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Ventura is Releasing New Book on Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:30 PM
...........I might read it....


Published Saturday, January 23, 2010

MINNEAPOLIS — Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is taking on everything from the attacks of Sept. 11 to the elections of 2000 and 2004 in a new book examining conspiracy theories. A news release says Ventura’s book is “an investigative journey to prove that there is more to our national history than the government wants us to know.”

I have not seen his show, but I must say I am a little weary of any major media influence on our conspiracy theories. Or maybe people who think like us have just finally hit the mainstream?

Does anyone know what the title is?

[edit on 24-1-2010 by InertiaZero]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:19 PM
Lets see.

Jess did a good job avoiding the "finer details" of the conspiracies he already covered.

He didn't show crap. Nothing. Half the show he was chasing metal from the wreckage while doing nothing to point towards the "near free fall" of the buildings, the sketchy crash site of Flight 93, the anomalies in much of the video evidence, the practice drills of that day, the fact that FEMA arrived in New York nearly 24 hours prior to the planes hitting, etc etc.

Alls he did was chase metal that was locked away and forbidden from his inspection, and offer some "guy" who said "we found the black boxes" (of course that was not said on camera).

Great job at bringing the watching world populace to a halting disinfo checkmate.

Now most people say "oh I know ALL about 911 conspiracy...Jessi told me all about it on TV"

The rest of his shows did the same thing.

Offered basic bread crumbs that didn't even scratch the surface of what "an average ATS user" knows (never mind a REAL conspiracy buff with decades of research behind them), and then moved along to leave the "unaware masses" feeling "awakened and informed".

I can see his book now!

It will have a really nice cover with lots of colors and shine...but when you open it, it will contain one or two sentences that really have "little" to do with "real conspiracy", and when a reader is finished reading it- they will feel like they are totally informed and "move along" assuming the knowledge is the end-all depth at hand and forget the subject forever.

And when someone says " don't understand, let me fill you in n some facts-"

They will quickly say-

"don't bother, I read Ventura's new book and know all I need to know already". shock that Alex Jones backs this guy as well.

Sorry Jess...if you REALLY ARE someone standing up for "truth" and seeking the gritty REAL conspiracy info, you sure fricken failed with your crappy paper-weight show.

In defense of Mr V, I understand he may have had limits placed on him. TV is not a free forum where anyone can say whatever they want without permission.

But really...his show made a mockery of every conspiracy he touched.

I would like to personally speak to him about this.

Hey! I know he reads this goes a shot in the dark-

MR VENTURA lets talk. I can call you, or you can call me...but lets get together and find out "how real you are".

If not...I won't be buying or promoting that book, due to the crappy show you just made.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Not sure exactly which you meant, so here are both.

Ventura will start a tour March 8 to promote his book, “American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies the Government Tells Us.”


He is currently hosting a TruTV series with a similar theme, called “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

The show is awesome, although many on here seem to think it's too simplified, I enjoy watching him. He turns the tables on those that think they will outsmart him, and never gets cornered by a comment or question. (I'm a fan) The one exception to this was on the 9-11 show. Someone he was grilling asked him if, as a Navy Seal, he ever did or saw anything that should be secret. I'm paraphrasing, but the question was basically that. Anyway, Jesse had to admit to that.
Otherwise I think the show's top notch. You can find the episodes on here or on youtube.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Dogdish]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:26 PM
His show sucks, like most show they just ask more questions then they can answer, just pandering to the nutters. And if he knows so much why is he not coming out with all the juice secrets he has?

His book will be like the show, just show.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
Now most people say "oh I know ALL about 911 conspiracy...Jessi told me all about it on TV"

You'll have to admit, most of the people who are saying this are the same ones who thought they knew everything after they saw the Popular Mechanics show.
I think that is a win for the good fight.

I do agree that he has his hands tied as to what he can cover on his show, including the time factor in an hour long show.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:32 PM
And the book title is similar to Minnesota Senator Franken's book (which made Bill O'Reilly go ballistic!) haha. thanks.

reply to post by InertiaZero

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Dogdish

The people who say his show is too simplified are the people who are pissed off that he is not sharing the real information with the public.

You seem to enjoy the show.

Notice he did a show talking about "the genocide plot of global population reduction".

Did he bring up Baxter's little mishap with the live unradiated avian flue that accidently made its way into "this years" vaccines?

No...he didn't.

Wonder why...that was huge news and very recent and pertaining to his subject very well. But he simply didn't "go there".

Wonder if Baxter was a "sponsor"?


Just know that I have been neck deep in this conspiracy crap for over two decades, and you can tell when someone is spinning small-fish-facts instead of delivering the "hard hitting crap".

And Jess does nothing but deliver bubble gum watered-downed information while (apparently) avoiding more serious details on the very conspiracies his show covers.

His crew/staff researches THIS SITE, there is no excuse for missing the "larger picture" or "finer details".

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:38 PM
Im going to be really angry if I see one of my threads on his show.

