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Neda Soltan Face of Iranian Protest - A Hoax?

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Who doesn't remember Neda Agha Soltan(i). She was allegedly shot on June 20, 2009 and died on spot in front of camera. Her video drew international attention and she became the face of Iranian Revolution.

Even her Wikipedia profile shows this image

When her death was reported for eg. BBC News, MSNBC, AFP, New York Post, Fox News, The Guardian, The Independant, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Crooks and Liars

Pretty much everyone used this picture in their news article:

First Discrepancy
Before I go any further let me ask you how does Neda Agha Soltan sounds like? I bet most of you will say it's a Muslim name and I agree with you. Now pay close attention.

What the MSM didn't show was her original picture which is this:

So what's the problem with it? Why did MSM cropped the original picture? It is because the original picture shows the alleged Neda Agha Soltan wearing a "CRUCIFIX", a Cross, a symbol of Jesus of Christ.

One has to wonder why almost all MSM tried to crop that part and show her as Muslim? You will note that none of the MSM specifically stated whether she is Muslim or Christian and apparently this played very well among the people.

Second Discrepancy
Two You Tube Videos:


Now Note the Discrepancies:

From Video 1:

From Video 2:

Discrepancy 1: Wrong feet angle. If you compare the pictures, the capture from video 1 shows knee very near the ankle of person helping her.
Discrepancy 2: Lack of blood under the shoe: Self explanatory

I found few more discrepancies from a Source :

Some issues that none of the news outlets that broadcast it mentioned:

1-The woman have been laid on the ground few feet away from a big blood spot, like if she was lying there then they decided to move her few feet. The question is why ? why move an injured person few feet? or is it from the previous attempt to act the scene ?!!! And if there's so much blood on the floor why there's so little on her pants?

2- A gunshot wound to the chest would have killed her or left her unconscious. Yet she keeps looking not at the people she "knows". She looks at the cameraman (I) And at the beginning of the clip the man in white just had a quick look at the camera (to verify if he started filming) while he laid the girl (3rd sec in the original video).And if she was shot in the chest why the men have their hands on her neck (II)?

3- Why there are so many hands near her face ? and it's if one of the hands have pushed one of the cheeks before the blood start gushing from the mouth and something with a tip is visible on her left.

4- Why in the video her face becomes fully covered with blood just after the cameraman decided to go behind the man in white shirt for few seconds and thus hiding Neda's face?

5- Why would she bleed out of nose or mouth if it's a heart shot or even a chest shot? and after having lost so much blood on the floor?

7- Why the 2 versions of the video are different ??!??!?
In the Video 1 : it's very obvious that it's fake and acting while in the video 2, it seems that the girl was killed , probably eliminated by whoever planned the plot.

Third Discrepancy
A New picture emerges:

and Posters

Now look at the difference:

It is revealed there is another Neda but somehow MSM wrongly took her picture. This "new" Neda fled from Iran on 2nd July 2009 to Germany via Greece and a article is published in German news which explains it is just a case of mistaken identity.
Original Article Link
Translated Article (Google)

But after so many discrepancies is it really a simple mistake or was one video a staged act? Was the second Neda paid to stage an act? Or were both videos faked?

Maybe there's a Neda Soltan that was shot dead in Iran, and maybe the woman in the video is Neda Soltan, but there is clearly a Fake video intended to provoke the public sentiment ,no one can look at this objectively and think otherwise.
If Neda Soltan is the woman in the video then she was acting in the video 1 before being eliminated in video 2 by those who planned the video and planned it's distribution to the media outlets around the world.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:29 PM
Very good job and a well laid out, thought provoking thread. I guess the thing to do here is look at who would benefit from staging such an act? Who? Why?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:11 PM
ok, heres the general rundown

Cross = because she is christian? names mean jack (and her name sounds persian to me...does your name sound agnostic? does my name sound wiccan?)

1) I dont see what your seeing...are you asking why is the blood under her and moving out...thats sort of what happens when your bleeding to death

2) she was actually shot right below her neck...upper chest. this is not a instakill headshot/ got a few seconds to live..enough to look around at the people surrounding you (also explains why the men were holding try feebly to stop the bleeding).

