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Second Swine Flu (H1N1) wave?

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posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 01:59 AM
I was just watching the news (in Australia) and they said we need to be ready for a 2nd wave of H1N1 which will hit hard. They had a rather large segment on it and told us at the end that the vaccines were available free. They also interviewed a mother who was holding her very young baby. She was saying that her baby got swine flu and got very sick, and she urged us just to get the vaccine because you're better safe then sorry...when in reality less than 500 people died from H1N1 last time and your chances of getting are are 1 in a million...and even if you do get it, it isn't even that deadly in most cases...they are over exaggerating this to the extreme...again...

Maybe the first round was just to make us feel safe because nothing happened, so now we will be more than willing to go out and take the vaccine to prepare for this 2nd wave?

EDIT: Sorry, fixed up thread title spelling

EDIT: I thought I'd just link an article or two to back up what I'm saying:

EXPERTS predict a second wave of swine flu will hit Australia as early as the end of this month.

Figures obtained by The Sun-Herald show that just one-fifth of NSW adults have been immunised against H1N1.

Robert Booy, an infectious disease expert at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, said there was evidence a second wave was coming and it was possible that it could be worse than the first round last year.

Epidemiologists are warning Australians that a second wave of swine flu is likely to sweep through workplaces, homes and classrooms.

They say it is only avoidable if people vaccinate themselves against the virus.

Across the Northern Hemisphere the swine flu returned with the winter cold, and according to the World Health Organisation, it claimed thousands of lives.

But Professor Robert Booy, from the Westmead Children's Hospital, says this can be prevented from happening in Australia.

"Never before have we been in this position where we had a highly effective and safe vaccine so that we could intervene and stop that second wave," he said.

[edit on 8/2/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Have you read about the thousands of pregnant women who lined up, dutifully, for their H1N1 vacs this winter?

Forgive me for not having exact figures in my hands, but a very large number of them miscarried- some well into their pregnancies (viability). CDC, USAAMRID, WHO, etc., all blamed flu for the events. Not ONE person- Fauci, Sebellius, etc., has had the you-know-whats- to study the vaccine as an abortifacient.

I would be very interested in whatever people find on this- pregnant women are a paradox- VERY healthy, if they take care of themselves, but at risk, as their immune systems are working for two. And, with the embarrassing (for the researcher) retraction in the Lancet re: autism linked to vaccines (wonder how much that doc was paid by the pharmas to retract his research?), one must wonder what women are faced with-vaccine+ miscarriage risk, or no vaccine and flu risk, which can damage her child.
I will say one thing-opinion only- were I pregnant, one could not drag me to a vac clinic. The risk of flu damage to infants is FAR lower than the vac risk ( which I remember reading was something like 20% loss of pregnancy, once vaccinated). 1 in 5- no acceptable- and TPTB owe us an explanation.


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