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Proof of 600 Trillion Dollar debt, Financial Meltdown Caused by Bankers for Profit

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

You know, it is sad how in history, the "final solution" always confirms itself by repeating. Learning from history, it turns out, is learning the "easiest" - the stupidest way.

I, for a moment, wanted to believe that TPTB knew what they were doing. And that belief presupposed the existence of some sane mind, or a group of minds. Unfortunately, it turned out that this "collective mind" is nothing but an inertial machine which is unable to slow down or make safe turns and it appears to look for solutions only after it ends up its trip - wrecked!

Time and again! They can't understand a simple thing, that by increasing it, the system grows exponentially, and the consumption of energy follows that function. There is simply not enough energy to support such development. The system must crash.

I believe that there are many groups of power mongers, who sometimes cooperate, but most of the time they struggle among themselves and this adrenaline driven beings are unable to slow down and relax and control/suppress their feeling of being threatened at all times. It seems that this very feeling is the demon in charge.

In short, maintaining this feeling costs enormous amount of energy. It translates itself into the idea of "private property" (you try to not feel threatened if you consider everything around - yours!). But, if you don't - you are really free, and I mean: free of this feeling which is a "demon".

And since these people deprive themselves of every bit of energy (which is actually knowledge) in order to blow up their supreme emotion, they have no real way to solve this problem - they literally turn into a bunch of stampeding, ignorant, suicidal lemmings.

Perhaps, we are now to witness another avalanche of this kind?

Ah, here it comes...

Obama Signs Bill Increasing Public Debt Limit 1.9 Trillion Dollars

[edit on 13-2-2010 by DangerDeath]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

That was a very well thought out post. And yes, I am in full agreement. The only way for this system to survive at this point, is to go straight to the ground.

Its interesting to me that you brought up the demonic aspect of this. Whether it was an analogy or literal, its truthful.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Perhaps, we are now to witness another avalanche of this kind?

Ah, here it comes...

Obama Signs Bill Increasing Public Debt Limit 1.9 Trillion Dollars

[edit on 13-2-2010 by DangerDeath]

Uh oh. Just when you thought it wouldn't get any worse. Thanks for showing me that link. Jeez...this place is sunk. Say goodbye to the American dream.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I'll repeat (I added this to my last post, but you already responded), here it is, something to observe:

Obama Signs Bill Increasing Public Debt Limit 1.9 Trillion Dollars

Demonic aspect is simply one way to put it, according to the "tradition" - it is symptomatic that there is a lack of clear insight into this problem. It usually ends up with explanations which explain nothing, like "love for money", "greed", "evil mind", etc.

But, in my experience, it is really impossible to distinguish between emotions and ideas, they do translate into each other 100%, and the idea of private property is analogous to the feeling of being threatened.

Remember, "private property" is sacred, it's written as the founding stone in the Constitution.

And understanding the true meaning of private property is impossible if you don't understand the devastating effect of emotional conditioning through each of us is propelled since our first breath.

People are conditioned to feel in accordance to the given situation. At the same time, emotions are "considered" the most important aspect of being human! And the consequence of that "assumption" (that's what it is) is - total paralysis when it comes to finding the right solutions in creating a society of free people. Because, that's when the "demon of feeling threatened" takes over, and then you can kiss good bye your sanity...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Yeah, I saw it. It just lets me know that the economy is completely imaginary.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by UrbanShaman

I find the OP article very interesting, especially since it is from May 2008, several months before the bubble burst "officially."
If that article was interesting to ya, this one will blow your mind! It was written back in 2006, and is a letter written To GW Bush by VK Durham of Durham Trust. Just click on the
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006
By: V.K. Durham

From: Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087

The Duly Constituted, Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States of America and ALL Debtor Nations.

Ida Grove, Iowa 51445

To: The President of the United States, U.S. House Representatives, Secretary Paulson, and Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Charles E. Grassley:


I have warned each of you and provided you with the evidence, in great detail about this rampant Money Laundering which each of you are currently sweating bullets over ..with the CHINA "GUIDANCE SYSTEMS" and "FRAUDULENT US DEBT INSTRUMENTS" issue.

