 9/11 workers/families can access the money set aside for them to help with medical bills/conditions.

The judge said the settlement set too much money aside for future payments and more of it should be given out immediately. He said he would preside over meetings with workers involved in the settlement.

Hellerstein also said fees for lawyers representing the workers should not be drawn from the $1 billion fund set aside by the federal government to help cover the claims but should be paid by the federally financed WTC Captive Insurance Company, created in 2004 to insure New York City and some contractors.

"I have in mind that people are tired and what I'm going to say is going to suggest some delay," Hellerstein said. "In my mind this settlement is not enough."

Way to cover your @ss there Judge; "I'm not screwing you, you deserve more"

Pay attention here folks: right now Nancy Pelosi is trying to change the rules from a majority vote on health care reform to no vote at all to ensure that Obamacare passes, but 95% of the workers/families must agree on the settlement?

Never happen, and they know it.

"I am very disappointed that the judge has now made it more difficult, if not impossible, for the people bringing these claims to obtain compensation and a settlement," LaSala said in a statement.

That sentiment was echoed by the city's top lawyer, Michael Cardozo, who said Hellerstein's reaction to the settlement "will make it extremely difficult to resolve these cases."

This is such a perversion of circumstance it staggers my mind. Of all the things going on in the US right now...

- Forget Wall Street gambling with the entire world's life savings.

- Forget that the FED acts unilaterally and without any oversight or accountability.

- Forget the President has proven that he's nothing more than a spokesmodel.

- Forget that the US government has sold itself out to corporate lobbyists.

Paying out benefits to people who suffer health problems due to the WTC cleanup, that needs to be transparent. This fight has been going on for years now, and it will continue for years to come based on this judge's ruling.

Funny, it only took a couple weeks to bail out Wall St.

MODS: I realized afterwards that this probably would be better suited in the Political Madness section, please move at your discretion if this is the wrong forum.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by [davinci]]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Hi Davi,
I've just looked in my e-mail from the BBC with the same story. On the face of it, Judge Hellerstein seems to be looking after the 9/11 workers in a responsible way. I'm looking for more info.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Federal Judge Orders More Talks on 9/11 Deal

Why don't you post the other precursors that explain the judge's true motives behind his decision, instead of trying to paste together accusations and add in outside political agenda - namely the Nancy Pelosi Obama care love affair?

Direct quotes from the judge, found in the article:

The federal judge overseeing litigation between the city and workers at ground zero on Friday rejected a settlement, telling lawyers that, " (the settlement that provided for payouts totaling $575 million to $657.5 million in cases filed by some 10,000 rescue and cleanup workers who say they suffered health damages from toiling at ground zero after the 2001 terrorist attack.) did not provide enough compensation to plaintiffs and needed to be renegotiated" under his supervision.

"This is no ego trip for me”, Judge Hellerstein told a packed but hushed courtroom moments after hearing emotional testimony from some of the plaintiffs. "This is work. I will preside over a process that’s fair.”

"There has to be additional negotiations to come up with a better and fair settlement," he said. "I will not preside over a settlement based on fear or ignorance.”

But at Friday’s hearing Judge Hellerstein went much further, declaring that the settlement was not enough and that he was taking judicial control. He said that he was concerned that the fees going to the plaintiffs’ lawyers - about one-third of the settlement - would take a very large bite and that he planned to review them.

The judge said those fees should be paid by the same insurance company that is to cover any settlement and has been covering legal fees incurred by the city. Its reserves stand at $1.1 billion.

I'd like to show too that the judge is on record, DENYING IGNORANCE... as the statement in bold text quotes him stating.

Seems to me that judge would make a fine ATS member - bring that man on board!

[edit on 20-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

I don't disagree with you or, at face value, the Judge in this case.

What I disagree with is the fact that these people are getting the run around.

I'll give you an example...I have a friend that broke her back in two places when she was a passenger in a car that was hit head-on by a drunk driver (who had previous DUI's). Although she can't do everything that she used to, she was lucky enough that the spinal cord wasn't damaged and the doctors were able to cram enough metal into her that she's able to live at about 85% capacity (she was pretty lazy before the accident so in all honesty she's probably right about normal).

She lost her house and most of her possessions because for the first couple years she basically lived in a hospital bed, then a couple years of rehab etc. Later, she couldn't work (strain issues) but still had bills to pay and her only income was a small disability check (she didn't live beyond her means at all, she was forced to survive on 1/5 of her previous income).

My point?

Between the insurance company stalling and being obstructionistic and the Judge being thurough; it took 11 YEARS for her to get a dime of compensation.

...and this was a slam-dunk case of the other person being COMPLETELY at fault.

If the judge in the WTC Worker's case is truely looking after the best interests of those who will be receiving the benefits then I applaud him.

On the other hand, his actions have just added possiblly several years to this case being resolved. At which point those who are affected will be so desperate for ANYTHING they will settle for peanuts.

I don't personally know this man or what his record has been on the bench. To my eyes he is falling back on a well established pattern of stalling; force desperation upon those who have already been suffering to ensure the lowest possible payout.

I hope I'm wrong.


The reference to Pelosi and Obamacare wasn't an attempt to link the was meant to show the total lack of consistency within the US government. On one side you have a Judge requiring 95% approval for something to go ahead while on the other side you have the government trying to circumvent the need for any agreement whatsoever.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by [davinci]]

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