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Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:35 AM
Eh..... two words... RF JAMMER stick one on ur dashboard and whenever you don't pay ur bill you flip it on... they'll never be able to activate/deactivate anything in ur car remotel as long as this baby will be turned on...

As for LoJack you don't need to hack "literally" into the system at all... All you need is a laptop, a frequency converter 2.4ghz to 173.075 MHz then u boost ur output through a linear amp to lets say 25watts... write a small bash script that'll generate 1000's of fake VIN in binary format and push this through the air... It'll over power the LoJack's transmitters and it'll drive cops insane... You'll be able to steal a car and drive by cops and you'll just be on in a million beeps they are getting on the receiver... they'll never find u....

PS: Im not taking any responsibility of what anyone does with this info and I wont help you or ANYONE to set up this type of rig...EVER

[edit on 18-3-2010 by _R4t_]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Add another reason to why I just smile when people ask me why I love my old car so much and don't want something new. ('66 Ford Fairlane 500.)

Reason #1 being that here in CA, it is smog exempt. As long as it runs and I can pay the registration, it stays on the road, and a close #2 is that should anything go wrong, any weird sound shows up, I can actually fix it myself, in my own driveway.

I have had a car with fuel injection in the past, but that's the limit I would draw to what a computer should control when it comes to controling a vehicle.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:39 PM
This is why when I went shopping for a car last month, I bought a 1965 MGB. Not only do I look stylin as all hell ripping along the highway in the thing, but I can also repair everything on the car myself and don't have to worry about a freaking power surge frying my ability to do anything.

Manual trumps automatic every day of the week.

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