Each of you have ignored the issues presented ..and one Senator tried to tell me in writing: "The Federal Reserve is a U.S. Federal Agency.." That is pretty darned good..the Constituency knows the Federal Reserve is a Private Corporation, but the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee 'don't know' that it is "private"..?

Currently the Investigations going on in CHICAGO, NEW YORK, ENGLAND, SOUTHERN EUROPE have turned up SERIOUS BANKING FRAUDS beyond the average individuals wildest imagination..

These Criminal Investigations have even turned up massive BANKING FRAUDS, BLACKMAILING, EXTORTION and COVER UPS regarding BAE Systems..and etals.. The Saudis blackmailed the SERIOUS FRAUD INVESTIGATION Unit of the UK: Stop the investigation or we (the Saud Government) will stop the "Contract for 72 Eurofighter airplanes which will cost thousands of jobs in England."

Along comes CHINA and tells everyone to kiss ass.. because they are the MANUFACTURER of the GUIDANCE SYSTEMS for U.S. ROCKETS?

Even though our Controlled News Medias will not tell the WE the People what has been going on.. News Papers in Europe, China, Asia etc.. and some of our old News Men/Women with the National Broadcasting Association and respectable, established News Medias do make this CRIMINAL ACTIVITY in the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING & BANKING ASSOCIATES ..known.

Currently, Gentlemen; The Federal Reserve has lost all "credibility" and has actively engaged in "costing the United States of America her Good Faith and Credit".. The Federal Reserve, a Private Corporation has breached her contractual agreement with the Federal Government in all provisions as agreed to December 1913 and December 1919. Instead of PAYING OF DEBT..they became "DEBTORS" themselves.. thus creating a Conflict of Interest between the Federal Reserve Banks and WE the Sovereign People of the Republics of the states in Union.

Gentlemen: The Federal Reserve Banking has refused to pay a long standing DEBT owed to my family since 1876.. The DEBT is currently held in Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087.. The U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve (The Edge) back in December 1919.. "Were not willing, nor prepared to pay the Latin American Debt sold in New York".. whereas gentlemen DENIAL OF PAYMENT is a 'fraud' from the git go..

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by thewind
reply to post by UrbanShaman

I find the OP article very interesting, especially since it is from May 2008, several months before the bubble burst "officially."
If that article was interesting to ya, this one will blow your mind! It was written back in 2006, and is a letter written To GW Bush by VK Durham of Durham Trust. Just click on the
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006
By: V.K. Durham

Awesome article, Thanks for posting it.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Money is supposed to be the measure of how much work is done. Yes, I know, money isn't measured in calories... BUT IT WOULD BE BETTER THAN IMAGINARY NUMBERS.

Look - the number is imaginary. 600 trillion dollars. As a poster pointed out, that is 12 times more than the amount of "money" in the world. So... maybe we should think a little more clearly and get beyond the simple economic crisis, or whatever it is you want it to be, and start thinking about reality.

Let's be realists. If someone has 3 trillion dollars and another has 2 trillion dollars, does the one with 3 trillion have more power in this world? Everyone is thinking, "yes", but the answer is actually, "No, Mr. Tarzan."

Anything that anyone wants, inluding all luxuries, securities, implants, cybernetic body parts, einstein's brain... whatever it is someone could want, it is bought with a trillion dollars. So, why, do you ask, would somoene want or need more than a trillion dollars?

Of course, banks collect money... so of course, they're going to require more. Still yet, would an entire large corporation require more than a few trillion dollars to circulate? Let me ask you... why is it that corporations fight over money so much?

Is it because they want luxury? Is it because they want to be able to pay their slaves more? Is it for any reason at all?!

Firstly... corporation executives are just used car salesmen. They're greedy, stupid, and smell like old febreeze. It's the decision makers, the 51 percent person that we're interested in.

Does Target really need to compete with Wal-Mart? Of course not. It's a -joooooke-. And yet, there are all sorts of comparisons and games and la-dee-da-dee-da; it's like watching a couple of doped up greyhounds try to rip the rabbit off the stick. What stick? What STICK? For WHAT are they aiming? What does power gain you?!

