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Profiting From Haiti's Crisis: Disaster Capitalism in Washington's Backyard

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posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:21 AM

Profiting From Haiti's Crisis: Disaster Capitalism in Washington's Backyard

US corporations, private mercenaries, Washington and the International Monetary fund are using the crisis in Haiti to make a profit, promote unpopular neoliberal policies, and extend military and economic control over the Haitian people.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:21 AM
In the aftermath of the earthquake, with much of the infrastructure and government services destroyed, Haitians have relied on each other for the relief efforts, working together to pull their neighbors, friends and loved ones from the rubble. One report from IPS News in Haiti explained, "In the day following the quake, there was no widespread violence. Guns, knives and theft weren't seen on the streets, lined only with family after family carrying their belongings. They voiced their anger and frustration with sad songs that echoed throughout the night, not their fists."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:14 AM
You bet.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

There is evidence that the United States found oil in Haiti decades ago and due to the geopolitical circumstances and big business interests of that era made the decision to keep Haitian oil in reserve for when Middle Eastern oil had dried up.

There is also good evidence that these very same big US oil companies and their inter-related monopolies of engineering and defense contractors made plans,decades ago, to use Haiti's deep water ports either for oil refineries or to develop oil tank farm sites or depots where crude oil could be stored and later transferred to small tankers to serve U.S. and Caribbean ports

Tap Haiti's oil, keep it so poor it will be grateful for slave wages at sweatshops. Let sexual tourism and the white sex-abusers do as they will.

Transfer quickly more Haiti properties to foreigners and render the "good" Haitians as maids, butlers and servants in US/Euro-owned Haiti tourist resorts like the rest of the Caribbean.

Militarize Haiti so that dissent is not possible even as a thought.

That's perhaps UN Envoy, Bill Clinton's "best chance in my lifetime" scenario for Haiti. (read for much more)


Yes, I've posted this all over ATS, and I will keep posting it until people WAKE UP!


[edit on 22-1-2010 by silo13]

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