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All citizens should watch this video FOR THEMSELVES

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:57 PM
Form your own opinions, without the help of Ed Shultz, Glenn Beck, etc., etc., etc. The following videos are SO much more valuable to American Patriots than any opinion coming out of the mouth's of multimillionaire mainstream corporate media whores.

In my opinion, the following videos from today showing Obama answering questions from the entire republican congressional caucus at their retreat in Baltimore show that Obama has conviction and backbone. This format was good for democracy, and any true patriot will take the time to watch these videos.

I give Obama quite a bit of credit for walking into the proverbial 'lion's den.' He answered questions directly for over an hour from house republicans. I think we should all be able to agree that televising discourse like this is more along the lines of what our country needs to become more informed, and able to judge things for themselves. Obama deserves props for this (regardless of whether you agree with him or not), and I challenge and implore all ATS members to view the exchange in its entirety:


[edit on 1/29/2010 by skunknuts]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Thanks for posting these. I agree that everybody should watch them. It is imprtant to keep an eye on the gov't.

Even if you think they are all liars.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Actions speak louder than words. I will wait and see if this is just more crumbs for the serfs or a glimmer of hope.

After all that he has done in the last year I really don't trust Barrack/Barry or whatever his name is.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:28 PM
Ooh I saw that show!It was a rerun.For the 420th time.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

I saw the whole thing, and it was just great. You know he knocked this out of the park when Fox news cuts away and gives a weird reason as to why they stopped broadcasting the president. When Obama agreed to come to their shindig, he told them as long as the media cameras could be there and they agreed. They agreed because they thought they could make a fool out of him and push their passive agressive attacks on him, and it didn't work. And I agree that this is how people could tell which side is lying or not. He actually debates them and bring examples where the republicans just make grandiose and all encompasing/boiler plate views and call it a plan. The republicans thought that they where going to thump him, but he thumped them right back and then some. Even the other conservative pundits said he did a good job. Can you imagine Bush standing up their in front of the Democrat caucus and answering questions for over an hour, questions that where loaded no less.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
Ooh I saw that show!It was a rerun.For the 420th time.

If you can't tell the difference between this and the other 419 things you saw, you are truly in the smaller bubble in your avatar. I think you need to be choosier with what you watch on your boob tube, it might make you an 'idoit.' lol.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Anyone can answer the questions of ignorant GOP-ites...

Let's see Obama field questions from ATS.

Now THAT would be something special!

Good thread though, I will check out ALL of the videos eventually. Looks great so far, thanks for sharing this Skunk!

I am glad the Pres is at least trying here. I am sure he feels terrible lol.

However at ATS he would be in big trouble. I would ask for extreme moderation from the staff though for something that big and important.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

LOL, that would be a lot of fun. I'm sure there is a core group that could pose some tough, relevant, and respectful questions. I completely agree with keeping politicians feet to the fire, but Obama (and bush to some degree) have faced a baseness that I don't think they deserved. OK, I think Bush pretty much did deserve what he got

But I think Obama is trying to do his best by our country, again, whether one agrees with his policies or not, and thus the gutter sniping trash is unwarranted, unhelpful, and says more about the spewer than POTUS.
Seriously, our country needs adults working on the numerous issues that we face....


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

You are incredibly naive to fall for this. The man has been president for a year. A year in which he kept virtually NONE of his major promises, incl:
--openess and transparency
--banning lobbyists from the inner circles
--no politics as usual
--ending the war
This is a president who promised (google it) dozens of times to have health-care legislation debates on C-SPAN.
So he has a loss in Mass and to persuade the American people that he is a good guy, that he is a victim, he spends half a day talking to Republicans! Are you kidding me??? It changes NOTHING.
It changes NOTHING about HIS policies.
HIS party is in you not get this?
With his party, he could have started today to fulfill HIS promises.
He doesn't NEED the other party for anything.
Only a PR prop for the tv cameras.
Are you so blind that you cannot see this?
I guess you are and so you will continue with your eyes wide shut.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by pumpkinorange

Yeah bush never lied, he was a saint! Only obama gave money to the corporate plutocracy, bush gave nothing! Only obama starts wars, bush didn't start any! During obama's presidency 9-11 happened, while under bush and the faggot cheney nothing happened.......

