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French Railway MISTAKENLY Announces Train Explosion, 102 Dead

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by jrmcleod
Now this is just plain bizarre...

Could these false flags possibly be a distraction to something else that is currently being planned, the media are captured as are the public so that there isnt such strong media attention in some other location??? Just a thought!!!

You haven't thought this through...

If you weren't on ATS, just how would you be distracted? I'm pretty sure that all apart from the OP in this thread would never have even heard of this.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by KyleOrtonArmy
Wow, this would almost make it seem as though...attacks are advance...and not the result of islamic extremists...WHODA THUNK IT

Yeah, and scooby doo saved the day, with the help of those pesky kids and their time machine van.

Scooby snacks for all... Muslims didn't do it !!

Wait, who said they did now?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by rocknrollkid
yeah ive seen 3 or 4 strange "exercises"going on this one ,the nuclear accident down in dorset in the uk the strange holocaust enactment in the scottish school and the georgian attack ,,very weird

Even though the Minneapolis Public Schools Code Yellow Lockdown on March 11 wasn't called an "exercise", I felt it may have been. They said the lockdown would be lifted when they trace the supposed threat that supposedly came from Australia. Well, I haven't heard a thing about the culprit since, even though the lockdown was promptly lifted the next day.

Something just didn't feel right about it. I understand precautions, but it seemed weird, especially the part about kids getting walked to the bathroom and the water fountain after the school entrances were already locked. It felt like a conditioning exercise to me.

And I find it interesting how the news focuses on people they interview who say things like "it's scary". Always the "scary" bit.

It all seems so transparent to me these days. It's hard to take the news seriously when you can see through so much of it. I still think it's worthwhile to watch what the PTB feels they need to communicate to us through the media, though, to keep a pulse on how they are operating.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Dynamitrios
Could also be a code or hidden message beeing conveyed in front of our eyes.

Do the numbers 102 and 380 bare any significance?

Didnt intelligence agencies communicate through this sort of thing in public?
This message WAS supposed to be released im sure of that.

I don't know much about this kind of thing. However, it did cross my mind that it could be something like that. Some of the other stories, too, maybe were actually that kind of exercise?

I find this idea far-fetched, but I bet there is evidence out there things like that do happen.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 02:44 AM
Sounds like Orwell's Ministry of Truth

This sounds very odd, the fact that the numbers are so exact. Maybe they have a template for accidents and just fill in the blanks, how many people, origin, destination etc.

Cynical, me??

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:06 AM
There is another, more likely in my view, possibility for this news. You forget, that this was a largely internal news release. It was never truly intended for the public. In police investigations it is often a tactic to lie to a select group of persons in order to flush out a guilty party. This could very well be a internal false news story designed to flush out employees who may have suspicious ties outside of their jobs. It may also be designed to flush out employees who leak stories to the press. What I find most interesting about this is that law enforcement does not seem bothered by this in the least, which to me, shows their obvious involvement from the beginning.

But for sure, I would say, that something is certainly amiss. You must remember that France has a large Muslim population now. The government is obviously concerned about terrorism in these poor economic times.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:21 AM
i honestly beleive that these things are planned out then if they get leaked the call them a mistake or an error but honestly how many things do you think ACTUALLY HAPPENED compared to the horrible things we see on the news in the future there is something going on behind the scenes and if there is who is the person or panel that gets to decide what happens and where? answer me that question and this whole train thing watch the news and pay attention the the numbers and see how many glitches you can find in their edited videos

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:48 AM
Wanted to create a new topic, but since I'm new here and have less than 20 messages, I can't, so I'll post it here. If you find it interesting, you can repost this info.

Georgia thing was mentioned in this thread. However, it is not the only possible war scenario published recently. Actually, two more of them have been published almost at the same time the georgian hoax appeared. In the other two scenarios Russia acts as an agressor as well (yawns).

Now, if Georgia is a wannabe NATO state, the other article came from a NATO country - Norway. You can read the scenario here.

The Russo-Norwegian War was an armed conflict between Norway supported by fellow NATO countries on one side, and Russia on the other. It occurred between September 2010 and January 2011, and involved land, air and sea warfare.

Another one came from another western country - Finland. I couldn't find the english translation but it was called something like "Russian invasion of Finland - what if it happened now?" The author plays out russian-finnish war in 2010.

