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Common Sense Survival In Todays World

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Hello all,

While I think survival planning is a great tool in preparing for future events that may put ones life into danger I do honestly believe that "survival" is a lot closer to home than many realise.

It's a brilliant idea to at least leave a warm coat, shovel and maybe a couple of energy bars in the back of your vehicle in case of breaking down and I have no problems with this.

It's also a good idea, in my opinion, to do the basics and stock up on food at home. Maybe store bottled water and buy extra non-perishables such as tinned food and dry goods like pasta and rice.

The point of my article is that many of us on here are preparing for an emergenecy scenario that, in my opinion, looks further and further away from happening.

I have been a member on this site for at least 18 months and I have seen alot of predicted SHTF's events that never materialised.

It's my now genuine belief that one is more likely to suffer and be in a "survival" situation down your local street than it is because we will be hitting WW3 in a few months for example.

I watch the news and read the newspapers every single day and I have noticed an increase in common assault, robberies and casual theft.

It's more dangerous having a night out in your local pub when some drug fuelled and drunken idiot decides you have "looked at me the wrong way"

Walking down the street or simply going doing the weekly shop now requires a level of awareness previously un-needed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not fear-mongering here and I'm definately not comparing going out on a Friday night to nuclear warfare but like I said above I genuinely think that a person could find themselves in a situation were they could potentially be fighting for their lives doing a normal day to day task rather than some global crisis.

Use common sense people and prepare for the more likely event; some idiot deciding to put a glass over your head on a Friday night.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:50 PM
That's interesting that you say crime and assault is on the rise in the UK. I frequently hear from your fellow Englishmen how Americans are "Too hung up on guns". In the hands of responsible citizens they stop many crimes, oftentimes without shooting. Just the deterrent value is enough in some cases. I carry concealed and have only had to pull my gun once, and that was to let some punk know that I didn;t care to have him relieve me of my wallet.
18 months isn't a very long time. I've been waiting for the SHTF for over 20 years and I truly believe we are within 2 years of a severe economic depression with possible civil unrest. Hungry people will do anything and the way unemployment has been rising here it won't be long before the federal government stops printing phoney money to help people out.
Maybe things in the UK aren't as desperate as they are here. I live in an upper middle class neighborhood and I've seen almost half of my neighbors lose their jobs within the last 2 years. They all say the same thing - "there's no jobs out there". At least not real jobs that will allow you to pay your mortgage.
Hard times are coming in the US. I hope it's not a world-wide economic collapse but we shall see. If it does happen the people in the 3rd world will be better off than we are. Poetic justice?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

I know what you mean, try a night out in Leeds, you may end up in the mortuary - only joking! It can be bad in most places.

I think learning self defence techniques will help with the usual idiots that think you looked at them the wrong way.

I agree there are dangers everywhere, but you need to learn to spot and avoid them, which most of the time you can if you are aware of who and what is around you.

I will disagree on a disaster/emergency scenario getting further away and how can you predict it? Not everybody on here is in the UK and natural disasters happen all the time. It doesn't have take WW3 or 2012 predictions to prepare yourself, just keep an open mind.

I know what you are saying though, that people in general need to be aware of the dangers of everyday living not just the big disasters, you could do with starting a thread on how to protect ones self on a daily basis

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Personally I think crime and assault is on the rise everywhere; not just the UK.

As you will probably know its illegal to own firearms here in the UK apart from a sporting shotgun but you still need a permit and it can only carry usually 2 rounds.

I think that the US has the right idea where you can own a gun for self defence purposes although I think this does lead to an increase in crimes i.e. its easier to purchase and own a weapon therefore greater potential for that weapon to be misused.

18 months on ATS isn't a long time in comparison to some members on here I'll definately agree with that, I just personally think survival really should start at home and people just address their immediate concerns "on the street" before their future long term plans.

However, as I mentioned in my OP I find nothing wrong with long term planning but my personal thoughts are that its more likely to be on "the wrong end of the stick" in a local, more immediate event than a SHTF situation.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by findlesticks

Well I can't speak for Leeds but I live in Greater Manchester and its just as bad here.

I definately agree with self defence training, in fact I think everyone should have some training in that respect to some degree just for their own piece of mind.

Your correct about being aware, 95% of the time its possible to avoid violent confrontations simply by being aware and moving away from the situation.

Crossing the road to avoid groups of drunken people, keeping an eye out on people who look like they are becoming aggressive in the pub etc

You make a good point about there still being a danger of local incidents, being in the UK doesn't prevent that; look at the floodings in Cockermouth recently.

Being prepared is a good thing, regardless of if whatever your preparing for doesn't happen.

The purpose of this thread was intended to make people aware that its all good and fine preparing for WW3 but when the village idiot sticks a knife in your back all that planning becomes useless.

Cover both bases!

[edit on 1/3/10 by Death_Kron]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Personally I think crime and assault is on the rise everywhere; not just the UK.

As you will probably know its illegal to own firearms here in the UK apart from a sporting shotgun but you still need a permit and it can only carry usually 2 rounds.

I think that the US has the right idea where you can own a gun for self defence purposes although I think this does lead to an increase in crimes i.e. its easier to purchase and own a weapon therefore greater potential for that weapon to be misused.

18 months on ATS isn't a long time in comparison to some members on here I'll definately agree with that, I just personally think survival really should start at home and people just address their immediate concerns "on the street" before their future long term plans.

However, as I mentioned in my OP I find nothing wrong with long term planning but my personal thoughts are that its more likely to be on "the wrong end of the stick" in a local, more immediate event than a SHTF situation.

Another good uk citizen who needs educating.

You can own 'combat' shotguns and rifles in the UK but need a firearms license (join a gun club).

