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Ungovernable Savages

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Found this today and just wanted to share with everyone on here. Who is Bill Maher to call the american people stupid? Is he not an american? or is he a canadian transplant? Either way these guys; politicians or talking heads are going to insult the "stupid" americans one to many times and then they'll get bitten, and trust me it wont be a fun ride down for these clowns.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by PjZ101

Who is Bill Maher to call the american people stupid?

He's right, for the most part. Heck some people don't even know who Joe Biden is. Mark Dice in an experiment got people to sign a petition to do away with the 1st amendment.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I hate to say it, but it's true. The general populace is stupid. Extremely. Not, just Americans though, most people all over the world. Good for nothing but labor and taxes.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:34 PM
It is definitely an act of bigotry to level these accusations of mass stupidity at the USA alone. As far as I can tell, every nation on earth is going through a massive period of government enforced stupidity/ignorance. I work with a bunch of young people, in their early twenties. These are educated people but it is apparent that the quality of their education is terribly low compared to the one that I received in the 70's and early 80's.

I learned about Young's Modulus in primary school for god's sake:

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by PjZ101

Maher makes a very good point of stating why he considers a % of Americans not to bright. As painful as it is he is right.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:06 AM
By and large Everyone is stupid.

That is why the world is the way the world is.

By the way, when I talk about stupidity, I am not talking about intelligence. I am talking about gullibility.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Horza

By the way, when I talk about stupidity, I am not talking about intelligence. I am talking about gullibility.

Have you ever wondered why people are so gullible? Could it be because people are indoctrinated into a world where they are taught from an early age to accept the word of authority figures? There is only one correct answer on a test and no deviation. We are always spoken down to from platforms and podiums. Peer pressure and status quo keeps everyone in line.

Neither children nor adults are taught critical thinking in school settings.

Could it be because our spirits are hardwired for being in an environment where truth is the only thing spoken? Maybe we are not from this planet!

Bill Maher has tried to reach people through humor, which I think is an excellent venue to try to make people see their own absurdities. His movie "Religulous" was both hysterical and perplexing because it was so real. I see people just like the ones portrayed in his movie all around me. Their eyes say "nobody's home" and their creepy smiles make you shudder. They parrot religious concepts that are insanely absurd to the rational person.

The people who most needed to see that movie were told by their preachers to boycott it. How can change ever be effected when we are up against power hungry, money fleecing, deceiful charlatans who, posing as spiritual authorities, have such a hold over ignorant people? And when these ignorant people happen to be a majority of the population? How do we reach them? How can we effect change? I think Bill Maher made a good stab at it. But maybe we just have to keep putting more truth out there and exposing religious lies.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:51 AM
If everyone is stupid, then the public shouldn't be allowed to make choices. Voting for example should be outlawed. Personal choice should be outlawed. Only the elite should be allowed to determine who rules the people and what people are allowed to choose. If most people are stupid, then their representatives should not be allowed to have power. Only one smart person should be allowed to make decisions for the stupid masses.

Isn't that the direction the thread is going?

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:02 AM
"Some" Americans are somewhat lacking, shall we say, in understanding.

Ask an American about the US economy, very likely he will tell you America is the most wealthy and most powerful nation on Earth.
Anyone that disagrees, just envies the lavish American lifestyle, and should be nuked.

Ask an American about defending himself.
He will say hell yes, we own guns and any weapons we like, that is our right.
But nations like Iran have absolutely no rights at all to have, or make any weapons at all to defend themselves.

Ask an American about democracy.
We have the most corrupt political system on the planet, but we will bomb invade, torture and kill as many foreigners as we want to bring them the same sort of corrupt democracy we have.

Ask an American about taxation.
Tax is immoral illegal and I will do everything I can to oppose taxation.
But as Americans, we deserve the best medical care, social security, and a powerful military.

Ask an American about law enforcement and justice.
The cops are evil and corrupt as hell, the Judges are bent too.
But the US system of freedom and democracy is the best in the world.
Anyone that disagrees, deserves to be nuked.

Ask an American about politics.
They are all scum bags. Diebold and the whole system is rotten to the core, and I never vote.
But I like to see my party win, those other guys are complete losers.