Use your imagination. I can tell you this has nothing to do with money. Nada - it's a game. When you play a game that keeps score, does it get you anything besides, "Yay, I did it!"? You don't worry that because you have a high score that someone else might get a low score by default... nooooo, you're playing the game. If they were playing the game, they'd get a high score with enough practice! But, see, it's not about the score. The score is just proof of the real picture.

600 trillion score is pretty incredible. If you can only get 50 in the game, then that means you're using a "game genie". Well, lemme tell ya, that's what all the L33T do. It's all a matter of illusion and perspective...

Why do YOU want to be the best gamer? What have you to prove? What are you missing?! Why is all the score missing, why doesn't it exist?!

No.. you don't want to be the best gamer. That's just a step. No, you want something... something that everyone wants. Everyone fears a certain thing and some people will stop at nothing to avoid it - at all costs.

You see, it's lonely on top. It's SO very lonely. You need attention... but, not directly - you don't want to have to face the attention - you want to watch it happen to you. You want everyone to try and figure you out - you're the game master. This is all your plan. Is there an end goal? Challenge. WHO can bring me down? I have muscles the size of your geo metro - can you beat me arm wrestling? I have legs as long as your RV - can you beat me running?

And even more - the person and/or people who literally sit on TOP of the world ( a mere and finite number of 7 trillion - which I might point out... 50 trillion divided by 7 trillion is $7.14 per person on this planet) have no contest... they have most of the power, most of the authority, and the most time on their hands (you would think). What a BORING life. Oh, so pathetic... yes...

People in this world want money because it buys them drinks and wives and houses and cars and more drinks and good food and more drinks and concubines. And more drinks and some more food. And a jet. With a concubine and drinks. And an island with a runway for both your jet and your concubine. And you get your own government, complete with the most technologically advanced security, professional help from people who were previously employed by a world government, ALL the intelligence one could ever require, and a drink. And more.

But once you've had all that for a while, it gets DULL. Borrrrrring.


Tell me... what does a gamer do once they've been the best for a long time? What do they do when the game gets old and they've mastered it all? They think they're god. They decided to not only mock the game, but they start to ruin the game for everyone else. They see only despair for those working to become better at the game... and therefore, they BECOME PART OF THE GAME PERMANENTLY. They work to make the players' lives hell! They shut them down at every turn. They leave traps in all the places that they used to use for sanctuary. They plant false information all over the place. They attempt to be your guardian angel and steer you right off the cliff. They aren't just part of the game... THEY ARE THE GAME. The game has developed a consciousness and its SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE IS TO CAUSE YOU TO SUFFER. See, they are suffering... with everything. You must suffer, too.

You cannot beat this game unless you don't play it. It's the only way to win. Simply don't join in. But... say you're playing an RPG. In this game, you can ONLY join in because that's you. You're the character and this is the game... it's inevitable. The character cannot simply vanish out of the game.

This is our predicament. We are unwilling players in and against the game itself. The game itself has a consciousness, a name, a BODY. Who is it... I don't know. But I tend to believe that Lucifer is the puppet master of our game master. In fact, there is a good chance they are one in the same.

The only way out of the game is death. And death is the ultimate conclusion of the most of the players in this game.

THere is good news, though. The game will self-destruct. It can only thrive in this way for so long. In time, it will bore of even this. Eventually, the game will be tired of being alone. The game will drop rope over whatever cliff you fell and tell you to grab on. The game will build the bridge over the water it tried to drown you with. The game will give everything it has to everyone in hopes that it regains respect. Everyone will go along with it...except a few who are smart.

See, the point of life is to not be bored with eternity. You can always enjoy and appreciate life without always having to have more and do more. The point of life is to learn how to be satisfied wherever you're at with whatever you've got. THEN and only then will you be ready for eternity! The game, it's human counterpart, and greed shall perish. Do not fret over these things...