Give me a break man! You hate democracy and you hate the democrats even more. I can see it in your smile. Oh and I am not trying to prop them up because I agree they are liers, BUT OBVIOUSLY FOR DIFFERENT REASONS!

The day obama tries to change anything will be the day he gets shot behind the head JFK style by some half-competant, military-industrial complex puppet sponsored by the republican party.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by pumpkinorange
reply to post by skunknuts

You are incredibly naive to fall for this. The man has been president for a year. A year in which he kept virtually NONE of his major promises, incl:
--openess and transparency
--banning lobbyists from the inner circles
--no politics as usual
--ending the war
This is a president who promised (google it) dozens of times to have health-care legislation debates on C-SPAN.
So he has a loss in Mass and to persuade the American people that he is a good guy, that he is a victim, he spends half a day talking to Republicans! Are you kidding me??? It changes NOTHING.
It changes NOTHING about HIS policies.
HIS party is in you not get this?
With his party, he could have started today to fulfill HIS promises.
He doesn't NEED the other party for anything.
Only a PR prop for the tv cameras.
Are you so blind that you cannot see this?
I guess you are and so you will continue with your eyes wide shut.

For who did you vote in 2000 and 2004??? Just curious, as I wonder exactly when your eyes became so much more open and seeing than mine. Which anti-war rallies did you attend? Don't call me blind, I have been interested in politics since before I can remember, and most likely could run circles around your fascist radio inspired rehashed dogma.

Or, more likely, you are bitter because you are the one that got fooled. I know for what I voted, and am somewhat satisfied so far. Obama is the president, not the messiah.

He did not promise to end the way this year, and I trust him to adjust the timetable, within reason....It seems it is quite a bit easier to start a way, preemptive or otherwise, than end it responsibly....

On transparency, no he hasn't been perfect. He addressed it in his talk today. However, why don't you do a little research comparing the openness of this administration vs. the last, or any other, for that matter (check out the exec. order he signed his first week, since cons are always bringing-up executive orders that supposedly prove this or that).

He stood-up in front of 140 members of the opposition party, and listened and answered to questions that many people on ATS bring-up daily. Can you imagine Bush doing something like that, and, perhaps, the effect it would have had on his credibility??

One more thing for all you haters. Obama did not use a teleprompter, and had full grasp of all subject areas. In fact, he seemed more versed in the specifics than the people trying to get him to screw-up. I am happy, if for no other reason, to have a president that is intelligent and informed.

Listen Pumpkin, if you are a legitimate informed tea-party libertarian, we most likely share many ideals, while perhaps differing on how to get there on some. However, if you are a 'newly-awakened,' ignorant, arrogant, most likely racist, Palin worshiping tea-bagger, well all I can say is enjoy your convention if you can afford the price of admission.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:51 PM
That's ironic... from my prospective.

I was flipping channels, minutes ago, looking for CSPAN3. I landed on CSPAN2 and my DVR is paused on that very video right now.

OMG Bohner shaking hands with Obama?!?!? This truly needs and intro by a cigarette smoking Rod Serling.

BTW ... does any cable/satellite company offer CSPAN3 ?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

I have DISH, and only CSPAN 1 and 2. What's on 3? Dems. vs. Reps. road rules or something?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:14 AM
Great Thread Skunky,

You beat me to it.

I'll say it. He whiiiiiped their......

In all seriousness, he took the bull by the horns, and the Reps came off looking poorly. They admitted it was a mistake to keep the cameras rolling after the speech. You won't see that again.