God bless America.

*edited for spelin.

[edit on 10/3/2010 by Silver Shadow]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Maher is an attention whore and would publicly advocate the forced hiring of pedophiles into the school system if he thought it would get him noticed.

He's the Limbaugh of the left, only not as funny.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

yes, yes, .... thats quite an insight, ...... to be coming from Australia ! haha

I wouldn't think it so easy to understand or label people a certain way, especialy from across an ocean.

.... and why foreigners hold so much stock in what happens to America will always perplex me.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

How droll. Ask 20 different Americans for an opinion on just about anything, and you'll likely get 20 different answers. Even though 50% of the population is below average in intelligence, we're a diverse group with all different ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic levels, and beliefs.

Ask an American about Australia however, and you'll likely hear she's an invaluable (even including the really dense ones) ally, worth defending with the full might of our capacity under any circumstances.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by PjZ101

Found this today and just wanted to share with everyone on here. Who is Bill Maher to call the american people stupid? Is he not an american? or is he a canadian transplant? Either way these guys; politicians or talking heads are going to insult the "stupid" americans one to many times and then they'll get bitten, and trust me it wont be a fun ride down for these clowns.

How does it matter if he is a Canadian immigrant? (He's not by the way he was born in New York City)

I'm not an American, but I have lived in your country and travel there on a regular basis and yes, I do believe Bill Maher is right. I also love the backlash the idea is getting here. OP Maher is a commentator, an editorialist, it's his job to state his opinion.

Yes, by the way, I will comment on the American people from across an ocean as well, because well, I want to and Americans seem to have no problem commenting on other countries as well. The rest of the world has so much interest in American events because they affect all of us as well, your country is currently the only superpower, your actions have wide impact.

As for the American people, about half of your country, give or take depending on the political climate do not believe in natural evolution!

You doubt the existence of global warming (I'm not talking about the causes, but the actual fact the planet is getting warmer) even though NASA, your agency, has proved it!

Every couple of weeks there are a flurry of articles coming out of conservative American media telling the people that it's better not to go to college!

I could just keep going too. I love America though, I really do believe you can overcome this culture of idiocy and get back to being a country of amazing scientific, philosophical and artistic innovation.

The sooner the better if you please.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I have family/friends who are all college graduates from the 1960's. They hold masters degree's and a couple have PHd's...They all have good careers with some making very nice six figure incomes, two of them becoming millionaires by the time they retired.

They love to puff and boast how smart they are, and that they did everything right, and knew how to play the game.

Yet, as smart as they may think they are, do they ever make some bone headed decisions.
These folks are highly image conscious, and worry about what everyone thinks about them. So they spend tons of money on designer clothes, spa treatments, fancy high end cars, own multiple huge homes that are a constant maintenance headache, dine out often, travel the world, partake of social events where tickets can be hundreds of dollars each, and of course, express profound wisdom's about politics.

Yet they ignore their health to their own perils. They have constant trouble with their teeth. They are over weight. They are out of shape. Have high blood pressure, are diabetic, some have had various cancers and other exotic diseases...

( the priority of where money is spent, is on looking good and living a high life...ignoring health issues and warning signs to the point they need immediate care to save their life. If it would cause them to have to cash in a CD before maturity, then the problem can wait... )

So far I have yet to hear one opinion on politics's that has been right on about anyone. They vote both left and right. They are Catholics, Protestants, Jews, one Jehovah's Witness, one agnostic and a couple of fair weather church goers.

All are anti-gun because "NO ONE" needs a gun, some are pro gay, others think it is a horrible sin, some are anti-abortion, with others vehemently supporting it because their own college aged daughters had abortions while in school! ALL WANT OBAMA CARE! ALL voted for Obama except for one couple, and myself and my wife. ( I am UBER PRO GUN/ 2nd Amendment Rights, which more or less makes them bristle with disgust )

When I express that OBAMA CARE is one "Golden" nail in the tracks leading to Socialism...they ask; "what is wrong with that?" Norway, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal all are socialized nations with socialized health care...and they do not have the problems that everyone associates with it.

