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Sarah Palin and "Prayer Warriors": We Want Control Of The World

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

What makes you so certain that Palin is the person to deliver us from the evil of big government? Christian religious movements have been co-opted and used by the intelligence communities - the private army of the Wall Street-Government cartel - since the beginning of the Cold War. For example, World Vision, a "Christian relief and development organisation," was implicated in the Sabra-Shatila massacre in Lebanon where the pro-Christian fascist Phalanges slaughtered Palestinian refuges. Called a "CIA recruitment tool" by many, World Vision has been found in proximity of events such as the assassination of John Lennon and the Jonestown Massacre and also has been accusing of diverting donation funds to unknown places.

Another such organization is the Council for National Policy, a self-described "a counterweight against liberal domination of the American agenda." However, their agenda's solution is a theocratic right domination of the American government. Numerous alumni of the Iran-Contra scandal are involved in the CNP, such as the mastermind of the plot himself, Oliver North, and Edwin Meese, Reagan's attorney general, who had been brought on to set the legal precedent of the clandestine scheme that resulted in a brutal war between Iran and Iraq, a drug epidemic in America, and legions of massacred men, women and children in Nicaragua. The CNP also counts in it's members Jerry Falwell, John Ashcroft, Pat Robertson, and former DHS head Michael Chertoff. Another very controversial member of the CNP is Reverend Moon, who has denounced America as "Satan's harvest" and has the stated mission of bringing America into a South Korean based global theocracy... and yet somehow Reverend Moon is a close friend of Jerry Falwell and George W. Bush. Moon seems to have a few fingers in some pretty dark pies, including (but no limited to!) the squashing of the Iran-Contra story in the media, and supporting the CIA-backed "coc aine coup" in Bolivia that saw left wingers and trade union leaders slaughtered in the streets.

Sarah Palin is also tied to this organization, being "vetted" by them as McCain's candidate for the vice presidency. Mark Crispin Miller names her as a member of the organization.

Palin's family also has some pretty shady business connections - Todd Palin was given "gifts" by the Barrick Gold Corporation, a company who had hoped to open an open gold-mine on Native land. But there may be more to this than meets the eye: Barrick, itself responsible for millions of deaths in Zaire for the political unrest it caused, has a history of dubious associations.

Like the CNP, Barrick circles closely to the Iran-Contra scandal: George H.W. Bush was a chairman of the company, as was Adnan Khashoggi, and Khashoggi's business partner Peter Munck. Khashoogi, who in 2000 attempted to broker an oil pipeline deal with Henry Kissinger, UnoCal and the Taliban, is a notorious arms dealer who acted as a key middle man between the Reagan administration and its intelligence apparatuses' arms sales to the Iranian regime. Khashoggi is also close friends with Maurice Strong, a "socialist in ideology, capitalist in methodology" and Rockefeller protege - a new age environmentalist activist who spends his time with Saudi criminals and the likes of Al Gore. This brings me to my next point: Barrick has funded Al Gore's speaking appearances across South America.

Clearly, there are things going on here that aren't apparent at face value, and it seems to link back to at least Iran-Contra. Oh yeah, and we can't forget that the man who prompted Palin's raise to fame, John McCain, was a member of the U.S. Council for World Freedom... another grouped that was involved in aiding the Contras in Iran-Contra. Oh, and the Council for World Freedom is the American wing of the World Anti-Communist League, which has been supported by Reverend Moon' Unification Church. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Here are some interesting links:

Secretive Right-Wing Group Vetted Palin

The First Dude Flys High With Mining Interests

Todd Palin Showed Interest in Oil and Gas Issues and the Shooting of Wolves from Aircraft to Boost Caribou and Moose Herds

McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair

World League for Freedom and Democracy

International Man of Mystery: Who is Maurice Strong?

Adnan Khashoggi

The Dark Side of Reverend Moon

World Vision, Greece and the CIA

George Bush's "Heart of Darkness"

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Someone336

Damn good post there Someone, Someone finally brings firepower to a discussion(double intend re intended).

I am wondering if you saw one of my other comments stating that SP has enough Real things to be attacked with than to use a religious group not even connected with her.

Another comment I made was to show the hypocracy of using GOD DAMN AMERICA in the same type of situation.

I would still like someone to post a REAL thread with a title like-

Why I feel Sarah Palin would be a detriment as President.

But instead, we get crap like this thread.

That is why I SO LOVED SP's move of writing HI MOM on her hand following the idiot GIBBS making a mockery of her and himself. That was classic turnabout is fair play.

Substance is the name of the game, if you do not have it, use something else, that is the problem in today's politics.

Where is the SUBSTANCE in this thread?

The OP claims in several comments that this isn't about SP! What a joke, it is all about destroying someone's character with nothing but innuendo.

See, you bring something REAL to the table. Star for you from me.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Hey, thanks for the star, endisnighe. I haven't seen many of your Palin-posts because I really do try to avoid the Palin-oriented thread. However, I did check this one out because the extreme religious right in this nation freaks me out a bit. These guys are Christians in name only, not caring for their actions they or their CIA and corporatist buddies commit around the world.