Guns in the UK are in a funny phase at the moment, it's been nearly 14 years since the last wave of pistol bans and the public is ripe for people to get armed-up. If it works like in Switzerland it can work here...

Carbines and 'look-alike' assault 'rifles' in .22 calibre semi-auto are now available for gun owners in the UK. Full-bore .223 and .308 calibre weapons are also legit as long as they are bolt-action or converted to it from semi-auto.

The only thing though is it's 'illegal' to give the reason 'self-defense' for owning a firearm in the UK. It must be target-shooting, vermin or collecting.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

Can you provide a link for that mate?

Even if its true it doesn't really help because you can't exactly walk down the street with them.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:55 PM
I do agree that we are more likely to be in a survival situation in everyday life than to be caught in the midst of some apocalyptic whirlwind. That having been said, I also believe that it never hurts to be prepared for any realistic event, due to the fact that so many are caught in situations where they all say, "I didn't think it would ever happen to me."

With that in mind, I believe the first thing a person can have is information. You cannot know how to fight an enemy (or circumstance) if you are unfamiliar with it. If the Allies had never known the limits and abilities of the Axis, they might as well have been fighting some Halo-esque aliens (to be a bit extreme in making my point).

There are experts in the survival arena who have "been there and done that". In my own experience, those folks are the best to talk to, because they have the value that someone who "read it in a book" doesn't have. For my part, I have never been in any situation where I truly felt I was going to die, apart from a surgical operation when I was twelve and a rollercoaster experience a few years ago (Top Thrill Dragster, for those who care).

Of course, there is such a thing as information overload, and scaring yourself into a panic room because "it might get me" is foolish. So, while good information is vital to survival, the real "trick" is gleaning the information you take in with the facts you know to be true, without biased opinions.

After gaining information, the next tool to have "under your belt" is experience. That does not mean you need to go out and re-enact Hatchet by Gary Paulsen simply to grow hair on your chest. However, learning skills like CPR in an interactive class won't hurt. Going to college, even if it's just a few classes, can be beneficial. As a Boy Scout, I was very keen on Emergency Preparedness and First Aid. I also took the Hunter's Safety Course and I plan on taking a few NRA-sponsored shooting classes. For those who can handle it, military experience is a plus (as demonstrated by the "FSME" Semper, from what I can tell).

Finally, there are a few practical, tangible items that will help almost anyone survive in "every day" scenarios:
* If you're going to carry a gun, learn to do so responsibly.
* Be involved in your community networks; the more folks you know, the more likely you are to be helped through dire situations.
* Knowing your way around can't hurt.
* Carrying an "ICE file" on your person (or at least in your vehicle) is beneficial in case law enforcement or emergency crews need information you aren't conscious to tell them about.
* A good pocketknife can save your life.
* Keeping yourself in reasonably good condition will help you survive.
* Learning the art of tact and swallowing your pride will help you avoid many violent situations.
* Always having at least $20 and no more than $100 on your person can be very beneficial.
* Taking care of your property (like your house and car) will ensure that you won't run into "situations" very often.
* Always think ahead.
* Never worry about the "could have, should have" until you've taken care of the "can do, should do" first.
* Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
* Belief in something can save your life and keep you sane far longer than disbelief in something.
* Keep your chin up and your eyes on swivel.

That's just my $0.02 from the layman's perspective.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Personally I think crime and assault is on the rise everywhere; not just the UK.

As you will probably know its illegal to own firearms here in the UK apart from a sporting shotgun but you still need a permit and it can only carry usually 2 rounds.

I think that the US has the right idea where you can own a gun for self defence purposes although I think this does lead to an increase in crimes i.e. its easier to purchase and own a weapon therefore greater potential for that weapon to be misused.

18 months on ATS isn't a long time in comparison to some members on here I'll definately agree with that, I just personally think survival really should start at home and people just address their immediate concerns "on the street" before their future long term plans.

However, as I mentioned in my OP I find nothing wrong with long term planning but my personal thoughts are that its more likely to be on "the wrong end of the stick" in a local, more immediate event than a SHTF situation.

You are correct sir. The 2nd Amendment is quite simply : The RIGHT of self defense. In a "perfect" world, we would have no need of firearms but that will never happen. It can be argued that we have more armed criminals BUT Nothing would stop that. If all the guns in the US magically disappeared and citizens could no longer obtain them, every criminal would be armed within days to weeks. We have an OPEN border with Mexico.. Drugs (which dogs can smell) come over by the 10s of TONS everyday.... We cannot even stem the flood of drugs let alone anything else coming into the country.

In the U.S. our criminals will ALWAYS have access to firearms. It would be foolish to disarm our citizens. Though we have higher per capita gun crime (which ironically suicides are counted in that) it would be "open season" on citizens if we did not have our RIGHT to self defense guaranteed in the "Bill of Rights". The Bill of Rights is quite simply our unalienable human rights... the right to free speech, the right of self defense, etc.

Once I bring up these points to even the most liberal anti-gun individual, they consider their position. My Challenge: Let's talk about "gun control" AFTER we have secured the border and contraband cannot enter the country by the TON..... (like that is going to happen... LOL)

[edit on 10-3-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

I know what you mean with regards to the UK. Im from Newcastle and i dont mind admiting that i carry a knife everywhere these days. Not from fear of imminet danger, but from personal experience.

So far its stopped me getting stamped all over three times and stabbed once. I have been to jail for defending myself with a knife but compared to getting killed. Its a risk i'll happily take.

I wish we did have the same laws here as in America with regards to guns. At least you can defend yourself over there. Now people here are using guns more and more often and people like you and me are powerless.

Pointless having a knife when someones pointing a gun at you. So should i start walking aroung with a gun for protection? Im not going that far just yet, but if it came down to it i would.

Self preservation is the most powerful of insticts. No law is going to overide it.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by KrypticCriminal]

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