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Your Music

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:28 PM
I don't think there has been a thread started where musicians can post their band/solo material. If there is already one of those threads, I'm sorry. I already did a search and nothing came up. Or perhaps I just suck at searching.

Anyway, I figured that this would be a good opportunity to see what other musicians on the board are doing with themselves. Feel free to post any of your material in this thread. This should be fun.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:31 PM
Great idea! I have lots of quirky music, but not aware of how I can transfer it to a digital file. Prolly a good thing.

I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by argentus

I concur....great idea!

Here we

my crew

[edit on 6-2-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:24 PM
Here's a little solo thang....


your turn whine..........

[edit on 6-2-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:28 PM
That's some great playing, whaaa. I couldn't even begin to imagine trying to even play guitar like that. Urgh, I can't hold down chords at all. I think the last time I tried it didn't help that my acoustic had strings that may as well have just been razor blades.

Good to hear a metronome in the background, too. Reminds me that it's something that I should use when I play bass, but I'm often too lazy to do so. I dunno, I lack the incentive to even play bass as often as I used to these days. I used to play for a couple of hours a day and now it might be just a couple of hours per month. I need a band, really. The only downside is the musicians around here don't have the same musical interests as I do. I have a vision of what I would like to make, but I need to play in a band with likeminded people to achieve a particular sound.

On a lighter note, how long have you been playing for, whaaa? You play really nice and clean. I wish I could fingerpick like you could.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Whine Flu]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Whoops, I guess it is my turn to share. I don't really have much to share. I don't have the means to record my bass playing or anything, but lately I've been dabbling in electronic music. I figured if I get myself motivated I might make a downtempo album or something.

Anyway, here's a song I made using FL Studio. A lot of people don't like FL Studio, but they just haven't given it a chance. All you need to do is get the right VSTs and sounds and you can make some cool things. I'll share a piec that I made recently with you guys. It'll probably require some patience, though. It's just a chilled out downtempo song. It's quite lengthy, too, at 11:11 (not a coincidence). I found the one free guitar sample on Looperman and I shifted the pitch of the loop and made music around it.

Here it is:

Urgh, took me forever to upload, now that I'm on dialup and all. How I miss thee, high speed internet.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Whine Flu]

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