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Alex Jones Says Obama Is The Next False Flag!

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by alaskan
I'm pretty sure alex wanted to be sure he's on the record

Oh your on the board with that one! I mean you increase your odds by making as many prophecies as you can. Wonderful. This guy is a pro.

Every post on this board

The fact of the matter is, every week we get a prophecy thread by the great Alex jones, over the years none of them come to light. People are done with it to be frank. So, if you are going to throw his what, 1340th prophecy for the 1000th week in a row, it should be understandable to see some eyes rolling.

Nobody cares what you think of the guy,

Then why reply? If dont care dont respond. Simple.

I am sorry you can't take the heat for this guy, but maybe you should stop taking and spreading this mans word. Because with each week another of his prophecies dies, so does his credibility and so does yours. Rightfully so might I add.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Then why reply? If dont care dont respond. Simple.

I replied on topic with a sidenote about the stupidity of the people that come into these threads to have the argument we're having right now, every single time his name is mentioned.

His "prophecies" are valid warnings, he's not saying things absolutely are going to happen a specific way or at a specific time, he lays out how things have happened before, and how they appear to be coming into play again.

So a bunch of people make stupid threads and you dislike them and hearing about him so much...
They're stupid and construe what he says as prophecies... you just follow along but instead of being mad at the people posting constantly, you're mad at alex jones for being the subject?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by alaskan]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:36 AM
You mean this guy?

I no longer react on him

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:00 AM
I guess Alex Jones is running out of things to talk about. After all, he's on all the time. How much can he talk about the same thing?

If it's true, then Alex Jones will be the prime suspect, as he appears to be the only one aware of this

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Nomad451
I think you are wrong about Alex. He saw many things coming, he's no psychic but he somehow knows....
I wouldnt say he's a total nut job....
There isnt anyone on the Internet who doesnt advertise for one thing or another. Its not fair to always bring up his stuff for sale. Even ATS has ads. Money is necessary to run a website.
I dont know what the problem is. You dont even need to buy his stuff, i've seen all his movies for FREE.

Everyone is peddling stuff because it does take money. Cant you come up with just the fact that you plain do not like him, do not like what his message is, dont want to hear it, dont want to wake up, instead of always bringing up "HE SELLS STUFF'...
That is such a lame argument. Really. I'm not upset with you, i'm just lashing out at the reasoning that you and many others share.

There are people i do not like either. I just say i dont like them, Period.
Like O'Relly. Always pushing his ingenious books LOL, or Sean Hannity, or many Liberals!!!
THEY ALL DO IT for revenue.

What is the real problem?

I like Alex because he is an equal opportunity CRITIC of the government. He is a conservative that calls it as he sees it. I think that is something we need more of!!!

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Charlie Sheen laughs at this "BOMBSHELL". Seriously, as it was previously stated.... Alex Jones is a fear monger. He sells fear to his audience. Just like Limbaugh sells hate and Beck sells insanity. They have a built in audience and they all know what their audiences want to hear.

You could take the vast majority of avid ATS'ers, or truthers and ask them what they think the government has in store and this very scenario would be certain to come up numerous times. He is well aware of this, which is why he says it. It rings true with his target audience.

Alex Jones wants money, Limbaugh wants money, Beck wants money, the govt wants money, the lobbyists want money......... That is what it is all about. Jones is feeding off of his audience.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by alaskan

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Then why reply? If dont care dont respond. Simple.

I replied on topic with a sidenote about the stupidity of the people

You responded to the critics of Alex jones, then went on to claim that you didnt care, which is rather hypocritical. If you didnt care, you would not be responding to the criticism.

every single time his name is mentioned.

Well maybe if he and his followers would stop crying wolf every week on this forum, there would not be such a negative light painted on the man. Simple.

His "prophecies" are valid warnings,

Alex has been giving us these warnings for years now, and none of them have come to light. I dont see this as valid in any way.

he's not saying things absolutely are going to happen a specific way

I dont know how on earth you can not be specific when talking about mass killings, or civil war, or the break down of society. you just follow along but instead of being mad at the people posting constantly, you're mad at alex jones for being the subject?

