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This is how we can reverse the descension to hell.

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posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 07:38 PM
We get the hell out of wars.

The War on Drugs

The War on Terrorism

Bases throughout Asia and Europe.

These are wasting trillions of dollars per year and they do not benefit the average American.

If we stay of out others' affairs we can save enough money to fund Universal Health Care.We will be able to feed those who are unable to work. Education won't stink as much. Taxes (hopefully) won't be as high.

I believe that it is that simple.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

You forgot to kill all the lawyers, tar & feather all politicians and end fiat currency.

But your list is a nice start.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

I agree that would be nice but when you have the neocons firmly entrenched in governing America and the PNAC as the primary operating system, then I sadly don't see much hope in your plan becoming reality.

Satan, open up your gates cause we be marchin in.

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house.

[edit on 25-1-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

Bravo die_another_day! These are fine suggestions and require intelligent discussions on how we go about making it so. What are your suggestions? How do we pull out of all the wars we are involved in?

How do we end the war on drugs?

How do we end the war on terrorism?

How do we go about pulling our bases in Europe and Asia out? Should we do so against their wishes or should their be a reasonable time line negotiated.

I applaud your suggestions but encourage you to offer well thought out strategies in how we accomplish this.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 08:01 PM
You must realize, the war on drugs, war on terrorism, the war on anything is here for a reason. Someones view sees it fit.

We see things as we are, not as they really are. My advice is get rid of biases, fears, anything that influences you, get rid of it in the concept of you will no longer allow it too have any impact on you.

Start over your thinking process, starting by trying to discover as if you were just born. if you truly do it, you will be looking at everything as if you have never seen it, and its quite and experience. When doing this, visit nature, no matter the weather.

You will start to see a new world, and looking at the old will make you very confused. what you previously belived you know no its only based on other peoples opinions, something that led you to a dark room in the first place. you decide you will rely on yourself, and experience your life, not other peoples views of life.

You start to see how all systems work, you will probably take great intrest in engerneering due to your new approach, or art, i took engenneering.

If your in school, it will be hard to stay focused and will probably drop out as i did. its for the best, you now have much more time to learn the way you want too. life is not about anything but experience, nothing is good, and nothing is bad.

Although the down side, connecting with people is rare. not many people hold your views, and when you explain, they are either amazed at your thinking, depending the person, or they are confused and think you might need help.

By all means, go to see a Doctor that deals with and area of how to keep a normal mind, and explain what you did. they will then follow and do the same, or say this is just you exploring. I made a friend with my old docter, he now says I cured his depression. so thats a good thing.

you will start to write papers on your views on how the world should be, and not how to fix it. truth is, it dosen't need fixing. it needs a complete reconstuction. and that is coming soon hopefully. and if so, you may be considered on of the people to help it happen, although this life change would make a title meaningless.

Live life for the experince, not for the survival and the worries that come with it. nothing is good, nothing is bad. its your choice, so for your own sake, make everything good. learn the lessons and grow.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 08:25 PM
I totally agree that there seems to be a better way to handle our affairs. I, myself, am committed to envisioning a better world. But there is always a bigger picture. Try researching some of the philosophical thoughts on conflict and progress.

Many people would agree that you can't progress unless you have something to overcome. So while it's important to acknowledge our shortcomings, it's not all in vain. I think if people fully understood this then the injustices of the world would make a lot more sense.

Think about your own personal experiences. Of course we all dread the trials and tribulations of life. But when you look back, do you not say, " Well, I'm a better person because of what I went through"?

I'm of the opinion that everything has a purpose. There's a natural balance in the universe, a yin and a yang, and this is all part of the process. Go back to the basic laws of physics. Nothing moves unless acted upon by another force. These conflicts are what move us to progress and not be stagnant.

What the overall goal is, I don't know. But you can find logic in all of it.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:46 PM
I believe that we can pull out of the war as easy how we got into it.

Just stop.

All soldiers need to be pulled out and Iraq and Afghanistan will be left to rebuild with reparation money. We must not leave troops there or control their governments. Meddling with Middle Eastern domestic affairs after a pullout will probably screw their nations up even more. It was never the government's intention to help the Iraqis in the first place.

War on Drugs? Maybe it should be the parents' responsibility to inform their children about drug usage. #ed up parents like my grandparents? Well, my parents realized the dangers of drugs and they don't even smoke. Countries like China do not have a drinking or smoking age and drug laws are hardly ever enforced. It is up to the parent and child to comprehend the dangers of substance abuse. Government simply makes things worse by jacking up the prices of illegal drugs and increasing demand and supply.

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