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Timelapse U.S. map on economic recovery

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

They'll never let us know the real #'s.
Gotta just keep on keepin on.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by lilwolf
Good Lord... that is scary as hell.... And where in the world do the so called geniuses in the district of criminals get off playing that we are al getting better....

this is astounding....

Ans: Because saying that we are all broke and busted won't get them re-elected.
Don't rely on politicians to do anything to help.. You are own your own now. Sockpile water, food and ammo. Pray.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:58 PM
So this is really not a surpirse to me and probably many others here. All a person has to do is travel across the US to see it. I have over the past year and can seriously can say that I went back into cities like Indianapolis and watched in get worse and worse each time...a period of about 6 weeks apart.

I am now back in Canada and very happy for this. As our nieghbor;Please be careful down there now. I seen a mention in this thread about false flags and I also read it in a Vancouver Canada daily paper as well. The next one will happen you betcha and due to the ways the 911 truths have been hidden ( or tried to be) you must believe that any false flag that comes now can only be a final blow and a step towards people looking to the GOV for help. This in my opinion is the only alternative for TPTB.

I hope I'm wrong but what other conclusion could there be in this "HORROR MOVIE" that like JASON & FREDDY never seems to end.

Unemployment can and will drive Men, Women, and Children do things that in a normal world they never would have. Extreme Hunger & Poverty in mass like what these #'s are portraying is not Normal for most US citizens. Anywhere else in the world they can handle Haiti.

Now think of a Haiti size situation hitting the US? But with a government that can and will control you.

The numbers are most likely quite far from what reality is, but at this time if I we're an American I wouldn't be thinking about (Wow look at how fast it's happening) I would be thinking (Wow what are the ramifications of this)

Be well

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Underemployment is at 25% in America. This is the poor middle class getting crushed, with equity reduction, massive debt and or bankruptcy.

If I lost my 40K job in 2008, then my house, then my car, and incur debt just to eat and have shelter, but finally get a part time job at $10.00/hr for 30hrs a week in 2010, I am employed. But underemployed, and in no way can contribute to the economic recovery, because I am just paying off debt and the bare necessities of life.

This is not my personal scenario, but I know some in similar situations.
The chart does not tell the real tale of whats really happening in America now.
And employers can pay less now too because they know how desperate people are for jobs, any job any wage.

It is a terrible situation, and how many people with college and university degrees are working retail and the service industries way below their proper pay scale with huge student loans?

American Dream, ppffff, more like the American Nightmare.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Blue_Jay33]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:16 AM
Listen to what blue jay just said..its bare necessities is what yuo can afford* this is what the middle class is being reduced too. this is part of the new world order ploy* desrtroy the middle class,s ol they have tp turn to the government for help, have your rights stipped away, and soon enuogh the constitution. Thier turning the middle class essentially, into a 3rd world country, so thier is NO middle class. only poor and rich* the rich will dominate and kinda rule over everything..its in effect as it seems and our government istn do squat to disprove this.
corporations are just as guilty. greed and power.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:22 AM
they dont want yuo to have a house, they want yuo huddled up in some overpriced in rent hole in the wall apartement. Huoses in a snes, are only for rich people. by comparison, this is what the SS did often in nazi germany..move iin, take a jews house and property and trun it over to thier SS buddys. the middle class will be forced ot have to get 3 jobs to jsut make ends meet. the problem is illegal immigrants take up so much of that room, and corporations WILL cut yuor salary down, yuor 401K.
our government bails out the big banks who couldnt even manage thier own money, and laundered god knows how much illegaly, wether it was for drug dealers or wall street, thier one in the same more or less as far as im concerend.
Thier used to be a time, when the middle class meant yuo had a good salary job with room for potential and promotion. but now, its for illegal immigrants and those in the cool club* It just seems, this system governement adopted, started by corporations, is to elimainte americans in general* so thier are no lawsuites..just DO as i say and work, or else.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by 5 oClock

The unemployment rate is a trailing indicator, meaning only well after the economy starts going sour does unemployment go down, and only well after a recovery is underway does unemployment go back up.

We can't begin a real recovery until our total debt loads have gone back down to reasonable levels. The important charts to look at are the various debt charts that are out there. We are nowhere near a recovery based on those charts either!

Of course the money supply is a pretty important chart to look at too considering the risk of hyperinflation. I'm not convinced hyperinflation will happen in the next few years, though its looking more and more likely lately. The US money supplies are actually growing at a reasonably slow rate at the moment. But another number to look at for hyperinflation is the Fed's balance sheet. It isn't looking particularly impressive these days and I question where their next big printing spree will begin... probably in the next few months. From my perspective, an expanding balance sheet for the federal reserve means the Fed is basically printing up more money.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:48 AM
Well, forget about Denver! We obviously all need to move to Nebraska.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by seism

That was an even scarier vid lol .. I did notice that Michigan has been a continuous red eye sore throughout the entire decade.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:03 AM
we may be poor...
but look how colorful america is getting! that'll cheer us up!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Nathan_Orin
we may be poor...
but look how colorful america is getting! that'll cheer us up!

Survivalist will tell ya that a positive attitude is part of the battle to survival.

Just to clear up the title of this post: it was meant as sarcasm folks.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:17 PM
Perhaps their definition of recovery is not the same as ours.

Hmm, anyone remember Orwell and 1984....didn't they call this Newspeak in that one????

And we pay their out all incumbents.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by lilwolf
Good Lord... that is scary as hell.... And where in the world do the so called geniuses in the district of criminals get off playing that we are al getting better....

this is astounding....

Ans: Because saying that we are all broke and busted won't get them re-elected.
Don't rely on politicians to do anything to help.. You are own your own now. Sockpile water, food and ammo. Pray.

no problem there...we have been prepping for about 30 years, have the shlter all stocked and well hidden, BOV all ready to go, guns in place , lots of food, water, meds, clothing, weapons, vehicles, fuel, and hundreds of other things all placed and ready to be used when needed...

When it all falls I am the group of people we have chosen over the past 5 years will meet at a designated spot and go to the shelter... and we will not be back for awhile ...

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