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Discovering A New Earth 430 Light Years Away

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Solasis

Oh, I see. No, we don't undergo acceleration relative to Earth unless we are falling. We do experience a gravitational force of 1g newtons at all times, though this is offset by other forces, such as fluid upthrust (buoyancy), fluid resistance (while falling), and so on.

However, this force quickly diminishes as we move away from Earth. It will not affect the crew aboard our starship.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:27 PM
If you cant break the speed of light on a human level, what abouth if we use light photons to send a comprest file sort of say of info a nanobot a seed, a very persice and self replicating machina, wich ataches itself to photons, riding the current's of light in thiss universe to any destination the wave goes. Wants it gets there it could detach itself reboot and increse its mass and size, if its efficiant and precise and have the right materials on world. It could recreate its originators that sent it in time. Kind of how radiowaves work to send human memes to different times and spaces, or how the internet works hell even how we reproduce ourselfs, babies and all that. Only it would have to be really precise, mistakes on any level would bring whuge misinterpretation's.

Or we can do it like they did it in futerama, if you cant move around in the universe becouse its to big, move the universe around you, profeser fonsworth and his ship.. lol

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