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United Corporations of America

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posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:01 PM
The Article

Following the recent Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission to allow unlimited corporate funding of federal campaigns, Murray Hill Inc. today announced it is filing to run for U.S. Congress. “Until now,” Murray Hill Inc. said in a statement, “corporate interests had to rely on campaign contributions and influence-peddling to achieve their goals in Washington. But thanks to an enlightened Supreme Court, now we can eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.” Murray Hill Inc. is believed to be the first “corporate person” to exercise its constitutional right to run for office.

To ANY of you who thought this passing in the supreme court was a good thing, shame on you and you're utterly asinine thinking.

Now, to be fair, this is all satire and not actually true, but it is essentially true. Corporations now have full reign over our country. Before, an individual lobbyist payed, what was it? 36000 a DAY? Well hey, corporations can now double and triple it.

We're going to have senators with corporate branding on their backs and a presidential race between McDonalds and Burger King. Buy a whopper and support our candidate!

If what all this means isn't clear to some of you, let me draw the picture so a 5 year old can understand; politicians have no need to care about the people anymore, if they even have for the past 20 years. They have full corporate backing. They don't need to fund raise anymore. They don't need to give to charity to boost their image. A corporation with THEIR interests can now support anyone they want with their full backing.

We have no power left. None. Zip. Nadda. The only ability we have left, is the ability to rebel, revolt and a new revolution, and when the 2nd amendment is destroyed, that will be gone too. We have lost all say over our government, and any amount of sovereignty we may have had is gone.

Enjoy your United Corporations of America, people; oh wait, citizens are now going to be called customers.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

Like citizens actually had power to stop this from happening, would be nice though

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

That was the question I ask to those that were in favor of the supreme court decision, if any of them knew now whether corporations can be stop now for running for presidents of this nation.

I guess I got my answer now because none of them were able to tell me.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:38 PM
Just as bad as the United Unions and Special Interests of America, which seems to be the agenda of the current Washington Administration.

I think people are blowing this out of proportion.

If you wanna take a stance against corporate political spending, fine, but atleast include all the damn ACLU and unions which are basically jut legislated corporations anyway, and ban them from it too.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by SlasherOfVeils

You do understand that this reach beyond America businesses alone, the corporate world is bigger and much wealthy that just special interest and unions.

Yes, money in Washington always been linked to corruption, but now is going to flow unrestricted and will come from anywhere in the world.

We are a global economy and all corporate America is Link one way or the other oversea, the advantage of the Supreme court decision is now open to everything and everyone.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Well maybe I am naive in the ability of stupidity that the people of our nation are capable of, but I have the feeling that (we) can recognise, for what it is, if a candidate is being backed by foreign powers.

The big thing that a lot of people seem to have issue of seems to be the feeling that we will be representing electorial candidates up on a podium smothered in corporate advertisement, and just like having a Budweiser and a Nike car at the NASCAR rally, that we would have a likewise labelled Budweiser, Nike and (insert corporation here), patch covered candidates up in the stagelight.

I think it would give a good and strong message for those willing to take the stance of running a true grassroots campaign. Sure, we love our namebrand items, IPOD this, Honda that, but when it comes down to it, we still want our nation run by our nation and give the people some credit-- if they see some dodgy chinese communist corporate elective being propped up by twelve digits of foreign money, that we, the people, can see it for what it is.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

A gift to you...


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

There are only a few explanations for the OP:

1. You do not understand the ruling;
2. You haven't read the ruling;
3. You need stars and flags; or
4. You are intentionally misrepresenting the truth.
(my guess is #4)

The Court struck down a section of a complicated statute that barred corporations and unions from spending money directly from their treasuries — as opposed to their political action committees — on television advertising to urge a vote for or against a federal candidate in the period immediately before the election.

America's remedy?

Change the channel!

Just as with any other advertisement, if you do not like the sponsor or the message, you can ignore it or make fun of it or criticize it.

Do you really contend that just because a union or a corporation or a partnership or a co-op says something on TV, that everyone is powerless to defend themselves?

The OP amounts to trolling.

The ruling is clear and limited.

Prove me wrong. Quote the part that says corps. can contribute directly to a candidate.

You cannot. I dare you.

Deny Ignorance!


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SlasherOfVeils

No necessarily, corporations as private entities also enjoy private life even more than us common citizens, private donors hidden under privacy acts doesn't have to tell where the money comes from.

This used to be call in politics "soft money" now is going to be backed by the privacy laws for corporations

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
Is it possible that a congress person, House rep or Senator, is honest and purely wants to represent its constituents. The decision he/she makes is contrary to the interest of a big business. Could the big business intimidate them by funding opposition. What is the chances of this person winning again.
We should be demanding a strategy that regardless of the number of candidates running for an office, if the total votes combined for all candidates is 50% or less. All the candidates should be considered disqualified. This way if the voters want to boycott the candidates and nobody vote for them. Nobody will be elected. The power will still rest with the people. This is just a thought. Others may have different suggestions.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by jdub297

So let me get this straight. You're implying that the corporations ability to directly contribute to the ability of a candidate to be out there, does not directly contribute to the candidate?

The media is the STRONGEST arm for any politician to get known and get elected. It is a propaganda tool, and when you have the ability for corporations, which already control it, to buy more and more time on ANY media outlet, the candidate they support will be the best publicized candidate. Furthermore, following the belief that we already exist in a system which is an illusion , that for years now corporate and outside entities have been manipulating the political scene for it to appear as if the right and the left are really so dynamically opposed, then this ruling basically gives corporations even MORE control over the system we live in.

The media today really is the biggest thing behind everything. Music, Movies, TV shows, Politicians, what ever is on the tube being publicized and gaining attention is going to be successful. The media can destroy these things to. This is utterly self evident for anyone with the ability to observe your very lives today. It controls what a majority buy, what a majority think, what a majority do....the media controls our lives! It really does! Not all people, not a lot of the people on this site, but a majority of peoples world views, beliefs, thoughts on issues is controlled by the media. And denying THIS would be ignorant of the truth.

Stop reading what the ruling says and look at the effects they can have on the system. This was just another move for a giant hand slowly putting our nation in a clinch, and perhaps the very world as we know it. Money is now God, and who ever has the most money has the most power in this cult of money.

And you're right; it isn't just corporations but really outside entities as a whole. ANY influence from outside our borders sticking their hands in our cookie jar is at blame for many of our problems today. Don't think I'm saying that because of this ruling we're screwed; we've been screwed for a while and this ruling was just another forward motion for the hand clenching us harder, and more people are just starting to realize this.

Charlie, I actually like this idea. Even though it is possible this can still be manipulated, at the very least if there is a true division from what the majority thinks to what is decided in government, it should be stopped. Regardless of what it is, even if it really is a good thing. Because this was supposed to be a government by the people, not by some people. This basically acts as a filibuster on the system from the people it is supposed to be serving.

Now I'm not really worried; I've never lost my faith in humanity because in a lot of cases what a lot of humanity has done isn't through their own free will, whether overt or subvert. We're naturally intelligent beings, just because a system of smoke and mirrors has created an illusion for some people doesn't mean they can't figure it out eventually. And trust me, I still believe the human spirit is alive and well. When TPTB finally decide to make the final move in crushing us with their giant hand, the people will fight back. I must sound rather optimistic with the state of things, especially peoples minds, but my optimism isn't a falsehood.

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