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US to engage in 'hit and run' war in Somalia

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:49 AM

US to engage in 'hit and run' war in Somalia

The United States is involved in preparatory military operations in Somali for a 'major' offensive against Somali fighters, report says.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:49 AM
I haven't really been paying too much attention to the politics of this area recently but is it really all about piracy when it comes to Somalia... surely there are other reasons for the involvement.

I suppose this is officially another war involving US troops.

“It's the Americans … helping us," the US newspaper quoted Somali military chief General Mohamed Gelle Kahiye as saying.

Is it really just the US trying to help Somalia with its current civil war?

This just wreaks of business interests.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:57 AM
I don't like to say this, but a war in Somalia could actually stabilize the conditions in Somalia in the long-term. Although it miserably failed in Iraq so far, it could be a new start for Somalia to get on its feet again... That doesn't mean I'm all for war in the already seemingly apocalyptic region, it would cost many lives and a great deal of money, which in the end not only harms the US economy, but also renders the region useless due to the extent of the destruction. But I'm only speculating here....

I don't think the Piracy happening there is worth an invasion....

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Clairaudience]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by serbsta

I haven't really been paying too much attention to the politics of this area recently but is it really all about piracy when it comes to Somalia... surely there are other reasons for the involvement.

Al Qaeda. Supposedly.

I don't believe them.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:27 AM
Somalia is the only State left on earth that is basically ungovernable. No one owns it, no one runs it and what’s worse none of the usual suspects want the headache of owning it or having to run it.

The people there have seized upon an absurd and rarely displayed concept of something we all call freedom!

No one to collect taxes from them, no plants to pay them substandard wages, no mining or drilling operations to rape their resources for a pittance, and no long list of freedom and thought robbing laws instilled by the typical authoritarian don’t do as we do, do as we say governments, and worst of all no debt slavery and fractional reserve banking.

This is embarrassing for the Powers that Be and the longer it goes on the more they risk other people in other nations deciding to stop letting the governments, corporations and banks cause ordered chaos at their expense.

So since no one at the Bohemian Club wants to purchase this unruly mob and ungovernable land the latest strategy is just to slowly bomb them all out of existence here and there.

What a world.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:32 AM
I called this war about 2 months ago.

Right after Yemen was "liberated"

Yemen + Somalia = Gulf of Aden Control

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

Yemen + Somalia = Gulf of Aden Control

I think its bigger than that IMHO and you have to take a longer view 20-30 years.

China will eventually be used up. Pollution, negative female to male ratios, etc will take its toll and like Japan of the 80's (Which was going to rule the world) thier costs will go higher.

The next large pool of cheap labor? Yep Africa. But you have to pacify it first. THe Bush administrations only real foreign policy success was Africa, fighting AIDS, more $$$$ and establishing it as its own US Military Command were the first steps. COntrolling the Horn as you say is the next, then they will turn to the interior

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:51 AM
I was in Mogadishu once before...
Unless they want a "Black Hawk Down Part II"
they only way to make a real difference there is to start dropping daisy cutters... turn it into one big smoking hole

Glad I'm retired would hate to be recalled for that disaster in the making

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by FredT


Ahh Somalia...

If there ever was an armpit of the world that is it. Well if we go in this time I sure hope they'll let the Marines handle it this time [With Armor and Choppers]. Last time it was a cluster F***. Oh wait...

The whole Black Hawk down thing happened after the Marines pulled out.

I'm just saying is all.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:40 AM
why would America have to do a hit and run tactic???????

What is it about Somalia that scares America the way it does. I mean we hired Ethiopia to invade like twice, both failed horribly. Now we are doing hit and runs.

Does anyone know what cause America has had on the Somalia is today???

Maybe the reason we pussysteppin this is because they don't want the fact that we have used Somalia as a toxic dumping ground, allowed by its own government. The effect. PIRATES. They are stopping dumping, but in order to make a profit have turned to robbing. An even nastier affect is war-lords, but who to say if they are trying to make a positive impact or not. Our government doesn't care, they have a nice set up that is threatened.

I'll make you look like a fool if you think I am wrong. Just look it up

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Sorry dint mean to suggest black hawk down was about the Marines....
no back then we poor grunts didn't have black hawks in the corps just the 46's and 53's

no that mess was all Army.... what I meant was if their not careful we might just be handing Hollywood material for a sequel

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