What does it take for people to see what's in front of them, any cop off the street could tell you, Obama was in the right in general. Factcheck said he blew the 1.3 trillion by 100 bilion, it was actually 1.2 trillion.

Look at the people asking the questions, there is video of that. If you don't hear it, you probably won't see it either. It's in the eyes, the body language, and your instincts. But you can't be biased. Look at Obama's expressions, that was not just frustration, it was indignation. He felt sick at the spectacle.

He was telling them not to do it, and how it hurts everything, their response is to do it thoughout the entire Q&A.

He had the other deficit numbers right. If you do the fact checking you also find out the Republican budget, actually had no numbers, just what to cut. Sort of makes a budget not easy to ignore, rather impossible to take seriously. That budget would freeze anything but defense medicare, and essentials. No discretionary spending. You know what that means?

No COBRA - Obama cut COBRA costs by 65%
No more extended unemployment
No food stamps for families
No nothing. You need? tough you die.

No I don't mean for minorities, I mean everybody.

Factcheck said the Rep's triple the deficit is really double the deficit in 10 yrs. On and on.

According to the Republicans they have a health care plan that gets everyone covered, and costs nothing. What do you think the odds of that are?

All the laments over the non televised backroom deals on health care. Do you think a bunch of Senators and Congressmen are actually going to let you in on the kind of stuff they were doing? They were horse trading. They are all corrupt. But at least the Democrats fix things, and actually want to help. I grew up in a Republican family, I know the nature of the beast.

At the end of the day my Conservative brethren don't make more money than I do, they're just a whole lot more miserable than I am. I lost more than half my income and value last year, but I still have enough. I know people freaking out in my own family because business is down. That's sick, you know what they do? fire people so they can keep more. They know you will work harder because you need to eat. They could care less if you live or die.

Obama is in the Executive branch, he can't control the legislative process, remember three branches, separate. If he could control the other two it would be a dictatorship.

But he took the blame. Did you hear anybody take the blame for anything from 2000 to 2008?

Obama is not your enemy rich people are.

Have fun everyone.

Ziggy Strange

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by skunknuts
I am happy, if for no other reason, to have a president that is intelligent and informed.
Listen Pumpkin, if you are a legitimate informed tea-party libertarian, we most likely share many ideals, while perhaps differing on how to get there on some. However, if you are a 'newly-awakened,' ignorant, arrogant, most likely racist, Palin worshiping tea-bagger, well all I can say is enjoy your convention if you can afford the price of admission.

Skunk, I apologize for being too harsh..writing after a bad day and not thinking more before I wrote. We prob do share ideals and may differ on how to get there and no Palin isn't on my compass/sun dial. I agree Bush wouldn't have done it, but I don't recall defending Bush in my post.
You say you are "happy, if for no other reason, to have a president that is intelligent and informed." Indeed, Obama is very intelligent and very well-informed. And he is a superb orator and off-the-cuff speaker. And good looking and charismatic and personable. We knew all this before the election, did we not?
What exactly was the reason for the meeting today?
Ask yourself this. You understand politics.
Because Obama doesn't know something they told him?
Because he is going to change his mind about his principles or policies?
Because he needs more than the majority in both houses to accomplish his agenda?
No my friend, it was because of the election in Mass, the drop in opinion polls, and the stalled health care bill.
So the meeting was tactical.
Now the hope is the American people will see him as the good guy, the victim, the defender against the naysayers with different principles.
All tastics, my friend, no substance went on today as the employment lines grew longer and national debt ticked higher.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

I've seen on many YouTube videos that have CSPAN3 tick in the corner. They are usually really nice coverage of the most important stuff.

They covered this GOP vs Obama Smackdown on CSPAN2. I never found CSPAN3 (I have Dish also).

And to respond to Obama ...and correct him... YES! we elected them to go to DC and fight it out in steel cages Smackdown style. He deserves to get the Helen Thomas Beat Down. She could kick his ass.

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