As I said, Alex is a media and radio pundit who makes a living. Likewise he has a segment to cater to and thats what he does. My frustration however comes around when people take his prophecies so seriously, that they have to repeat the same damn thing every week. I mean really, how many times do we have to hear this guy talk about mass killings by the government? Year after year? With nothing as of yet to happen? Dont you get sick of being Alex's broken record?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
He saw many things coming,

Alex saw bad things happening in the world for the years to come. I see bad things happening in the world to come. Bad things will happen for time to come. People will die, earthquakes will strike, poverty will kill, bad things will happen. That does not necessarily give me credibility as some messenger of future events. I am just stating the inevitable.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Would you at least admit the idea presented here (attack on Obama=false flag) would be a reasonable possibility and an event that could wrongly single out "truthers" as terrorists?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Would you at least admit the idea presented here (attack on Obama=false flag) would be a reasonable possibility and an event that could wrongly single out "truthers" as terrorists?

This is exactly what I am talking about. His predicting the obvious.

Nearly every president in history has received a threat or a near assassination plot on their lives (Lincoln, Kennedy unfortunately). Its really a give when you become the most powerful man in the free world. Obama already had a plot to attack him in anycase as well:

We didnt see truthers get lined up on the streets that time.

Obama being many "things" is unfortunately under more threat than his previous presidential counterparts. Its really a given and you dont have the be some messenger of the future to predict that there probably will be future plots to take this mans life. Alex is doing nothing but stating the obvious and throwing around false prophecies again.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Double post sorry.


[edit on 16-2-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I have a prediction too. At some point, at some time in some place there will be another terrorist attack! Spooky huh!

I won't stop there, I will also predict that our governments will seek to control us more and enslave us more.

Pretty amazing huh? No, I'm not psychic... I just know this because it has happened HUNDREDS of times before all throughout history! Civilizations rise, become totalitarian, fall, rise again somewhere else...

What is happening today has been written about for centuries. The oldest philosophers and thinkers were aware of the subversion of human spirit present in the few that seek to control us. The most important thing we have to do is to realize our human potential and to stop relying on our governments to tell us what to buy, how to feel and how to love.

They sell us fear. Instead, let us each realize the love we have in us and share it together as the family we really are. This planet belongs to US ALL and no small group of illegal land holders will tell me otherwise. All governments are illegal by the standards set by the universe and this planet. All laws are fictions created by governments.

I love you all. Peace.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Alex jones predicted 9/11 it did happen
Did anyone of you predict it? no
alex jones predicted the huge swine scare
did it happen yes
alex jones predicted the huge climate gate scandal
did it happen yes
alex predicted the economy failing
is it? yes

i dont need to keep going, predicting these 4 things are good enough proof that he speaks truth

I listen to what he says and i research everything he says
all the answers are out there people just listen to what people say on the forums and dont decide for themselfs

Alex Jones only talks about news in main stream media he wont deal with anything thats not main stream. Any one that comes on his show or any caller that comes with something he can not prove he says something about this
i have listened to him for a few months and im very impress with his work

if he is wrong he says something about it

Everyone has a opinion but this place is full of disinfo agents

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by blankduck18
Alex jones predicted 9/11 it did happen

Alex jones did not predict 9/11 so please dont lie. He made a prophecy referencing the past world trade center attacks back in 1993 which Osama Bin Laden was widely known to had pulled. He did not predict planes crashing into the world trade center towers on 9/11. Alex makes prophecies based on past events and predicts the inevitable events in the future.

alex jones predicted the huge swine scare

Where did he make that prediction? Whats your source? Are you talking about when he mentioned a bio-attack? What bio attack? How was swine flu a bio attack? How many people died from the bio attack? Wheres your evidence?

alex jones predicted the huge climate gate scandal

Alex jones had made it clear over his time on radio his conservative leaning values. His been anti-global warming since the late 90's. Infact anything thats virtually mainstream he repels against.

As I said, Alex jones spends his time day in and day out throwing out prophecies, and once in a while they indirectly interconnect with actual events happening. Its so easy for me to sit around and throw out all these prophecies in the world, for a natural disaster to hit somewhere in the world killing a 1000 people, and for me to credit that with afew key words out my 100 or so prophecies were on target. His taking chances and getting attention for his odds.

I listen to what he says and i research everything he says

If you did research you would have figured his lottery game where he works out his odds to get afew predictions right. His your modern day astrologist. If you had really been objective you would have figured that he has never made a straightforward prediction.