Iran-Contra is what brought me to these boards initially, because I believe the majority of our problems today can be linked to this debacle: everything and anyone from AIG to the Bin Laden family to the Bush administration to the current drug war and the prison-industrial complex has the tentacles from this conspiracy entwined throughout them. And hovering nearby at all turns in the Religious Right, agreeing to assist either through vested interest or duped by mass infiltration.

And somewhere, down the chain is little ol' Sarah Palin.

Many people here all agree that the GOP is currently co-opting the Tea Parties into something other than what was originally intended, and Palin is their trump card. I agree with them. "Post-Modern Patriotism", the silly attempt by the GOP to influence and/or infiltrate the grassroots conservative movements, is a widespread problem dedicated not to eradicating the "liberal menace" from America but to keep the status quo gears turning and continue to Corporatist Cabal in power. One good example of this, aside from Sarah Palin) is World Net Daily (fun fact of the day: WND contributor Phyllis Schlafly is a member of the CNP), whose golden boy, Jerome Corsi, is a warhawk who has been crying for the Cheneyian wet dream of military intervention for Iran. He's a member of the Iran Freedom Foundation, founded by Ali Akbar Tabatabai, who was a member of the Iranian embassy during the regime of Shah Mohammed Reza (the US backed dictator whose draconian abuses of the public led to the Islamic Revolution of 1979). Another organization Corsi is affiliated with is the Alliance for Democracy in Iran, which is supported by the Neo-Con think-tank Hudson Institute, which itself is financially supported by companies such as DuPont, Exxon Mobil, McDonalds, Monstanto and Fannie Mae. The Hudson Institute was founded by Herman Kahn (the inventor of the MAD doctrine relating to nuclear ware. Quite the cash-cow for some people) and his colleagues in the RAND institute (the epicenter of the Military-Industrial Complex.

All that, and not to mention that WND's founder, Joseph Farrah, is also a member of the CNP, and a "contributing expert" to the Ariel Center for Policy Research, whose mission is to "help crystallize a strategic design for the State of Israel."

But I digress; this thread is about Sarah Palin.

But this is what Sarah Palin is: another tool, another card to be played by a consortium of corporate-backed Neo-Con think tanks. I hope the majority of grassroots conservatives can see that she would result in a change much like that of Obama: more of the same, with a bit more of a Right-Wing attitude. But I guarantee, the American populace will lose in the end.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Okay, you believe this is about SP. Youre going to anyway.

While youre worried about her....the crazy, irrational cults can take over the country.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Angus123

Originally posted by jsmappy
You all would be better off worrying about the Muslimization of the world. Its happening in Europe right now. By 2050, they say ALL Europe will be ruled by Sharia Law...the USA is next.
Worrying about some chick who prays differently than you is taking your eye WAY off the ball.

You know I almost laughed at your post but then I looked out the window and saw it's raining Amish hookers so I guess stranger things HAVE happened

Amish peoples don't make rugs - do they????

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:15 AM
I just want to make 2 clear points.

1. People can heal and work all the miracles with the help of Demons and the enemy, Hence why Jesus was accused of doing so.

2. The book of Revelation is written. All this illuminati and corruption, is inevitable. As Christians we need to focus on bring others to Christ, not on taking down the evil one, which will only triumph for a little while, besides, where is your faith?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by InertiaZero

It's obvious your one of the Kool-Aid Drinkers, your boy Obama is doing a real bang up job ain't

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:52 PM
This is the Queen mary of False Flag operations. Palin is doing what she is supposed to do.

Obama has tons of Obama bucks, the "Right Wing" talk show hosts and the Obama administration are in a symbiotic relationship. Sarah Palin is just playing her part.

The people who own Obama also own Hannity, and Limbaugh, and Beck, and levin, and Cunningham. If you notice the rhetoric and do a content analysis, you will find that as much as these people criticize Obama, they keep the Republican party split and so, the only real solution for our national problems is negated.

This is a ploy for the Democrats to win and it has worked in the past.

The Conservative Movement is a bunch of sell outs working for the Democrats. Do not believe them.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by imthatkid14

I don't want to derail this into a religious debate, but I have to say a couple of things.

1. People can heal and work all the miracles with the help of Demons and the enemy, Hence why Jesus was accused of doing so.

There isn't a shred of evidence suggesting any such claim, other than you attempting to link a book of psuedo-mythology to the power of suggestion, which exists only in a psychological realm.

2. The book of Revelation is written. All this illuminati and corruption, is inevitable. As Christians we need to focus on bring others to Christ, not on taking down the evil one, which will only triumph for a little while, besides, where is your faith?

I'm curious, who are you addressing in this? The forum as a whole? Every participant on this thread? The OP? Isn't it a bit ridiculous that everyone shares the same view of reality as you?

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