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Welcome to Haifa, Mr. and Mrs. Corrie

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Welcome to Haifa, Mr. and Mrs. Corrie

Welcome to The city of Haifa is still recovering from the trauma of the summer of 2006, when it, along with the rest of northern Israel, was targeted by thousands of Katyusha rockets, fired from southern Lebanon by Hizbullah terrorists. Haifa has also been targeted by several suicide bombers who carried out mass murders against civilians in buses and restaurants. Haifa, Mr. and Mrs. Corrie.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Israel never ceases to amaze. I have just read the most delusional piece of Israeli fantasy ever printed, and that’s saying something! The upcoming trial regarding the murder of Rachel Corrie has the Fanatic Nut jobs in a dither, they are dragging out the smear brush to demonize Rachel and her Family, whilst polishing the “Chosen Ones Halo” of the IDF killer who ruthlessly murdered her.

For those who don't know about Rachel Corrie, she was crushed to death by an Israeli Force bulldozer while protesting against demolition of a Palestinian home. The whole scenario is documented on her Memorial website

And after all these years the parents, Mr. & Mrs. Corrie of Rachel Corrie are visiting Hafia in Israel where the case is going to be tried in the court. And then Israel informs us that Rachel Corrie was not a victim, but rather a “clueless” Terrorist, and her parents support terrorism and are described as the following:

Since Corrie's death, her parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, have traveled the planet as a two-person anti-Israel propaganda SWAT team. Not content with mourning their daughter's tragic death, which resulted from her own foolhardiness, the Corries have devoted themselves to demonizing Israel and supporting Israel's enemies.

And not only THAT, but it’s all Rachel’s fault she was killed, not the ignoramus who drove the 49 TON Caterpillar killing machine right smack over her body and murdered her.

Let’s continue on with this Israeli fantasy: Did you know that it was not an IDF cowardly scumbag who killed Rachel, according to “Israel” it was the “Palestinians “who killed her. How is that you say? Why Israel has this all figured out:

Corrie died after being taken away for care in a Palestinian medical facility, possibly from medical incompetence.

And now more insults and smears to follow:

Rachel Corrie, you may recall, was a clueless American-flag-burning undergraduate from Evergreen State College in Washington. Urged on by her radical professors, she decided to join the missions organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She and her comrades were sent off to the "occupied territories" to assist Palestinian terrorist groups.ISM openly endorses Palestinian "armed struggle" against Israel - which in realistic terms means terrorism against Jews. It was the goal of Corrie and her friends to stop Israeli anti-terror operations - an act that by its very implication would have made it easier for Hamas and its clones to murder Israeli civilians.

That’s funny, I just read the ISM’s page and found only references to “unarmed resistance and peaceful means” But hey, let’s not let the facts get in the way of Israel’s fantasy story.

Next up in the Smear job is another innocent victim killed by Israel, one British photographer Tom Herndall. It’s now his turn to be demonized:

In one well publicized case, an ISM volunteer named Tom Hurndall from the UK was injured in the head while he was serving as a human shield for terrorists engaged in a firefight with IDF troops. Hurndall's family sued Israel in Israeli court.

Notice that they didn’t say he was shot by an IDF soldier, which is the truth. Or that he was wearing a BRIGHT orange vest (like the one Rachel was wearing when she was murdered) which signifies he was a foreigner and not to be shot at. Nor did they bother to mention that the cowardly murdering IDF soldier was convicted, and that Israel had to pay 1 Million to Herndall’s family, all that was conveniently left out.

And they finish up with an actual letter of “Welcome“ to Rachel’s family. If you ever had any doubts over the inhumanity of Israel this will vanish them forever. Imagine your child was murdered in another country, and the country sent you this letter below:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrie,

You are coming to our lovely town to sue Israel, claiming   that your daughter was "killed by an Israeli bulldozer." But you neglect to mention the circumstances under which she was so killed (nor the fact that she died from her injuries while under Palestinian medical care).

You have stated, "She had been working in Rafah with a   nonviolent resistance organization, the International Solidarity Movement, trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes and wells."

Homes and wells, huh?  