I checked it out just a second ago. Im filing under "Ghosthunters" and "Paranormal state".

It's the same concept. The concept is like this:

State the theory.
Meet witnesses/involved parties intros.
Show some questionable evidence.
Ask a bunch of questions at the end, with nothing resembling a conclusion or concensus.

Thats the formula. It's BS.

Hmm...this thread has taken a harsh turn on Mr. Ventura.

I will read his silly book, if my fiance buys it as a present. Or if a friend lets me borrow it.

Im not giving him any of my money.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Yeah and if you watch the show every episode features banana flavored foods.

reply to post by InertiaZero

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Unfortunately, I dont think I will make it that far into the series.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Dogdish

You'll have to admit, most of the people who are saying this are the same ones who thought they knew everything after they saw the Popular Mechanics show.
I think that is a win for the good fight.

I dunno...again, I admit, in Mr V's defense, "he may be victim to editing and limitations of television. But I also know that the government has made it clear that they wish to "infiltrate groups of conspiracy" (and no, I am not talking about the recent thread on ATS). With that known, you need to look for the front-men of that agenda. Who are the mouth pieces to help sway us? They would have to be rich, powerful, influential and it wouldn't hurt to be an ex-navy seal.

I do agree that he has his hands tied as to what he can cover on his show, including the time factor in an hour long show.

I hear you...and I give that idea some credit. But, I STILL can not explain it all away by saying "naw, Jess just didn't have time to point out that FEMA arrived and set up in New York the day BEFORE the planes crashed" (never mind all the other stuff he failed to mention.

Look...I hope he is a good guy trying to save the world. Really I do!

Hell, I LOVED the movie Predator!!!

I just don't see him doing anything but shoving real evidence under the rug while airing crap for ratings and money.

I hope I am wrong.

Hell...I think I'll write to the guy and ask him politely to meet for an interview.

Doubt he will agree, but heck, its worth a shot.

I really WOULD like to trust his agenda here.

But sadly it reeks of a "cover-up-snow-job-hack-piece".

It really REALLY does.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:55 PM
People, we all have to understand that you can't feed a baby solid food meaning you can't just expose whole ugly truths in their entirety on an ignorant public. You have to give them a tiny, watered-down taste of the truth else they will just write the whole thing off.

I think it's great that alternative thinking and distrust of the government has reached the level it has with this show. Any movement towards the truth is a good thing.

We here at ATS are a severe minority. Sure, the circle of friends that surround us probably have the same mind-set but most people do not.

I hope his show returns and is successful. I think the show's methods of just inspiring enough doubt to get people curious and thinking and hopefully doing their own research, just as most of us started out doing.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:24 PM
I am in agreement with amance.
Jessie's show is NOT for us. The ATS crowd. We know way more in-depth details then the average Joe on the street, right? So ...
If you start telling the general public, or no, this is a better scenario ... say you know what you know from being privy to this site and maybe inside info as well. The facts as you know them are in dramatic opposition to the 'story' told to the public.
If you try to shove those facts down the throat of the 'sheeple' they will just toss it up and out of their mouth. And, remembering that bad taste forever, they won't want to hear anything more about conspiracies or shadow governments or NWO.
But, if you feed the John Q public some snippets of the real story ... hints that there is something more you weren't told ... then that might get the their ears to perk up. I believe we humans are a curious lot by nature. And when a morsel wets our appetite, we will seek out, on our own, for more of the same.
The show does that. Gives them a morsel. If they are not too brainwashed yet, then they may just open an eye to the possibility ( what we know as probably and most definitely) there is more behind what you see in the MSM.

[edit on 1/24/2010 by LatentElement]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
reply to post by Dogdish

His crew/staff researches THIS SITE, there is no excuse for missing the "larger picture" or "finer details".

First, I think you're totally right and correct.
That said; I still feel I have to defend the show.
For instance; have you noticed his "crack team" almost always is amazed when Jesse comes into their conference room with a new idea? Bad acting aside, I think maybe they're real good at something, but conspiracy theory isn't yet their forte'.
Given that, can you imagine what it's like for them (or the writers, probably not that well versed, either) to try to make sense of this website?
As to the de-population episode, I wonder if that show was recorded before the flu "accident".

Okay, I feel better.

Maybe think back, to what made you realize that there was more going on than was being fed to us. I bet it wasn't as much information as is shown by any episode of Jesse V.'s show. I think it's reaching a lot of people, and maybe that's shown in the growth of membership, here.


"State the theory.
Meet witnesses/involved parties intros.
Show some questionable evidence.
Ask a bunch of questions at the end, with nothing resembling a conclusion or concensus.

Thats the formula. It's BS."

I don't know if I want any TV show telling me what to think, or telling the populace at large what to think, either. I don't think the world has a need for the Billos or the like, and maybe given the facts instead of opinions...

Well, I enjoy these shows (not really Paranormal State, tho) and expect his book is more geared to the "grown ups".

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