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Communism vs Democracy.

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posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:54 PM
TheRebel22 just because I care about the wellbeing of my fellow man makes me a red commie? Aight... as you like. I'm not talking about fair wealth distribution.. as I said earlier.. I am just talking about a more organized social security system which has better checks and balances against idiots who abuse it. But when you have an incompetent government run by a religiously motivated president.. it's hard to expect much.

Polskie: The U.S. government is too busy spending tons of $$$ on wars and political programs designed to force unwanted capitalisic/democratic/western values on people in the middle east who do not want it and simply wish to be left alone. It is the reason for all the Islamic Fundementalism in the first place. Keep it up Bush! I know you like it.
The United States is basically bringing itself to it's own demise so that a few politicans can become wealthy.

Heh, a Federal government which regularly "looses" several million dollars and can't find it.. wtf? Yet will add on to the national debt like money doesen't matter anymore.

[Edited on 26-5-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 10:15 PM
you did say this didnt u?: As an American Socialist

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:00 PM
Capitalism has brought many good things into the world. The competition it spurs brings forth technologies faster; it allows countries to grow independently. What it doesn�t do is level the playing field for all to have equal opportunities. In true communism (which like several have said, has never been tried) it is essentially leveling the playing field and allowing ALL to have equal opportunities in the world. Instead, capitalist governments usually choose to allow big business to become lords, and we are the serfs that forever toil their soils.

I know the distribution of wealth isn�t exactly 90 to 10, but it�s an analogy that still basically fits. Ninety percent of the population suffers so that 10 percent can live in luxury. The ways the lines are drawn are ridiculous � even in the prisons. �poor� prisons compared to �rich� prisons. Senator�s prisons for example� tennis courts, plasma TV�s, you name it they have it. Man I wish I lived in a Senator�s prison lol�

There should be no classes at all. Classes divide and separate, which will always lead to hate and eventual destruction. The class system is how capitalism exists. The poor class works and works and works, hoping that someday they may �better themselves� and become part of the middle class. Middle class works and works and works, hoping that someday that they may �better themselves� and become part of the upper class, that they may achieve the �American dream�. The economic class system is nothing more than a clever caste system, something that America supposedly despises (look at how America spoke out against India�s caste system).

Am I saying that Communism is the only way to go? Not at all. Communism isn�t the answer, but Capitalism sure the hell isn�t.

Perhaps the answer is in a demo-communistic government�

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by TheRebel22
you did say this didnt u?: As an American Socialist

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:14 PM
The way I see it, government doesn't really work at all. On small scales with everyone in agreeance, sure but when millions of individuals involved, breakdown is imminent.

Look at our democracy, for example...

Aside the fact that we are a Federal Republic with a representative democracy for the establishment of legislature and the election of our leaders, we seem to be failing as a democracy.

I think we've just embraced freedom and liberty to the point which we believe we are too free and liberated to be represented by others anymore. Which in turn is allowing greedy and power driven groups to usurp the power from the people.

If you don't vote, democracy doesn't work...

I think anarchy is probably the most natural form of government. Everyone for themselves. Small groups arming themselves and contending for limited resources. Survival of the fittest. But then of course, we wouldn't be happy with that and we'd have to re-evolve socially to the paradigms that have all proven not to work to this point. It's all cyclical.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:00 AM
The human being has always been a social animal, always eventually joining together for a common cause.

Anarchy simply doesen't work, in the middle ages some people consider that anarchy.. but in reality people joined villages run by individual leaders... so no matter what happens.. there is always going to be someone who will take charge and people who will follow that person. Even in the absense of a "organized" government.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 10:32 AM
You've got it wrong, RedOctober90. In communism there is only public ownership, no private or governmental ownership. In Socialism there is only governmental ownership, not private or public ownership.


n 1: a political theory advocating state ownership of industry 2: an economic system based on state ownership of capital


n 1: a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership 2: a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society

Do you see the difference? Neither of these work because there is no incentive for work, and the ruling class becomes corrupt, wherein the whole system reverts to an authoritarian-style government. I'd say your beliefs lie more in the 'far-left of democracy' rather than pure socialism. You're a left-wing liberal, congrats!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 10:42 AM

The human being has always been a social animal, always eventually joining together for a common cause.

It has always been in the best interest of our self-preservation to foster others into a social order adept for better survival in nature, and it is only when we create these societies does man become civilizied.


posted on May, 27 2004 @ 10:55 AM
With time every socialist country has turned communist, its one and the same thing. You got Leninism which supposedly was a modification to Marxism for the Soviet union, but its Communism, they just change it a bit, and the name, as the government goes from one stage to the next. Now the Russian government wants the earnings of capitalism but they want a strong Mother Russia still under communism. They are still using the same plan they formed 50 years ago, a great deception for the western world.

As the saying goes "Everybody wants to rule the world"

Now, what would be better, a world under communism/socialism...(hell no) a world under Islam ( I pass...) .........

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