Ask yourself, out of all his prophecies, which one did he exactly pinpoint? I dont want key words that you make out as to what he says, I want an actual direct prediction of his.

Life is going to continue on, and yes bad things are going to happen, but life will continue on. During this time people like Alex jones will insist the world will end with each year passing, and life will still continue on. While life continues on, Alex jones loyalist will be too distracted by all the fearmongering. They'll be so distracted that they will not notice that life is still continuing on.

Listen if you want to believe what this guy is saying, its all your choice. But dont come on here and expect everybody to play along with this game of odds this guys got going on. If you going to post another of his 1000 or so false prophecies for the 1000th week in a row dont expect your thread to meet no criticism.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by blankduck18
Everyone has a opinion but this place is full of disinfo agents

Well "Southern" has got you covered on the other points but...

Calling everybody who disagrees with you a "disinfo agent" is like calling anybody who disagrees with the government "A dangerous terrorist." We are either with you or against you right? No grey area permitted right?

Whilst we are on the subject please tell me why Alex wraps everything he say's in fear? Last time I checked that was a well known mind control tool to paralyze and demobilize people. Fear makes people feel helpless. It is a tool of the very NWO you claim to know all about. I have listened to Alex a lot over the years and have very infrequently (if ever actually) heard him spreading a message of LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT.

Explain that to me please.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by atarizen]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
reply to post by prevenge

well, my english interpretation or understanding is not good enough to get your point, can u enlighten me

In short, the vast majority of people that flock to Jones' banter are uneducated lowest-common-denominators. Many of which are ardent Christians. They are picking a fight with the most powerful force on this planet, the U.S. Government.
Many of them defend Capitalism to the teeth, while having zero stake in the system. If they had enormous assets to defend then they'd have liquidated them and moved to somewhere out of the way of the bulldozer of global-renovation.
But I don't see them as having much, so their plight is based on defending an already defunct and decaying economic model that is on it's way towards MASSIVE RESTRUCTURING.

Sitting there with their ear to the radio every day worrying about every word out of that guy's mouth is not evidence of an educated and thoughtful demographic.

If I were they, and took what he said seriously, I'd quit the jabbering, endless internet posting about it all, and realize the serious of said hypothetical situations and get out of the way, not sit there thinking that their limited (good guy vs badguy) version of 'God' is on their side, and somehow their extreme version of 'Patriotism' is going to 'save' them.

It's irrational.

that is to say ...'IF' it's all true.

I personally like to take FAR OUT OF THE BOX scenarios and play with them for entertainment's sake and post about them in deep hubris... to add a lighter side to these scenarios.

If it's allll so true and terrifying, then roll with it.
It's just a ride.

If you didn't make at least a few mill $ and build up/into your social survival for the coming change, then don't sweat it if and when TSHTF, because there's nothing you will be able to do about it...

A) because you won't have the means to..

B) because BIG CHANGE is necessary for a global civilization to reach higher levels of refinement.

why squeal about it?

I mean these fanatical Christians, instead of bitching and moaning about 9/11 or vaccines, or the Fed, they COULD just chill and start practicing white tantra and awaken the christening up their spine and evolve into a higher level body-vehicle right?...
... but hey that would be going along with the exact meaning of their own Bible now wouldn't it.. and that's NOT very customary of them to do is it now....
.. not very customary to do exactly what the scripture deeply tells them to do.. ah sigh.. pearls.. swine.. etc..//ahem//


posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 01:31 AM
ive got something to say...but i dont meet all the requirements above.........(which ill post below) is this a way to stifle comment?

anyway, its unusual for a forum to put such guidelines on comment......VERY UNUSUAL....

..."BEFORE YOU REPLY, make every post matter.
No 1-Liners: Please do not create minimal "me too," "I agree," or similar very-short replies. (Adding "second line" to short comments doesn't count.)

No Big-Quotes: Please edit-down posts you quote to just the important parts as it greatly improves the readability of your response.

No Shorthand: Please do not use "txting" shorthand in your posts, this is an international site and many people may not understand your post.

Respect: Give credit where credit is due, please do not paste entire pieces content from other sites, privide a short salient snippet and link to the source.

State Your Case: If you're posting links to other sites or videos, please include your commentary on how the video is relevant to the discussion...."

[edit on 17-2-2010 by ATSfan]

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