It all must take place. It is alllllll according to plan.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:19 AM
My question is this: Who if anyone actually has 600 Trillion dollars, dinar, euro's or whatever currency in real assets,,i.e. gold, silver, anything but a recorded mass of numbers. What is the estimated circulating "cash flow" inside the united states actual paper and coin money being passed hand to hand within the CONUS what maybe a couple billion max? My point ..I doubt if anyone anywhere has 600 Trillion of any currency anywhere in the world. There might be 600 trillion grains of sand on a beach in Florida and I think that maybe one of the few examples of 600 Trillion of anything existing. So if that amount doesnt exist in real financial resources and totally non-recuperable (no way for those who are owed this money) to ever actually have it to do anything with it! 600 trillion dollars in colateral asets what the entire United States cant believe we could get 600 trillion USD for it. I guess what I'm trying to say is ..even if someone or some force came to the US and said you owe us 600 Trillion something ...they would neve be able to get even if they succeeded in invading and taking the country!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I couldn't agree more. And like you said, it is according to plan, therefore, the fallout is intended and probably needed.

The only thing that worries me is far will it go, and how much damage will the world incur as a result?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by jbmitch

No one actually has the 600 trillion, but, this is the imaginary money that they use to influence the outcome of their choosing.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I couldn't agree more. And like you said, it is according to plan, therefore, the fallout is intended and probably needed.

The only thing that worries me is far will it go, and how much damage will the world incur as a result?

Well, the "great" depression pretty much sucked for most of America. And that is -nothing- like this.

If this ever truly comes to a head instead of going polar, I'd say that millions will literally die - for many different reasons.

No matter which direction it goes, I can tell you with absolute certainty that a golden age will follow.

And besides... I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of that imaginary money is sitting in an imaginary savings somewhere... to be pulled out the collective rear-end after the desired results of this ultimate depression have manifest.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by tim1989

Thanks for the link, I like having an idea about what big numbers are.

Your representation of one triljon dollars looks quite impressive especially if you watch this little man standing there beside the pallets stacket with 100 dollar notes.

What about this one.......the US national debt...

PS: Do not forget to look at that little man standing next to the 'mountain'.


[edit on 15-2-2010 by zatara]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It would seem to me that threatening an ecomony with a debt that exceeds the known accumulated wealth of the present world like threatening to shoot someone with an empty gun. Or an attemped bank robbery with a toy gun. Eventally people (especial today with the WWW )would know better..

[edit on 15-2-2010 by jbmitch]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I couldn't agree more. And like you said, it is according to plan, therefore, the fallout is intended and probably needed.

The only thing that worries me is far will it go, and how much damage will the world incur as a result?

Well, the "great" depression pretty much sucked for most of America. And that is -nothing- like this.

If this ever truly comes to a head instead of going polar, I'd say that millions will literally die - for many different reasons.

No matter which direction it goes, I can tell you with absolute certainty that a golden age will follow.

And besides... I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of that imaginary money is sitting in an imaginary savings somewhere... to be pulled out the collective rear-end after the desired results of this ultimate depression have manifest.

I wish we could skip the fallout and go right to the Golden Age.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by jbmitch
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It would seem to me that threatening an ecomony with a debt that exceeds the known accumulated wealth of the present world like threatening to shoot someone with an empty gun. Or an attemped bank robbery with a toy gun. Eventally people (especial today with the WWW )would know better..

[edit on 15-2-2010 by jbmitch]

Unfortunately, some of the methods that they use have very real consequences for us. Like the mortgage crisis. I wish that they were just shooting blanks, but, unfortunately, their blanks are quite deadly.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:47 PM

I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten any attention since the recent news surrounding Goldman Sachs' alleged fraud in knowingly selling toxic CDO's to clients and then shorting them on this knowledge... It seems they made quite a business (and profit) short selling what they knew to be were, in their own words, "sh*tty" products, which they were hawking to clients who believed otherwise...

I'm almost convinced this whole collapse was engineered to a certain degree by those who had the means to do so- mainly banks like good ole Goldman Sachs...

Bumping this as it is certainly relevant to what's transpiring

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