Well, she was not. Rachel was trying to prevent the   demolition of tunnels used to smuggle weapons for Palestinian terrorists seeking to murder Jewish civilians. ISM openly endorses Palestinian "armed struggle" against Jewish children and civilians and openly collaborates with terrorists. It has hidden wanted terrorists and their weapons in its offices. It is an accomplice in murder. Lying is not the best way to drum up sympathy for your daughter.

You say your daughter died trying to protect an "innocent   house." Again, this is not the truth. That "innocent house" was camouflage for a not-so-innocent terrorist smuggling tunnel, and the residents of that innocent house knew all about the tunnel.
Your daughter was in a war zone as a belligerent, on behalf   of a movement of Arab fascists seeking to destroy Israel and murder as many Jews as possible. Your daughter died while interfering with an anti-terror operation carried out by soldiers in a land in which she had no business being at all.

You demand that we feel your pain at the loss of your   daughter, yet your daughter conscripted herself as an accomplice for those seeking to murder my children. You feel no pain for the scores of martyrs in my own city of Haifa murdered by those same terrorists.

Your daughter put herself in harm's way by challenging a   large bulldozer and positioning herself where the operator could not see her. You know quite well that the bulldozer operator was not seeking to harm her.

You have written, "We had not understood the devastating   nature of the Palestinians' situation." Of course, you have never expressed any interest in the devastating nature of the Jews' situation. The Jews have been battling Arab fascism and genocidal terrorism for a hundred years, before, during, and after the Nazi Holocaust of six million Jews. Your daughter was helping those who perpetrate Nazi-like atrocities against randomly selected Jews.

You smugly praise the propaganda play about your daughter,   which ignored all the other Rachels - the Jewish victims of terror in Israel who were murdered by genocidal terrorists.

Your daughter, and apparently you as well, never had any   understanding of the Middle East conflict. The Middle East conflict is not about the right to self-determination of Palestinian Arabs, but rather about the right to self-determination of Israeli Jews.

For a century the Arabs have attempted to block any   expression of Jewish self-determination, using violence, armed aggression, and terrorism. The Arabs today control 22 countries and territory nearly twice the size of the United States. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent of the Middle East with Jews, even in a territory smaller than New Jersey.

The Arab countries invented the Palestinian people and their   "plight" as a propaganda ploy in imitation of the German campaign on behalf of Sudeten self-determination in the 1930s. Just as the struggle for "Sudeten liberation" was nothing more than a fig leaf for the German aggression aimed at annihilating Czechoslovakia, so the struggle for "Palestinian liberation" is nothing more than cover for a jihad to destroy Israel and its population.

Your write, "Clearly, our daughter has become a positive   symbol for people."
I am afraid you are mistaken. Your daughter has become a   symbol for dangerous foolhardiness. She essentially committed suicide as an empty gesture to assist murderers and terrorists.

You want the world to mourn for your daughter, who died while   working with monsters out to murder our children. On the pages of anti-Semitic propaganda web magazines you denounce Israel, but you do not have a single word of sympathy for the families of the thousands of innocent Israeli victims of the terrorists with whom your daughter chose to ally herself.

On behalf of the citizens of Haifa, all of whom your   daughter's Hamas friends are trying to murder,

I remain,
Steven Plaut
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I have been embarrassingly ignorant of the name Rachel Corrie. I could blame it on the bubble of selfishness many Americans are guilty of. I could blame it on biased media. I could blame it on my own blinders, or any number of things. But I did not know of her, and I thank you for posting this.

Reading her memorial website has caused some conflict for myself. On one side is the (agnostic) Jew who instinctively defends anything Israel related, albeit with some validation of this viewpoint. One the other side is my personal empathy and compassion for ANYONE being abused or mistreated, taken on this scale- sheer horror of the entire situation.

For the past 30 minutes I have been studying Rachel's memorial site with tears controlled only by virtue of my children being right next to me. Her emails and thoughts are gut wrenching alone, but coupled with her opinions on what she was witnessing and the systematic genocide of innocent families and people of Palestine have shaken my own views to the core.

I feel sure enough of my convictions to know that the Palestinian leaders and the terror organization of Hamas are only part of the issue. I feel as Rachel does, that the leaders of Israel's actions are unforgivable and beyond any definition of human rights violations.