I find this quite disturbing that the three scenarios appeared at the same time. Seems like someone needs an "agressor" again.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:20 AM
Timeline shift that avoided the planned false flag? Clearly it was a planned false flag. Apparently the MSM stooge didn't get the word that the thing didn't happen. You can't deny it, much weirdness is going on in the world and it's not all bad. Someone is really messing with the Sociopaths of the NWO. They are probably reeling in terror. Soon they will turn on each other. I feel sad for them, poor deluded souls. The real power is in the light, but it must be wielded in concert with the laws of the Cosmos. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Know that you are very loved and protected. Peace.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
reply to post by DarkspARCS

LOOK at the post above
makes you look a bit stupid dont you think!
You are one of the moutain from mole hills crowd.

by the way... what on Earth is a moutain?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
While I think there are many reasonable explanations for the occurrence mentioned in opening post and others similar that have happened, this being a conspiracy website its healthy to explore some seemingly far fetched speculations.

Originally posted by GideonHM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I distinctly remember from a lucid dream that everyone on that train was suicide bombed into oblivion. 102 dead, a culprit detained, and then we proceeded into a world panic.

Do you have precognitive dreams often? Did you write down 102 dead in your dream journal, if you have one, before even seeing my post? From your avatar I take it you do alot of dream work, do you have a history of precognitve dreams coming true?

Yes, actually. Yet, my childhood dreams that I had almost always involved horrific scenes of me losing my dad because I saw Lex Luthor who would then make the floor erupt with magma. I was 5 years old, my dad divorced my mom 2 years later, and it is the trippiest thing to open a microwave and to see the villian explode my floor.

Or the dreams where I would lose my family members, two of my cousins who used to live upstairs were flushed down the toilet when I wanted to play with them, I had the dream twice, the second time I remembered the first dream and tried to stop my cousin from flushing the toilet, but he did and then I had no one to play with.

Soon, I moved and I didn't see my cousins for years, then after high school graduation in '97 my now even more psychotic cousin asked me to move out to TN (Spring Hill then Franklin) and it was a nightmare. Yet, I remembered that dream and by the time I fled his and his crazy wife's socially destructive behaviors, I wished I was back flushing that toilet again.

I've seen many spirits as well and I have had been attacked many times in my sleep. What do you do when a generic muscle man appears and tries to drag you into a black portal? I have been attacked in a dream by feral cats, yeah I was a real man and beat the hell out of those buggers.

What is real? Where ever you are, and where you are not is unreal.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:52 AM
To be 100% honest, I see nothing in this.

It was most likely an internal announcement to see how the company dealt with this kind of situation from a purely communication perspective.

They are probably told like "there will be an exercise this week" and then suddenly staff are told "102 dead" and then to see how they deal with it (whilst still understanding that it is an exercise as I doubt it was a live exercise).

If it was a live exercise then that would explain how this came out. I highly doubt this was a false flag that was then later decided to be pulled and the announcement accidentally went out.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Reply to post by wmd_2008

Yes because no public transportation anywhere in the world uses 1234 as a rote number

(HINT: They do)

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:06 PM
Time travels slower the faster you go, clocks must compensate for it in orbit etc. The Earth they see is a bit in the future. An extremely fast object in orbit and or could see what those of us on the surface would consider the future. It’s good to see lives spared, but it does let the cat out of the bag.

In theory a super fast object would even receive broadcasts before they have been sent etc etc etc. I guarantee this simple notion has been studied at length and all related information is classified as hell. Well at least the bit that could enable two way communications.

The only real way I see would involve sending a device with record capabilities to ride on one of our magnetic field lines at as close to the speed of light as possible. It would see the earth in the future but also hit the other side of the Earth almost instantaneously. If the device could be made to survive then we would have a snap shot of the future.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by wmd_2008

Yes because no public transportation anywhere in the world uses 1234 as a rote number

(HINT: They do)

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

It wasn't a route number they said train number 1234 thats what made me
It's stated its an exercise its posted on wrong part of the web site.
The death toll etc is a made up fig so they services can act out for a disaster of that size it happens a lot!.
Also as someone has commented already with these trains doing 180mph+, 102 dead and 300+ injured could be a very realistic number.
What makes me laugh is the amount of people on here that jump to conclusions flase flag etc, ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by BeastMaster2012

does anyone remember the thread from a few weeks ago about the guy who claimed he was connected with the pentagon shooter and the plane in tax building crash? Remember he said they could see 27 hours into the future? Just thought i would bring this up, i thought that was interesting and could be fun to think about regarding these stories.

I thought it proves that all sports games are rigged to provide income for the gambling network across America. At least that's my take....

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