3)actually, the blood starts coming from her mouth and nose, as what would happen when blood pools up and the heart keeps beating..consider it vomiting blood but with the heart pushing the blood, not your stomache muscles..Why do people touch faces of those about to die? you can figure that out.

4) you can clearly see the blood come out on cam...if you can stomach it, watch it will see it very clearly.

5) people actually have a fair amount of blood...and in consideration, what came out from the blood pooled in her lungs is not alot. I could lose more than that with stepping on a nail.

7) (what happened to 6?) there are two different camera angles of the same video.

lets just wrap this up..whats easier to believe, that there was this absolutely genius yet pointless 2 video creation by master filmmakers creating a pretty common practice for ..?, or that someone in a protest got shot (potentially by accident) in a place not known for their tolerance towards dissidance

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
ok, heres the general rundown

Cross = because she is christian? names mean jack (and her name sounds persian to me...does your name sound agnostic? does my name sound wiccan?)

I don't know your (real)name so I cannot conclude what "impression" it would give. The circumstance states here that for the World it got an "impression" of death of a Muslim female. Accept it more than half of the "western" world don't really now the difference between Arabs and Muslims. For them Arabs =Muslims.

Even a simple search for surname "Soltan" provides first few Muslim related links (excluding Neda Soltan): and

It can be taken a way to sensationalize a Muslim death in an Arab (Muslim) country to evoke stronger emotional response.

You didn't responded though..why did all major MSM cropped the picture? What's to hide if anything? The deliberate cropping of images in MSM to hide a religious symbol?

1) I dont see what your seeing...are you asking why is the blood under her and moving out...thats sort of what happens when your bleeding to death

No I am not asking that.

2) she was actually shot right below her neck...upper chest. this is not a instakill headshot/ got a few seconds to live..enough to look around at the people surrounding you (also explains why the men were holding try feebly to stop the bleeding).

3)actually, the blood starts coming from her mouth and nose, as what would happen when blood pools up and the heart keeps beating..consider it vomiting blood but with the heart pushing the blood, not your stomache muscles..Why do people touch faces of those about to die? you can figure that out.

4) you can clearly see the blood come out on cam...if you can stomach it, watch it will see it very clearly.

We see blood coming from her mouth. She is not sputtering it out, or coughing it up, as in an inability to breathe. Rather it appears rapidly and self flowing, and runs down both sides of her mouth, almost exclusively.

Shortly thereafter blood appears to pour out her right nostril . . . Looking carefully in the video, it appears that both the mouth and nostril bleed occurs right after a hand is seen pushing up onto or into them. These flow patterns appear more to be from a blood bladder timed for rupture when the camera was in the correct position. And the nose bleed appears only after what appears to be a rapid slight-of-hand insertion of blood into her nose.

The missing blood trail on her forehead is also unexplained.

5) people actually have a fair amount of blood...and in consideration, what came out from the blood pooled in her lungs is not alot. I could lose more than that with stepping on a nail.

Irrelevant to the subject. Nowhere I stated people have low quantity of blood.

7) (what happened to 6?) there are two different camera angles of the same video.

6) removed/ misspelled. Yet again you ignore the foot position in both video I mentioned in OP. You ignore "blood pool" missing in 1 video under the shoe of the person (wearing blue-white striped tshirt). You ignore the already large quantity of blood pool under her legs which seems to be accumulated.

What is more interesting is it's said she was shot by a Basji Member. As the Basij is a volunteer paramilitary organisation, most Basiji are not permitted to carry a firearm except for special requirements.

lets just wrap this up..whats easier to believe, that there was this absolutely genius yet pointless 2 video creation by master filmmakers creating a pretty common practice for ..?, or that someone in a protest got shot (potentially by accident) in a place not known for their tolerance towards dissidance

The easier path is not always the truth. You can believe whatever you wish too. I am more inclined that Video1 was staged to present a more sensationalized version or both videos are hoaxed.

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