I cannot find it within myself to call the Palestinian leaders "innocent" or "blameless". Documentation of their use of human shields, records of their murdering of their own citizens, and numerous attacks on Israeli civilians may be less organized, but just as horrific.

Israels response not only to the Corrie family, but regarding the entire situation is something I personally have been blessed to never be faced with here in "safe, free" USA. I can never begin to relate to what both sides are facing. To me, none of this is justified, none of it is right. Neither side has any more valid fight than the other.

Rachel's words and her story have affected me more deeply than perhaps anything I have learned here on ATS. It is a dose of reality that I have not encountered, and one that has thrown my own feelings on the conflict into disarray.

I have no leverage to change any of it. This feeling of helplessness is the worst part. i WANT to stop them both- I want to be capable of having the time, resources, or power to effect some sort of change there. Were I not the mother of young children, I might as I type be contacting the IMS to see how I can follow Rachel's lead. But I cannot. So instead I will investigate what I CAN do.

I feel ashamed for my blind willingness to ignore "over there". But there is always a chance that one day it may be "over here", and all of us should take note that this is not policy against policy, or religion versus religion. Rather this is human against human, and none of us are blameless.

Thank you again .

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:39 PM

The Arab countries invented the Palestinian people and their   "plight" as a propaganda ploy in imitation of the German campaign on behalf of Sudeten self-determination in the 1930s. Just as the struggle for "Sudeten liberation" was nothing more than a fig leaf for the German aggression aimed at annihilating Czechoslovakia, so the struggle for "Palestinian liberation" is nothing more than cover for a jihad to destroy Israel and its population.

Perfect example of propaganda. Palestinians (not Israel) are now in position of Czechoslovakia. Hitler was supported by western governments because they wanted to save status quo. Once again Hitler was supported by western governments same as is Israel supported by western governments now. To compare Arab/Muslim countries to Nazi Germany is similar as to compare bunch of children to professional boxer. But it is normal now days when everybody not citing official view is labeled as terrorist.
And what about Bedouin communities in Israel? They are treated same as Palestinians. There is old good ethnic cleansing going on in Israel. Many Arab/Muslim states tend to authoritarian and religious end of spectrum and Israel is same + western support.
Why was N. Finkelstein lecture at CZ Academy of Science canceled (same in Germany later)? If he is just liar, than he can't be really dangerous. He is dangerous because he show true face of Israel propaganda machine.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:51 PM
I think there is holes in the story on either side. Bulldozers don't move very quickly. If she was dumb enough to some how let it get over her then It kind of is her fault she died. It doesn't mean that I don't thin the driver is a cold heartless bastard but maybe he was told to keep going or else.

While I feel bad for her family it should be expected that if you lie in front of a bulldozer or tank of somebody who you consider your enemy.... they will probably run you over.

People need to realize its a war zone over there, you should treat it as such.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:11 PM
This makes me ill. I don't blame Israel, but i do blame the ignorant nutjobs who run that paper.

Her behavior that day in Gaza resembled that of a teenager playing chicken with vehicles on the New Jersey Turnpike in the dark.

If it resembles anything even vaguely of that sort, it resembles a bad attempt to replicate the heroism of the Tienanmen square incident.

In a certain sense, I support Israel. I mean, the nation should never have been founded where people were living, but now that it's there, a peaceful solution must be reached. but actions like the one that Rorrie was directly fighting against when she was killed are wrong no matter who perpetrates them.

In a certain sense, I support Israel. bUt if for some reason I had to come down firmly on one side or the other, it would be Palestine's.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
I think there is holes in the story on either side. Bulldozers don't move very quickly. If she was dumb enough to some how let it get over her then It kind of is her fault she died.

Actually, they move at a pretty decent clip... As a matter of fact, over rough terrain, they will often move faster than a human can.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by December_Rain

Thanks for the post DR...Top notch as usual

That was the most disgusting piece of "journalism" (??) I've ever read...I mean, who the hell runs over a peaceful protester with a bulldozer ?

Only two places on earth I can think of do that, Israel & China...

Israel is nothing but an evil, racist violent state

Addendum - Can't wait for the usual apologists to come along and justify the sentiments contained in said article or play their usual cards...

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Retrovertigo]

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