"WE pay too much as it is for health care here in the USA, it should be socialized!" is the qualifier they give.

So, if the Elitists of the country think it is the way to go...and they are so much brighter than everyone else; you know! Then the BOOBOISIE should have no say in the matter, because they do not know what they are talking about! Right? I mean come-on, we're blithering idiot's thrumming our lower lips making idiotic noises as we try to make a decision...

The collective cannot be trusted...

This is OBAMA's thinking...HE ALONE WILL DECIDE WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU; because the rest of you are too damned stupid to know what end is up!
ala Bill Maher...

Michelle told us; "Barack will never let you go back to your old ways of thinking" He will engage us, by dictating to us...Via being the PREMIERE of the United Socialist States of America; USSA. A satellite nation of Commie China.

Myself, I believe there is a intelligent middle ground of common sense Americans who are going to resent being labeled as "Stupid" and thought of as unable to make decisions regarding their own lives...I am one of them.

Racists, Leftist Extremists and Elitists are determined that they are going to make the calls for all of us. You know; the "HOPE and CHANGE" we can all believe in by Fundamentally Transforming America!

This isn't going to end well for anyone, and no one is going to be happy with the monster Washington DC will set loose upon us.

We have one card left in our hand to play...

RE-ELECT NO ONE! CLEAN OUT THE FILTHY RATS NEST OF WASHINGTON DC Revolt by using your vote in November 2010.
GET RID OF ALL OF THEM...they cannot be trusted.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

wicked wicked true, could not agree more.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:46 AM
I think people just dont give crap anymore. the system doesnt work
free trades a joke
america protectionism is joke, from who its own security

security politics the army have all been breached with corruption

the system isnt about the individual

just as our politicians no longer work for the people

democracy appears broken as everyone uses up natural landscape

the peopl have said cluck it, and so have i

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

That's a lot of resentment towards the college educated there mate! I think a lot of the cultural divide is because of animosity between those with college educations and those without.

The superiority and inferiority complexes that are created are divisive and damaging overall but I do believe that the anger is more intense from those without degrees to those with. It seems that we, the college educated, are resented simply because of the fact that we have a degree.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Simply put, no one cares if someone has a degree or not. So just keep that to yourself. Your opinion doesn't become magically superior because you have a degree, etcetera.

Angry people are angry. Doesn't matter if they are college educated or not, one can be an enormous doofus even if they have a degree. So to say that, "People without degrees tend to be the angry ones.." is a little absurd.

In my opinion, the "college educated" amongst us who can't seem to ever miss a chance to let everyone know, is a much bigger problem than some uneducated fool who is angry for no reason. See, certain people "with degrees" grow a complex, as evidenced in the OP. They will use their power and connections at all costs to manipulate people, get their way, pseudo-extort, etc. all in the name of their self-image. They can get so bold in their endeavors, to the point where they lose all common sense, that they basically turn into idiots who went to college once, but can't tell you a damn thing of what they supposedly learned.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Simply put, no one cares if someone has a degree or not. So just keep that to yourself. Your opinion doesn't become magically superior because you have a degree, etcetera.

Angry people are angry. Doesn't matter if they are college educated or not, one can be an enormous doofus even if they have a degree. So to say that, "People without degrees tend to be the angry ones.." is a little absurd.

In my opinion, the "college educated" amongst us who can't seem to ever miss a chance to let everyone know, is a much bigger problem than some uneducated fool who is angry for no reason. See, certain people "with degrees" grow a complex, as evidenced in the OP. They will use their power and connections at all costs to manipulate people, get their way, pseudo-extort, etc. all in the name of their self-image. They can get so bold in their endeavors, to the point where they lose all common sense, that they basically turn into idiots who went to college once, but can't tell you a damn thing of what they supposedly learned.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by SyphonX]

...and thank you for proving my point.

In the case of Bill Maher, I would not say he is even flaunting his degree, despite the fact that he double-majored at an Ivy League school. He's basically saying the same thing you are from a different political and social world view.

He thinks you lack common sense and powers of reason.

You think the same about him.

The rest of the world however, tends to agree more with Bill Maher.

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