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China is the new model of the U.S.

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 01:54 AM
Read your local MSM source and take in what is happening to Google on a global scale when it comes to censorship. Far to often these days it is becoming very normal to "censor" a persons media and instead being fed goverment substitute dredge that is meant to entertain and coax the reader away from any political goal.

Google in the last week has threatened to pull there service out of China completely because of censorship and you know what.........? They could care less, the general public of China has many other free sites to keep them busy that spews main stream China style media that has already been neatly goverment approved. Carrot on a stick, McDonalds through the drivethrough, tax breaks on middle class.

Whatever you want to call it, this is the model that Obama would have you accept. Who is it exactly that holds the key to the majority of our national debt? Who has the bonds? Do any of you actually think that 30 years ago a communist country would be allowed to wield such power in the greatest free nation of the world???

Why can't we see what is happening? What is the problem with Americans today? I guess the true Americans are too old to fight back, the remember freedom but there age and bodies betray them and they are helpless in the face of this new threat.

Mind you well of this google fight within China. Mark my words and hear me now that this fight will be upon our doorsteps within years and we as Americans and free people from the west will have to choose between a free choice and minority or we will all have to conform to the censorship that our OWN GOVERMENT will enforce on us for our own good.

Read the #ing news, understand what is happening in China RIGHT NOW, Realize what Obama is doing to our country. Understand this is WHERE WE ARE HEADING IN RECORD TIME.

Whatever you would say about me, all I ask for anyone who reads this post is to do some simple reading and searching. Inform yourself about the world as it is existing on a day to day basis right now and take nothing for............. What it used to be.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 03:25 AM
China's already making more noise with the USA .

Don't talk to our enemy or else you'll become our enemy is basically what they are saying if Obama meets with the Dalai Lama, shame really that the US has to bow down ( or at least China thinks it should) to ensure that tensions do not rise anymore than they are.

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